Old School roll call!!!

Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Yep, I'm getting the scorpion retro from Gamestop, even though I prefer Sub, my wife preordered it for me. I'll probably buy the other two also when they're available, and I'll def. get the female ninjas' retros, cuz they look so good.

I'm really looking forward to the online mode with the spectator feature. I hope they succeed in recreating the arcade feel.

I'm looking forward to online play as well and if they can bring back the arcade feel that would be a huge plus.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

37, and I've been playing MK ever since it first appeared. Remember seeing the "life-like" actors in the arcade and thinking, "What's this?" Been hooked since the first quarter.

Holy crap!! Just realized I was 18 when it first came out! Now I feel a little old.
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Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 22. I got MK1 for Sega Genesis when I was in first grade I think. My parents promised if my sisters and I made honor roll, they'd get us a Genesis. I've had MK1, MK2, MKDA, MKD, MKA, MKvDC, but I never played any of the MK3s until last year. I was very late to that game and got beat all day. I also played MK4 at arcades, but never very much.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

(30) im an old timer like some of the guys here...i started playing in 92 the first arcade...i remember we were at the international airport in New Orleans waiting for my grandmother to come in....i spotted the arcade...put my money in the machine...didn't know who to pick some older guys told to pick Johnny Cage got whopped in the first round...one of the guys took over and i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw johnny cage knock kano's head off best thing i had ever seen....went home told all my friends no one believed me, went to the mall that next weekend never stopped playing since....
still remember raiden's and subzero's fatality input from the first one....
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Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Arcade crew here as well, just turned 32 back in January.

Saw Raiden's fatality back in 1992 and never looked back since. This will be the first MK I've played in many years though as I fell away from video games for quite sometime. Not too sure if it's a good thing or not, but I still remember 90% of the moves from the arcade games.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Cool guys, thanks for making me feel like the old guy of the group. haha.

@Ricochetmatt MK in the arcade was awesome, there was always a huge crowd around you while you played, winning was the best feeling, and if you were good enough to pull off a fatality it was just that much better.

Hey JE78...dont worry, Im the old man here at 39, but Im the exact same as you. Started with the arcade in 93 and have been hooked ever since. I got the SNES (Couldnt stand the graphics and music on Sega, even with the blood and true fatailties). Later, I bought my very own MK1 arcade game (with a MKII motherboard inside as well) because of my love of the game. I tried to support MK4 and beyond, but I just thought they wasnt true MK games...but at least Midway tried to do something new...but it was never the same.

Now, with this new MK 2011...going back to old school feel and updated graphics, THIS IS THE GAME THAT US MK FANS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE UMK3!!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Thank you!! Some one I can relate with haha. I to am wondering what the younger generation will think about the 2D old school style fighting as well. I can't wait for it and think its overdue, it will be more fluid with the horsepower of the PS3 and 360 so I think its going to be a win win. As for going nerdy, I'm with you, I've been playing MK2 twice as much, even fired up the emulators on my PC for MK1 and MK3. I went to gamestop yesterday to pre-order the Tournament edition but they're sold out. That bummed me out.

JE... we need to send each other friend requests for PS3. Sounds like we might be good competition since we roll old school and haven't been playing the recent version so our skills are probably not up to par with these youngins. Not to mention you and I probably play games at the same time... you know, at night once the wife and kids are in bed!!! Send me a request if you remember or I'll try and do the same whenever I'm on next.

Believe it or not, MK was one of the reasons I got a PS3. I play all my online games on my 360, but I can't stand the 360 controller d-pad and I'm not sure if I'd like using a stick or not... so the PS3 was the obvious choice for MK with it's superior d-pad and d-pad location. I might bump up and get an arcade stick if I get really hard core after MK comes out.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

JE... we need to send each other friend requests for PS3. Sounds like we might be good competition since we roll old school and haven't been playing the recent version so our skills are probably not up to par with these youngins. Not to mention you and I probably play games at the same time... you know, at night once the wife and kids are in bed!!! Send me a request if you remember or I'll try and do the same whenever I'm on next.

Believe it or not, MK was one of the reasons I got a PS3. I play all my online games on my 360, but I can't stand the 360 controller d-pad and I'm not sure if I'd like using a stick or not... so the PS3 was the obvious choice for MK with it's superior d-pad and d-pad location. I might bump up and get an arcade stick if I get really hard core after MK comes out.

Hey, The Aggie, please include me with you and JE78! Im the same as both of you guys as I can still remember seeing Sub-Zero's fatality on MK1 in the arcade and was hooked with the game ever since. I was in my local arcade the same day when MK3 came out and acciendtaly did Sheeva's ground pound fatal and remember everybody cheering for me and asking how I did it...which of course I had no idea what the hell I did!! Like I was telling LE78, I had to go buy a real MK1 arcade game and then get the MKII motherboard to put inside the machine. So, I got the arcade TE stick for my PS3, so I can feel the old schoolness of it all...and I got the Kollectors for the 360 for the art book and bookends. God, Im so broke right now its not even funny, but its sure worth it!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Wow can i join the old farts club? iam 29 and I remember going to the mall with my mom and camping in the arcade and being blown away when I saw sub-zero rip out kanos spine. That image was burned in my head, from that point on i was hooked on the craze that was mortal kombat. When mk1 was released on the consoles my life was complete i had mk1 on snes and was in heaven but it did not have blood, The game play and graphics were the best but with out the blood it did not feel like a true mk. So I would head to my cousins house to play and i came prepared with my copy of gamepro that had the BLOOD CODE!! I believe it was A,B,A,C,A,B,B then the screen goes red and you Heard GET OVER HERE and it was on.
So many great memories of MK I had everything from tshirts, posters to the crappy tiger electronics game. I studied all the char bios and knew all there was of the games, MK2 was and is in my opinion the best in the series. The attention to detail is what grabbed me I mean for some one to WOW me again after mk 1 was amazing. MK3 was great but did not have that charm of mk2 all in all I cant wait to get my hands on this demo today so we can all shout together MORTAL KOMBAATTTTT!!!!!!!!
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 25, and I suppose I was first exposed to MK around the time that MK1 hit the Genesis, so I would have been in 2nd or 3rd grade at the time. I was vaguely aware of the media uproar surrounding the game and I knew that you could kill your opponent at the end of a match, but not much beyond that. Then I accidentally performed Sub-Zero's fatality (I was trying to uppercut, lol) and my jaw dropped.

Around the time MK2 came out in the arcade, I had a good friend that I went to school with who had a magazine (not sure which, maybe EGM?) that had like an 8-page spread on all the special moves, fatalities, friendships, babalities, etc for everyone. We pored over those pages day after day, drawing some of our favorite poses, scenes, etc. Took a trip to a local put-put one day and they had an MK2 arcade machine installed, and a group of about 10 of us from the school spent all afternoon around that thing.

I would routinely rent MK1 and MK2 on the Genesis but I didn't own one until MK3 came out. My brother, about 5 1/2 years my elder, worked some extra hours to buy it for us. We played that cartridge to death! At some point I recall that I did play UMK3 at the local arcade several times.

I remember buying a used copy of MK4 for the N64 some years later, but I didn't actually own any of the other games until MKA. I had a roommate in college who had both MKDA and MKD and we played those quite a bit. When MKDC came out, it took me a while to warm up to it but I never really got into it too much. UMK3 remains my favorite to date, although I enjoyed Deception quite a bit.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Since we are talking old school, all of you old guys remember how AWESOME it was to go into an arcade and see a new version of MK!!!! So the first one was awesome, but the graphics were a bit rough and the controls were a bit stiff too. But seeing the blood, fatalaties, and that awesome and completely digitized voice "Excellent" were just too good not to spend hours just playing and watching other play.

Then MKII comes out and you can't believe what you are seeing. See kids, the internet didn't exist back then... I kid you not... didn't exist... so you walk into the movie theatre, bowling alley, etc. and there it is, completely unexpected. I remember being blown away when I saw MKII. The graphics, the detail, the blood, the voice... all huge improvements. Seeing the young Shang Tsung... oh man, it was just all so crazy.

And then later on the same thing happens when you discovered MK3. I remember seeing the city level stage with the news papers blowing around n stuff. And remember the AWESOME vs. screen where the "VS" get's like lasered into a stainless steel backdrop as you see the unmasked Sub Zero vacing off against Reptile and his cool looking hand gestures.

Those were the days right there. I can almost remember the smell and sounds of those old places, seeing those awesome games for the first of many times. You just couldn't believe how awesome those games looked back then. I guess that's why I completely lost interest once they went 3D. I remember seeing MK4 and my first thought was... wow, that looks like crap!!!! The early days of 3D weren't pretty at all. So glad that MK is coming home to 2D in a next gen sort of way!!!
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Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Im 19 (turning 20 in a couple months) and i've ben playing mortal kombat since grade 1 or so. I started playing mk2 on genesis at my buddies house when i was like 5 or something
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Yep, IDK why they could never make a good 3d game, or even a good-looking one, when the first soul blade had managed to do it fairly well, and soul calibur improved upon it brilliantly. I guess it may have been pressure from Midway, (that's what Boon would have us believe anyway), or it may just have been lack of talent.

Glad they've decided to give up on trying to implement 3d, they could never do it right.

There was a skeleton of the internet back then Aggie, I remember my friend came to school one day with a printout of a text file he got from someone who had access to IRC that had various moves and fatalities on it that we all copied by hand lol.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I remember seeing MKII for the first time in the arcade and just remember standing there with my mouth wide open watching Baraka and his blade cut move and thought, wow thats ALOT of blood...and it was so AWESOME!! When MK3 came out, I had a buddy that was working at the arcade that let me in before it opened and he let me TAPE the game with a camcorder (THIS WAS BEFORE YOUTUBE of course..ha) and I even worked at an arcade for a while, just to play their MK1 and MKII games afterhours...and thats how I got really good at them. Ah, the old days was so good...beating the kids who bragged all the time how good they was and then turning them in to babies...ah, memories.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Im 29 (going on 12 lol) I remember 1st having Mortal Kombat on my Amiga (1993 i think) and remember pulling off my first fatality with sub zero it was awesome! (well that is after the 2 disk swaps and about 5 years loading time) :) but i think my biggest memory is seeing MK2 in the arcades and someone pulling off the dead pool fatality and thinking how amazing that was from then on i probably havent stopped playing and loving mortal kombat and cant wait for MK9 to hurry up and get here
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

Since we are talking old school, all of you old guys remember how AWESOME it was to go into an arcade and see a new version of MK!!!! So the first one was awesome, but the graphics were a bit rough and the controls were a bit stiff too. But seeing the blood, fatalaties, and that awesome and completely digitized voice "Excellent" were just too good not to spend hours just playing and watching other play.

Then MKII comes out and you can't believe what you are seeing. See kids, the internet didn't exist back then... I kid you not... didn't exist... so you walk into the movie theatre, bowling alley, etc. and there it is, completely unexpected. I remember being blown away when I saw MKII. The graphics, the detail, the blood, the voice... all huge improvements. Seeing the young Shang Tsung... oh man, it was just all so crazy.

And then later on the same thing happens when you discovered MK3. I remember seeing the city level stage with the news papers blowing around n stuff. And remember the AWESOME vs. screen where the "VS" get's like lasered into a stainless steel backdrop as you see the unmasked Sub Zero vacing off against Reptile and his cool looking hand gestures.

Those were the days right there. I can almost remember the smell and sounds of those old places, seeing those awesome games for the first of many times. You just couldn't believe how awesome those games looked back then. I guess that's why I completely lost interest once they went 3D. I remember seeing MK4 and my first thought was... wow, that looks like crap!!!! The early days of 3D weren't pretty at all. So glad that MK is coming home to 2D in a next gen sort of way!!!

Hard to beat the sensory overload of an arcade, they were definitely awesome. Just hearing the sound of the credit clicking off from MK did it for me. Especially when they were proper arcades that always had the best games turned up loud.

I was actually impressed w/ MK4, but only from the gore standpoint. I could have lived without the 3D, but when they brought back property fatalities from MK3's mess, that was enough for me.
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 16, turning 17 on June. I'm really a new school gamer, but I love the old MKs, specially MK2 and UMK3.

The first MK I played was MK1, I think I was 10 or 11, but I only played it that time. Some time after I got MKSM, but did not enjoy it so much in the beginning. Then, my cousin began playing it with me and I started to like it. Later I bought MKD, than MKA, and enjoyed those a lot, even thought they are not as good as the old ones (I didn't knew it back then). More recently, I began to realize the old MKs are much better, and now I play regularly MK2 in MKSM, and UMK3 in my sister's DSi.
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Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I'm 24 and i remember when the sales clerk who sold me the snes MKII had to get my parents ok to sell to me lol
Re: How old are you? Any old school MK players here?

I've just written a looooong post about my memories but the browser ****ed up everything and it's gone lost and don't want to write it again...
In short, I'm turning 32 this year and I went through all the 2D MKs since the first one that I saw while on holidays with my family. MKII was the most played at home and MK3 the most played in the arcade, after that I played MK4 and MKT on PC and randomly the PS2 games at a friend's house but the magic was lost...

And now it's 1993 again for me!!! :)