Chapter 18: Favor for a Friend
Jill Valentine and Barry Burton went out on their search for Ada Wong and Carlos Oliviera. The two former S.T.A.R.S members walked cautiously through the quiet city streets, trying to not draw any unnecessary attention. The two ended up at an alleyway, seeing a dead body on the floor in the distance. They looked closely to see that there was a pump action shotgun next to it. Barry nodded at Jill, signaling that he was going to try and get the shotgun. Barry approached the body, recognizing it. "It's...Kendo. The gunshop owner." He sighed, remembering the day Kendo personally delivered him his custom-made Samurai Edge to the S.T.A.R.S room at the Raccoon City Police Department.
Suddenly, Barry heard a low, growling sound. Before he could react, Kendo came alive and tackled him to the ground. Barry cringed, looking over at Jill who reacted quickly by running over towards him, knife in hand. Jill threw her leg back, accumulating momentum in her foot as she swung it forward, kicking Kendo in the stomach, getting him off her partner. Jill got down on one knee, shoving the sharp combat knife into Kendo's neck, killing him instantly.
Barry wiped the sweat off his forehead, helping Jill off the floor. "Thanks," he said softly, in relief.
"Don't mention it. Just be more careful. You never know who's dead and who's still alive."
"Got it. Thanks for the advice."
Barry looked over at Kendo's lifeless body before he picked up the shotgun, looking in the chamber. "Damn, only two bullets."
Jill smiled and responded, "There's probably ammo back at Kendo's gunshop. He was probably out here, looking to scavenge supplies. But we need to find Carlos and Ada first. That's out primary objective, Barry."
"Alright Jill, we'll play by your rules. Lead the way. Have any idea where the two might be? Or at least one of them?"
Jill thought for a quick second before saying, "Let's try the clock tower. Ada might be after me or fleeing from Carlos. I guess we'll find out later."
The two of them traveled across Raccoon City, ending up near the Raccoon City Hospital, with the clock tower in plain sight. "I remember when I took my wife and kid here. God, I hope they're okay."
Jill smiled at Barry, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure they're safe, Barry. Just think positive."
Barry nodded, grinning at Jill before the two headed into the quiet clock tower. Not a zombie in sight, they both holstered their weapons, only the sounds of their footsteps echoing through the main lobby. A sudden feeling of discomfort hit Jill, making her stop. She felt like she was being watched. "What's wrong, Jill?" Jill looked up, having a faint view of something...or someone. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared, waking her up. "SNIPER! GET DOWN!" Jill dived to the side, taking cover behind one of the stone columns.
Suddenly, a loud gunshot was heard, followed by a grunt of pain. Jill's heart was racing. She took a quick peak around the column to see that the sniper was gone. "The coast is clear, Barry." Jill got no response so she looked over to her side, seeing Barry on the ground, a puddle of fresh blood beginning to accumulate under him. "Barry!" Jill screamed as she ran over to him, kneeling down beside him. She saw that the bullet had penetrated his chest, dead center. "Stay with me, Barry! You're not going to die here!"
Barry was coughing up blood before he let out a soft chuckle. "Jill Valentine. Always was a team player." He turned his head to her, just shaking his head. "It's over for me, Jill. You and I...both know it."
Jill grabbed his hand, clenching it tightly. "No! You're gonna make it! Rebecca can patch you up!"
Barry let out another soft laugh before a tear formed from his eye, slowly going down his check along with the blood protruding from his mouth. "Jill I know you'll do this for me. Please, tell my wife and little girl I love em'. At least they'll know...I died a hero." Jill began to cry as well, her tears infusing with Barry's blood as they dripped onto the floor. Barry reached into his vest pocket with the little strength he had, pulling out a birthday card, partially soaked in blood. "It' daughter's birthday tomorrow. I guess her old man won't be there to celebrate...." Barry sniffed and began to cry harder before giving the card to Jill. "Make sure she...gets this...Jill. of my family...for me. Please...." Barry then slowly closed his eyes, passing away. Jill gasped as her comrade died right before her eyes as her tears began to run down like two waterfalls. She looked up at the ceiling and screamed at the top of her lungs. "BARRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!"