Not sure if you guys know this or not,
But Smoke has a glitch.
Or at least, a very amusing (to me) transition between moves in this corner combo.
Jump in punch
(I prefer 2), so Ji+2, 2, Enhanced Smoke puff (d,b 2) J+2
[Just jump Up and 2] then enhanced teleport (d,b 4)
The transistion happens after J2, and enhanced teleport.
Sorry if has already been posted, but try it for yourself and see what happens :laugh:
It's kinda tricky after you do the jump in 2, then 2, smoke puff (I have a hard time with it going into uppercut

This combo alone is like 28%.
Also, found a way to do it easier if your having problems with Ji+2,2,db2 ; is just start with enhanced smoke cloud instead
I must also add the enhanced teleport must be done IMMEDIATELY after the Jump punch