If you could be an animal...

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What would you be, and why?

Personally I would be a teagle (a mix between a turtle and eagle, I made it up in art class, don't hate). Why you may ask? Because it is simply the most majestic and kick-ass animal ever!

A Teagle? Bahahaha, thats so ****in cute bro! I like it

I want to be an Eagle. They are badass, I want to fly up high in the sky like them, and I could take a shit on who ever I want.
What would you be, and why?

Personally I would be a teagle (a mix between a turtle and eagle, I made it up in art class, don't hate). Why you may ask? Because it is simply the most majestic and kick-ass animal ever!

napoleon dynamite?

well mynickname is JORDFROG, (its my psn too.)

so.. a buffalo!

no.. FROG!!

But i like turtle's better.. i'd be that. a teenage mutant ninja one.
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