Sgt. Stryker Dec 20, 2015 Dude, I don't even know you. But I just came here to say, that your forum avatar is *sniff* absolutely beautiful. It's like an onion, makes me want to shed a tear. Keep up the good work in representing all ass lovers alike. :adore:
Dude, I don't even know you. But I just came here to say, that your forum avatar is *sniff* absolutely beautiful. It's like an onion, makes me want to shed a tear. Keep up the good work in representing all ass lovers alike. :adore:
Zero Suit Rosalina Nov 9, 2015 Because of your wonderful avatar, I though you would like this :p
Because of your wonderful avatar, I though you would like this :p
Shirayuki Mizore Aug 20, 2015 Nah you only needed something broken to win matches if you were Premo of War lmao.
Shirayuki Mizore Aug 20, 2015 Watching my old shitty Youtube videos, an ORC one in particular and I brought up how you got SFxT over ORC, I fvcking remember how mad I was :laugh:
Watching my old shitty Youtube videos, an ORC one in particular and I brought up how you got SFxT over ORC, I fvcking remember how mad I was :laugh:
Shirayuki Mizore Jun 25, 2015 That's how you divorce your 1,000,000,000 different waifus. I'll make sure to spend some time with Mileena before you eat her too
That's how you divorce your 1,000,000,000 different waifus. I'll make sure to spend some time with Mileena before you eat her too
Shirayuki Mizore Jun 25, 2015 You can pay them in 1 Jill Varuntine. Oh ate her :rolleyes: :love: :love: :love:
You can pay them in 1 Jill Varuntine. Oh ate her :rolleyes: :love: :love: :love:
YungQ94 Jun 25, 2015 Yeah he was vine famous for a hot minute. Ratchet humor is funny in doses. That's for sharing lol