Official MK Poetry Thread

kold_as_ice92 said:
well the topic is Official MK Poetry so i guess not. you probably have to make ur own thread for that

Ok thanks, this is my first entry into the MK thing here. It is about the Kintaro and his endless killing in the Kahns Arena on Outworld. Then after many many years, Kintaro meets his match in the form of Kalevanpojat (my character from the kreate a kharacter thread) :lol:

Outworld colloseum, a forboding place, endless death & destruction

Oh great beast of untold power, Thine emporers ultimate champion

Stripes of black and orange , Four pillars of crushing agony

Hear thy deafening roar, hate filled eyes, arena of blood.

Eternal killing machine, no end to the slaughter,

Stench of rotting corpses, all have lost to the great one

Decades have passed, the story kontinues, he has lived too long

New beast enters, mechanisation is the future, too much pain

Too powerful to defeat, Onaga's new champion has taken the lead

The shokan has fallen, destroyed forever, a feat of greatness

Kalevanpojat is the new champion, victory over all, Onaga will reign once more
Lui Kang

In life ther is one rule, posses the right teachings. Only then can one recieve the gifts of threat, knowledge, and peace. You try to challenge and channel your anger, but more remains. Anger clouds the mind. Turned inward it is an unconquerable enemy, You are unique among your brothers, but for you choose to face this enemy alone. But as you face it do not forget them and do not forget thee.
I like the rap you did so I'll do one.

Awoke picked a control it was a quarter til noon
Like the car camercial I was ready to zoom
Game started up I'm prepared to battle
soon as I got on Onaga teeth started to rattle
went through the first stage fast and so swift
caught Kenshi's ass trying to use an air lift
Struck with Raiden he frightened I'm still fightin
He got up again shocked his ass with white lightning
finished the second, third, fourth, and the fifth
beatin the cpu's it's startin to get pissed
then korba came in trying to hit me with limp wrist
blocked his shot, chomped his top, and then pissed
after doing my duty I unpaused the game
faught a couple of other ma fuc kers that were lame
Then at who busted upon the scene
mad with a dick up his ass it was the dragon king
then it went down the cpu fought really
I still wooped his ass
and slaped the bitch silly :lol:
Haha, I actually said Korba instead of Kobra.. Korba sounds better o.o

Here's my funky Motaro rap, G.

His name is Motaro and he's a cen-taur-i-an
Kicking ass and takin' names like Dr. Kevorkian
You hear a gallop from off in the distance
Run for cover cause he'll take your head off in an instance
I ain't fibbing and I ain't spitting lies
But the moment that you spot this centaurian fly
You'll probably have to suck up
And get your ass real fucked up
So pray to your god that your ass won't die

But don't phret, and don't you whine
Cause P to the ROPHET will make you shine
So don't give up, get up and wipe those eyes
Or else that Motaro will eat you alive


The Life saying of The Vampire Nitara.

Blood is the essence of life.
I do not seek to take lives.
I merle take the essence and leaves the rest up to the gods.

As you already know by the year above my avatar it says 2008 i know im much awareof that. but i saw this recently and i just had to respond to it in some way. all of these poems including fan de tanya's poems, they were creative in the most surprising ways, clever too. i know im late but i myself find it to be cool that after all that time i still managed to look back for things i missed and enjoy them. i myself might want to hear more and new MK poems from my future threads. i wonder if i did that what would i hear from the other people and what they have to say out there. hope to see you guys back again!
I was going to draw jade, but then I started freestyling so..

Jade, jade she's got a rockin' body.
When she rides in front she don't need to say shotty.
Cause she'll take you down super quick with her seven foot stick,
haters be sayin' shes compinsating for a dick!
-there was more off the top of the head but i forgot while i was typing and I dont it to be fake.but thats a bad spot to leave it so..
so she'll whoop yuh ass at,
the head of her class.
It takes no effort to introduce yo face to the floor
just a little bit a blood shell be beggin for more
she'll take by force on her own demand,
i'm sayin the punk %^&$#* cant understand
if you fight this jewel you're obviously a fool
your livin in a loose reality
she'll end you're &$^% with a brutality!

man that feels good!I wish i could type fast so it would be kind of authintic, but I like it I think.Yeah I kind of like it.It's short and each set of rhymes very to the extreme when it come to cylibles and that kind of SUCKS!lhamalrofelllllole
I'll try


I am but a specter
No diffirent from you
My clan was all slaughtered
No thanks to tha bald dude
I now wait a hide
To strike at his face
to cut him to bits
Now that would be great.

First Try!
My turn!


Released from the shackels of service
With an unknown future making us nervous.
A blind fate sets us on the path
To redeem our actions as a trained telepath.
An adventure ahead and much to explore
To help save the realms is what we will answer for.
well let me start by saying

you guy's are really lame

instead of playing,

your writing poetry about a game.
I have one that introduces everyone. Here it is:

We have Liu Kang and Sareen, Shao Kahn and Mileena, Sonya, Raiden and Jax
The Chameleons, Hotaru, Darrius and Dairou, Taven, Stryker and Cyrax.

There’s Havik, Movado, Jarek, Bo Rai Cho, Ashrah, Daegon and Jade.
Blaze and Tanya, Goro and Onaga, all will chop you with a blade.

Sub-Zero and Kano, Shujinko and Reiko, Sindel, Ermac and Li Mei
Kintaro and Moloch, Motaro and Shinnok, Reptile, Kai and Johnny Cage.

Next we have Baraka, Kobra and Jataka, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Frost.
If you fight them you’ll die, as easy as pie and you’ll remember the day that you lost.

Then there’s Kira, Scorpion and Sheeva, Sektor, Smoke and Nitara.
Noob, Fujin, Mokap and Drahmin, Nightwolf, Meat and Kitana.

The sorceress Delia, and Argus of Edenia Noob, Rain and Kabal.
Kia and Kung Lao, Kenshi and Hsu Hao will strike you until you will fall.

That’s all of the fighters and the main characters involved in Mortal Kombat.
Play the games now and remember how where Mortal Kombat is where it’s at.
My Fatality Rap:

It all starts out/ with a nasty bloody bout/ followed by a Finish Him that Shao Kahn shouts/
As the blood poors out/ of the reptilians mouth/ Sub Zero can't stop thinking of ripping a spine out/
Before the blood starts spurtin/ he cracks right through the sternum/ gripping the spinal column and vigorously jerks it/
Now with reptile hurtin/ and blood vessels burstin/ he pulls his spine out/ and finds out /he's not the first person/
Sub zero now means it/ and before reptile's knees give/ he finally decides now its time to f*ckin freeze him/
As cold as the beam is/ it instantly freezes/ reptiles body like a piece of frozen pizza/
Now hes solid as a rock/ and stiller than a broken clock/ sub zero winds up for the final violent shot/
With reptiles body/ purple,black and blue/ Subby shatters his body/ like the end of terminator 2/
Now with nothing left/ for sub zero to hit/ he wins the bloody battle/ with his viscious spine rip/

FATALITY!!!!! Can't wait for Mortal Kombat!!! Loving everything about it!!!!!
I'm anticipating the slaughter and kill, of my enemies after I pierce their torso with Scorpions spear
Horrific screams from the drama as I get ready to perform a fatality
So many casualties, I can't help it it's my mentality
To crush and destroy all my foes, with a rage similar to Kratos
Like excrement from up under Shao Kahn's boot
I will crush every single character controlled by you
Cancel your existence, should have known better than to be my resistance
Up against me, death will touch you like Cancer
Now you on your way to see your maker, only way you'll see the light of day is if you see Quan chi...... Necromancer
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My Fatality Rap:

It all starts out/ with a nasty bloody bout/ followed by a Finish Him that Shao Kahn shouts/
As the blood poors out/ of the reptilians mouth/ Sub Zero can't stop thinking of ripping a spine out/
Before the blood starts spurtin/ he cracks right through the sternum/ gripping the spinal column and vigorously jerks it/
Now with reptile hurtin/ and blood vessels burstin/ he pulls his spine out/ and finds out /he's not the first person/
Sub zero now means it/ and before reptile's knees give/ he finally decides now its time to f*ckin freeze him/
As cold as the beam is/ it instantly freezes/ reptiles body like a piece of frozen pizza/
Now hes solid as a rock/ and stiller than a broken clock/ sub zero winds up for the final violent shot/
With reptiles body/ purple,black and blue/ Subby shatters his body/ like the end of terminator 2/
Now with nothing left/ for sub zero to hit/ he wins the bloody battle/ with his viscious spine rip/

FATALITY!!!!! Can't wait for Mortal Kombat!!! Loving everything about it!!!!!

I likes it bro!
I've never done a poem before so I wanted to try I thought this would be fun so I'll try it out
Scorpion's peom
Vengeance is my and all in my way
Death toll to hell is what I shall bring
No mortal or Magik could ever stop me
injustice death of my people
shall give me the strength
near my open graveis where I was reborn
And thus you would pay With my kunai in your skin I draw your corpse near
You will see hell in my eyes as I pull out your heart
For vengeance is mine