Chapter 20: Revenge and a Cure
The night was still looming over as the car had run out of gas, leaving them in the Raccoon City Hospital parking lot, right next to the entrance to the emergency room. Jill sighed, gripping the steering wheel before moving her hand to the radio, trying to tune into a station. All of the frequencies were fuzzy, due to the fact that the radio towers were disabled because of the widespread panic and destruction of the outbreak. After her futile attempts to acquire a signal, she was annoyed by Carlos's shouts from the back of the police car, still being in handcuffs. "Jill! Are you listening to me?! Let me out of these damn cuffs, you crazy chica!"
"Forget it, Carlos. You made me do it. You weren't going to stop, so, I chose to take action."
"I saved you, and this is what you do to me?"
"You saved me and now I'm saving Ada." Jill got out of the car, slamming the door and locking it. "I'll be back." She could hear Carlos banging on the window with the bottom of his foot in blazing anger as she walked into the hospital, being familiar with its layout. "There has to be something in here I can use. I just need to keep my eyes open. Umbrella was affiliated with everything, so they must have had ties with some people working here." The hospital was completely quiet as Jill remembered her experience on the roof with Nicholai, making her shiver uncomfortably. She made her way to the second floor, hearing a distinct sound coming from the other side of the elevator doors. Being extra cautious, she drew her magnum, aiming it at the closed doors, taking a deep breath, calming her heartbeat. A drop of sweat ran down the side of her forehead and down her body as she cancelled everything out from her mind except the source of the noise.
Time seemed to slow down for her as the elevator door began to open, revealing a green, alpha hunter merely a foot away from Jill. The barrel of the magnum was already pressing against the hunter's forehead, Jill pulling the trigger before the hunter could even retaliate. The large caliber bullet went straight through the hunter's head and out the other side, a clean shot, making it fall to the floor instantly. Jill nudged it with her foot, making sure it was dead before moving on into the operating room.
The room was trashed except for an untouched safe on the wall, being in near-perfect condition. This raised her curiosity as she moved closer to it, noticing a numerical keypad. "Perfect. A passcode. Well, there needs to be some sort of hint to it somewhere."
Deciding to exit the operating room, she entered the elevator down the hall and headed for the bottom floor. The doors opened and she jumped back as a small crowd of zombies appeared. They quickly caught her presence of sight and scent, rushing into the elevator in a crazed matter. Jill grabbed onto the railing above her and thrust her leg forward, kicking the leading zombie in the chest. One of the zombies strafed to the side and then jumped at Jill, who caught its head in-between her thighs. It struggled as she tightened her grip and then twisted her waist to the side, quickly, snapping its neck and killing it instantly. She then took a risk, letting go of the railing and launching her body forward at the crowd of zombies, knocking them all over like bowling pins. They started to recover but were denied as Jill bashed their heads in with the butt of Barry's magnum one-by-one. All that was left was a bloody mess that covered the pile of now, completely dead corpses, as Jill put her magnum away. "Now I can see why Barry liked this gun so much...."
After cleaning herself and her weapon at one of the sinks, she noticed an odd-looking machine. It was far from something you'd see in your average hospital. Jill approached it, noticing a small container that had a label on it, reading "Vaccine Base A." She grabbed it, sliding it into the waistline of her mini-skirt. "So that's A. So where's B?" she asked herself. Then she remembered the safe and noticed a sheet of instructions on the machine with a few drops of dry blood on it. She began to read it quietly to herself. "To create the vaccine, you must use the base fusion machine to fuse vaccine bases A and B together. Vaccine B is located in the operating room, in the safe which is locked with a passkey. The number combination is 224." Jill smiled wide and ran back to the elevator in triumph, pushing the button rapidly before the door opened. She jumped in, hitting the door close button, heading back to the operating room.
The door burst open as she ran through them, heading straight for the safe, finally having knowledge of the code. She punched it in as fast as she could, the safe releasing the lock when she pressed enter. Jill swung the door open, grabbing the vaccine B that laid inside. After obtaining what she needed, she went back to the basement, only to see that the machine had been tampered with. She then heard a familiar voice, coming from the corner of the room. "Well, I'm surprised you made it this far, Jill. I guess the Arklay Mansion Incident wasn't enough for you."
"You seem surprised, Jill. You don't really think I died back there, did you?"
"I saw you get killed by that thing you sent after us!"
"Yes, I was. But that was all part of my plan. I was reborn, and I'm stronger than ev---wait. Why are you wearing those clothes?"
"Shut up! I had nothing else to wear!"
"I think you're going to be attracting more than just zombies with an outfit like that."
Jill growled at Wesker's comments, clenching her fists in anger and embarrassment. "I swear, if you don't shut your mouth, you're going to get hurt, especially after all you did."
"Ah, so you're still upset about that?" Wesker laughed, adjusting his sunglasses. "I thought that would just be water under the bridge now."
"Water under the bridge? Are you kidding me? Barry, Rebecca, Chris, and I went through a living hell because of you! You even got Joseph killed before he could even reach the mansion!"
"It was all necessary for my plan. Unfortunately, you ingrates were able to survive, unlike Bravo team." Wesker then smirked, evilly glaring at Jill. "Well, I guess there are only two of Alpha team left now, not including myself."
Jill's heart raced as she realized what Wesker was trying to say. "You...You killed Barry?"
"You're smarter than you look, Jill. You have always been the smart one, unlike Barry, who had the I.Q. or a doorknob."
"Don't talk about him like that! He was a great man! A great partner! He had a family!"
"Well, I guess daddy won't be coming home then!" Wesker laughed manically but was cut off by Jill who tackled him to the ground, falling on top of him.
"Barry had a wife and kid waiting for him a home! Now they won't be able to see him again!"
"Tough shit!" Wesker became furious, pushing Jill off him as fast as she could. "I'll see you dead!" Wesker raised his foot up, preparing to drop it down on Jill who was still recovering on the floor. She quickly rolled out of the way, letting his foot hit the floor at high-velocity, cracking the tile with ease, creating a small crater in the floor. Jill was shocked at such strength, placing her hand on her knee, standing up from the floor. "Can't keep up, Jill? It's your fault. You put on quite a bit of weight since the last time I saw you."
Wesker had crossed the line, making Jill's mind twist and turn, until it snapped in two. "...Excuse me?"