A little poem I wrote, not MK related.
I Watched
by Toxic
She held aloft the cigarrette,
The brown-white stick of death.
All her friends were smoking,
I mean, it couldn't be that bad.
And so I watched
She took the marijuana,
and held it at eye level.
They said that cigarettes were worse,
And she was only going to try it.
And so I watched
Now it was cocaine,
Straight lines of pure white powder.
You had to snort it up your nose,
but they said the high was incredible.
And so I watched
And now I look at her face,
It's been twenty years, though only one has passed.
Another life taken, another life wasted,
Why did it have to happen?
Because I watched...
I love you. No homo. I love you though. This poem gave me chills.
I hate reading.
Edit: I guess I shouldn't make a double post, so here's a poem.
We are many, you are but one
Fight me now, the time has come.
As we win we take your soul,
to try and fill the empty hole.
No not one that resides physically,
the one we get from thoughts written lyrically.
The thoughts swirl around in our heads,
we were really resurrected from the dead?
Shao Kahn comes now, so we must go.
When we can write again, we do not know.
Ermac 2 -
We failed him, we did.
As we ran, we panted and hid.
Little did we know that Shao Kahn would find us.
He trapped us in a placed he said was for "People with a lack of trust."
We saw Kitana for a short time.
She was nice enough to not feed us grime.
She had to hurry,
as she said 'for us to not worry
you will be out of here soon,
before the ascending of the moon.'
The words she said had confused us so,
we begged and pleaded she hadn't go.
Though she had left, leaving our mind to wonder,
in the distance we heard some thunder.
It was peculiar, as it was not raining,
until beneath us we had heard some straining.
A door opened, and there stood a man,
he had red on his eyes and a sword in his hand.
He had come to free us, so thankful we were,
we had gotten up with a "thank you sir."
Off we went, escaping the tower.
It was good to see our power.
We had used it for good, first time that we can remember.
Ermac 3 -
Kenshi. Kenshi is the name of the blindfolded man.
He is blind but can fight better than most men can.
We ran to a place, distant and far.
Past an outworld museum, theater, and bar.
He had abilities, we could sense it with no problem.
We asked if he had used them before, he shook his head, grim.
We had taught him a move we had used when we were a damn fool.
It is called and forever will be, the Telekinetic Slam.. our jewel.
He thanked me and led us to others.
Ermac 4 -
Raiden, Liu Kang and Kung Lao?
They had said they needed our help, now.
A king named Onaga, a dragon no less,
had controlled their friends, the scene was a mess.
We agreed with haste and we went to go see
the dragon king Onaga, whom we slayed, setting the friends free.
We adhere to good, nice, heroic.
When we look back at our lives, we appear stoic.
On the inside we hurt, and feel guilty.
Will we make up for all of it? We'll see.
Wow. My poem skills are HORRIBLE. ;_;
Edit: I also hate writing.