lol my sub is still rusty as hell though, keep dropping everything; and get mesmerised under pressure
lol yeah hes good, but not unbeatable lol
lag makes the matches alot harder than they should be
but thats online, have to deal with it :L
and yeah sub mirrors are like chess matches lol any mistake will cost you the match
just get the life lead and turtle, force the other guy to make mistakes
read the ice and trade with ex ice lol
but its so damn hard still lol
came up with something yday. count down the clone and pressure just before it disappears
hard to reactionary clone again, and i get to build chip lol
crazy quan lol
didnt know how to approach on wake up
came up with some stuff now though
try it out next time lol
and far the rune trap is a ***** LOL
thought you would do your b+3, 1+2 but you overhead everytime lol
lol yeah hes good, but not unbeatable lol
lag makes the matches alot harder than they should be
but thats online, have to deal with it :L
and yeah sub mirrors are like chess matches lol any mistake will cost you the match
just get the life lead and turtle, force the other guy to make mistakes
read the ice and trade with ex ice lol
but its so damn hard still lol
came up with something yday. count down the clone and pressure just before it disappears
hard to reactionary clone again, and i get to build chip lol
crazy quan lol
didnt know how to approach on wake up
came up with some stuff now though
try it out next time lol
and far the rune trap is a ***** LOL
thought you would do your b+3, 1+2 but you overhead everytime lol