Hee. WorkNMan sent me an Email about this thread, and I couldn't believe it. It's Rat! And Malitor! And #mk3 (which really wasn't my bag, but, hey....) It's really kinda eerie, too. I just got an EMail saying one of those Internet Pop Culture sites was reviewing SFJenn (, which was also another nostalgia kick to the head.
Lesse...what have I been up to. I finally moved out of Pennsylvania in 2000, back to Texas (helping to Keep Austin Wierd). I also left Usenet about the same time. It just wasn't the same place it was in 93 and 94. A lot of the fun had been sucked out of AGMk and was replaced by spambots. And I've always thought - when it stops being fun, you find something else that is.
In spring of 2001, I had what was prolly the worse emotional slide I'd ever had when I lost my love, my job, my apartment, my parents (who stopped talking to me, not that they died) and my pets all within the span of a month. I took some time off to detox from all that and after my parents started talking to me again, I moved back home to rebuild my life. That's when I got back into my first love, comics.
I started drawing A Wish for Wings in December, and started a second comic, Closetspace, in 2002 (those of you with sharp memories might remember this early mention of that comic:
About this time, I kinda gave up on Mortal Kombat. I still love the games. But MK

was Tekken, it wasn't MK. And I don't like Tekken all that much. It got almost no play time at all at the Dolari house. I only picked up MK

A for the MK1 pack in. I gave the DA portion to Bo Vitus, who hasn't touched it either. I have no plans to pick up Armageddon.
That isn't to say I don't play the old games. MK2 is the most played game on my MAME list, next to Super SF2 Turbo. But while SF games have pretty much the same fighting style now as they did then, MK hasn't.
In 2004 I was invited to my first comics convention as a guest, in 2005 I began the Day of Remembrance website, which is a small community of webcomic artists banding together in some online activism, and in 2006, I moved into a new house, became allergic to the floor varnish, and am trying to move out ASAP.
No, really.
Hopefully, in the next few years, I'll be moving to Seattle to start a new comic company, and eventually, Vancouver to be with my sweetie.
Remarkably, I still talk with a lot of folks from back then. Bo and I are still roomies, although not for much longer (he moved to Austin a few months after me, and took me in when I got a new job in 2003). I talk regularly with D'arque Bishop almost every day or so. I talk with Maximoff, NeoKnight and Klingon730 at least once or twice a month, and still have contact with folks like Edenguy, Zlebret, and Cammy (those few millenia that she signs onto ICQ).
So. How y'all are?