Old School roll call!!!

Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I live in Vegas, there's arcades everywhere :laugh:
Although the only MK's I've found are 2 and 4.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

28 here, I've been playing since the original MK arcade came to our local Tilt. I was hooked since I first saw Sub Zero's fatality, I gotta admit, the early 90's was the best time for arcades, we'll never see days like that again, thank god for PSN and XBL for slowly bringing all the classics(X-men arcade, TMNT 1989,MK II to name a few) to the current gen systems

I've been searching for about a year now to find a MK2 arcade machine but have been coming up empty. Alot of UMK3 but no MK2's. The arcade generation was a good one, I miss it, it was fun, it was like a social gathering. I can't tell you how many moves and fatality's I found out by asking random strangers or them asking me. Made some good friends that way too. Ahhh good times.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

24 in 20 days.

I started playing MK1 and MK2 at mates places, then I finally
bought MK3 on the SNES.

I finally got around to playing MK1 arcade a few years ago,
MASSIVE difference to the SNES port, I know what you old
skoolers are on about. :)
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I remember the first time I ever played MK at a bowling alley when I was like 12. It got me back into gaming.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I live in Vegas, there's arcades everywhere :laugh:
Although the only MK's I've found are 2 and 4.

Dude I would like so totally do anything to you if we trade placed in where we live.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

In short since I have a router that I need to get configured real quick: I worked at Malibu Grand Prix in my teens and we had all the games, Spent alot of time with all the games espicially the fighting games. I can remember when they rolled out the new MKII and MK3 machines like it was yesterday and remember the UMK3 kits being installed and my love for arcade games and fighting games has been solid since.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I am 19 right now, just turned it in January. The first video game I ever played was MKII in the arcades, I was around 5 - 6 years old at the time.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Old geezer like JE and Aggie here. I'm 33 and started playing MK1 just a few weeks before MK2 came out. Me and my friend Chris used to run, not walk, to Westgate mall after school to play. There were usually at least a dozen people around the machine, and it was the best feeling in the world when you'd do a fatality and hear the crowd's reaction behind you.

Then 3 came out and it was exciting at first, but I hated what they did with the story, and the new characters were not nearly on par with Mileena and Shang and the other new ones from MK2.

Then 4 came out and I played it once or twice in arcades and rented it once to play at home, but couldn't really get into it. The graphics and gameplay were so abominable that I just swore off MK and started playing Soul Calibur.

I did play Deception and liked it, but Armageddon and DCU were disappointments. I'm really looking forward to this new one. I feel like I'm in high school again.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

26. I sorta think that if you're an MK fan of any stripe, you gotta be a fan of the old school games. If the player REALLY has any kind of actual interest or affinity for the newer games, they'll be inspired to research the first three or four if they haven't played them. And despite my general acceptance and enjoyment of the last generation of Mortal Kombat, the originals are better. For this reason, I think if you're a member on this site, you probably do dig the originals even if you were too young to enjoy them when they were released.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Lol, why do you say that?

Vegas is a overly glorified dump. Yeah there's the strip, but thats only cool if you're visiting. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the shows here :rolleyes:. And I hate you tourists (not You, a general you).
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 19, been playing Mortal Kombat since the first one when i got it on Game Gear back when i was like 4 or 5
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Old geezer like JE and Aggie here. I'm 33 and started playing MK1 just a few weeks before MK2 came out. Me and my friend Chris used to run, not walk, to Westgate mall after school to play. There were usually at least a dozen people around the machine, and it was the best feeling in the world when you'd do a fatality and hear the crowd's reaction behind you.

Then 3 came out and it was exciting at first, but I hated what they did with the story, and the new characters were not nearly on par with Mileena and Shang and the other new ones from MK2.

Then 4 came out and I played it once or twice in arcades and rented it once to play at home, but couldn't really get into it. The graphics and gameplay were so abominable that I just swore off MK and started playing Soul Calibur.

I did play Deception and liked it, but Armageddon and DCU were disappointments. I'm really looking forward to this new one. I feel like I'm in high school again.

Welcome to the old farts club haha. I'm looking forward to this release alot, but one thing i'm already not a fan of is the new look for the Ninja's. I'm glad there giving us the old school look for DLC. I also have a feeling that there's going to be alot of old school DLC and secrets in the game.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 25 I can remember when the arcade first got mk1 so many people was crowded around i couldnt see much but i use to wait till sunday when it open at like 12 and i would be the first person there and sometime the only for about 30min and i fell in love with the franchise MK and Killer Instinct true fighters for the hardcore
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Welcome to the old farts club haha. I'm looking forward to this release alot, but one thing i'm already not a fan of is the new look for the Ninja's. I'm glad there giving us the old school look for DLC. I also have a feeling that there's going to be alot of old school DLC and secrets in the game.
Yep, I'm getting the scorpion retro from Gamestop, even though I prefer Sub, my wife preordered it for me. I'll probably buy the other two also when they're available, and I'll def. get the female ninjas' retros, cuz they look so good.

I'm really looking forward to the online mode with the spectator feature. I hope they succeed in recreating the arcade feel.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

18 here... was like 8 or 9 the time i met MK. some people just built up a place with consoles where u could pay and play many games. I was always into fighting games so MK caught my attention and the thing i loved about the game was the atmosphere (the stages, how intense they screamed as they took hits), and finally i saw a fatality which blew my mind. me and my friends went there everyday to play MK and there were so many people playing it but it was worth waiting. a day i was going to play and i heard the owner has closed the place forever. i was one sad mother****er....then like 3 years later(now in germany) wanted to buy a game in the store then i found out about MKDA and MKD and quickly bought both though it it wasnt that great like the 2D ones but i still loved it cuz it was MK
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I've been playing since '92. I remember pulling off Sub Zero's spine rip and being amazed at it. Good times.