Old School roll call!!!

Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 28 (I'll be 29 on March 24th), and I remember seeing MK for the first time at a Pizza Hut (which is what I'm having tonight, while playing the demo).
I had a blast playing it in the Arcade, and remember doing the Pit Fatality, with the heads of Ed Boon, John Tobias and John Vogel impaled on the spikes.

My first Fatality was Sub-Zero's Spine Rip in MK 1, on my Sega Genesis.
I've been hooked ever since then.

Can't wait for MK 9.
April can't get here fast enough.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 33.

I remember the release of the first MK arcade game.

I think the other older people will agree that MK II was the height of the series, remembering all the people standing around the arcade cabinets was pretty amazing. I'm hoping MK 9 recaptures that excitement and feeling.
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Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I can very much identify with this post. I've never missed a release! Home release anyway. I am 26 and sheepishly admit that I too get giddy at the thought of a major MK release such as this. I was to the point of obsession back when MK2 and MK3 came out for the old SNES console, even pissed off some of my school teachers with drawings involving fatalities. So I suppose along with a new MK release it brings back certain feelings of the joy that came with it. I remember just a few years back when MKA was coming out, I would routinely look online to check for the latest updates and even in college classes my mind would wander back to MK until I was forced to remind myself that I should be paying attention to the instructor.

If you had told me back when I was 18 that I'd still be playing video games at all by the time I was this age, I would have said you're insane. It seems however, that I will be playing until I'm elderly and arthritis eventually stops me.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 30. The first time I played MK was in 1992 in a now extinct Samoa's arcades in Viña del Mar, Chile.
I always remember the first time I saw in a arcade cabinet, Kano's heartrip and Subzero spinal rip in a crowded place!!!
I think this reboot will be awesome for old time players and newcomers. If the lag is ok I'll wait you since april 19 in xbox live. My gamertag is pulsiondemuerte
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 30. I used to be a huge Street Fighter 2 fan, one day when I was at the arcade I saw this blue ninja rip this womans head off and I was like :-O I have been hooked ever since. My best friend and I met 20 years ago becuase I was harassing him about how to do the different fatalities in the game. 20 years later and we are still kicking eachothers asses in MK, II, UMKIII like they came out yesterday!!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

It was a great era and as cliche as it sounds, I wouldnt trade that time back in the 90's for anything.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

...I was to the point of obsession back when MK2 and MK3 came out for the old SNES console, even pissed off some of my school teachers with drawings involving fatalities....

Nowadays, you'd probably be committed for psych eval for your drawings.:bird: :)
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 34 and still play UMK3 (and MKII sometimes) on MAME several times a week.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Nowadays, you'd probably be committed for psych eval for your drawings.

Oh no doubt! My 3rd grade teacher who was a very crotchety old woman once asked us to draw something that we do in our free time. I of course drew myself playing MK2 with my friend Jordan featuring Jax's glorious arm rip Fatality. She took my work of art and hoisted it up in front of the class berating me mercilessly for being an example of how children had gone bad.. LONG LIVE MK!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

@Supreme MK Warrior and The Aggie Feel free to add me, my screen name is Joel_71 or Joel71, its been so long I don't remember, my PS3 has been used as blu-ray player for the last few months. Better yet, i'll add you guys.

All this talk about Subs MK1 fatality is going to force me to fire up the ROM when I get home and do it, hopefully while the demo is downloading
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Oh no doubt! My 3rd grade teacher who was a very crotchety old woman once asked us to draw something that we do in our free time. I of course drew myself playing MK2 with my friend Jordan featuring Jax's glorious arm rip Fatality. She took my work of art and hoisted it up in front of the class berating me mercilessly for being an example of how children had gone bad.. LONG LIVE MK!

Heh, I played MK for years and turned out ok! **twitch, twitch** :) Amen, brother! MK ALWAYS!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 30 years old and im from Holland, in the past we had big arcades around here and i grew up with gameconsoles so hanging around the arcade was one of my biggest hobby's.
Ive played the first 3 MK's at the arcades and Snes the day they came out, but when MK went 3d they lost me cause they couldent copy the feel of the 2d games.
I must say MK Shaolin Monks did feel like the 2d games, it had very fast action and offcourse the story of MK2 was in there...
So having said al that im very glad that they went back to 2d so my 2 biggest fightfranchises SF and MK are back in all of their glory.
I play all kind of games and still buy every console that comes out, but i did miss MK cause for me the 3d MK's wasnt the way to go.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

33 this year and I'm glad there is no way of knowing how much I sunk in to the MK arcade machines. My awesome wife bought me a PS3 for Christmas so I'll be picking up the new MK this April. I've owned all the MK's with the exception of MK vs. DC.
I've never seen this thread before, but it was a nice little read of people's memories and pasts with MK and forums etc. I'll throw my own little history in there, briefly.

I am only 21, so obviously my time with MK was much different. The first time I experienced MK, that I can visually recall to this day, was at a neighbors house when I was 3. I have 2 older brothers, the oldest who is 8 years older, so you can see why MK was an option. I know it was either when I was 3, or just turned 4, because by the end of that year, we had moved to a different city, thus playing at the neighbors house wasn't an option. Later we also owned MK2 for the SNES, and a kid I became friends with had UMK3 on his Sega. We played those for hours upon hours, mindlessly just having fun with the games, beating the crap out of each other.

That's not to say I didn't play in the arcades at all. I have fond memories playing MK1, spending tons of quarters trying to get to and beat Shang Tsung. I distinctly remember seeing Baraka's fatality in the arcades for the first time at a local mall arcade back when it was first released. I also remember seeing the promotional advertisments in the game stores for either MK3 or MK4, of Sub-Zero doing an ice clone. I can't recall wether I saw the 1st MK movie in theatres or not, but I know for sure I saw the 2nd one when it was first released. I was extremely excited.

I later rented MK4, and a year before Deadly Alliance hit, is when I started coming to forums. In 2001 I had come across the old MK5.org board and joined the anticipation of MK:DA. I was there every night after school, waiting for more information on the game, or a character reveal or bio to be released on the site. I went to other forums as well over that span of time between then and now.

So yeah, my journey and experience with MK has definitely been unique. It's hard for me to imagine a time before MK(literally, it's one of the first visual memories I can recall), and it's hard for me to imagine never liking MK unless it's just not there. It's something that has always been an interest in my life, especially in my middle school and high school days, coming to forums and anticipating the next release. It's always great to see familiar faces floating about as the thread was originally started for. My time may not go back to 1995, but 2001 is quite a long time as well, or at least it's felt like it. It's been good.
I started a different thread in the 2011 section, it was pretty popular, then the mods merged it with this one and then moved it. Before MK I was never into video games really but MK changed all that. I've spent countless hours playing MK over the years, MK9 is great too, I can't wait for the full version.
Jesus...this thread has been a blast from the past. Although the avatar says differently, I was Digital-C in #mk3 on EFnet. So many familiar names here. Kano81, IceMaster, sek, drub0y, McCarron, Tetter, Kahn, TonyD and others. I can't believe in 2011 I'm excited for a Mortal Kombat game but it pulled me to this forum and to this thread.

It was really amazing how a single game brought so many people together and managed to live on well past its lifespan. I don't recall the exact date but we tried to keep #mk3 open for as long as possible and every now and then a familiar face would pop in only to disappear again. I finally left the channel when it got down to only 3 or 4 people and closed a chapter on a really fun part of my life.

I'm still on IRC under the name [d]c but I sadly don't get much enjoyment out of modern video games anymore. It takes something really special or unique to drag me in. Otherwise I'm content on playing old arcade and NES games.

It was fun to read the posts here and relive what seemingly was a less complicated and stressful time in life. Take care everyone.
I'm only 16 my info says otherwise oops. But when I was about 4 me and my brother and cousins used to play MKII on SNES. Since that moment i've been hooked.
I was so good at UMK3 in the arcades but I actually kinda sucked for a long time with the home version.

I REALLY suck at the arcade MK1 but am really good with the home version.

lol, my posts in 2006 really sucked butt.

I think it's because of the run feature that I can do so good at arcade UMK3. Since then, I haven't been as good with other MK games....I'm so used to the run button and I like the quickness. Kinda like Streets of Rage 3. Since playing it, it's odd to go back to Rage 2 (2>>>3, btw) because of no running. I like fast paced games. I went camping a short time after UMK3 came out and they had it at the small arcade there and I had a group of kids gathered around watching as I destroyed everyone with Reptile. That was the first time I had ever had a group surrounding me at the arcade, it was awesome.

MK1 arcade, good god, don't even bother, I blow at that one the most.