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August 1st, 2011
4:35 PM CST -

After an intense set of top 8 finals, the EVO 2011 Grand Championship Mortal Kombat 9 matchup featured vVv Reo as the losers bracket finalist against DMG/MCZ Perfect Legend from the winners bracket. The EVO tournament is double elimination, meaning that Reo needed to win two best 3 out of 5 matches to come away with the championship. Reo's Mileena was up against Perfect Legend's Kung Lao for the first set of 5 matches.

Watching the above footage from the top two Mortal Kombat players in the tournament gives you sense of how entertaining the game is to watch when played at such a high level. In the first game (2-0), Perfect Legend was down to under 5% health in the second round and relied upon his mid, low, ground hat combo string to bait Reo out and counter with a spin, jump kick, roll string to finish. In the second game (0-2), Reo blocked Kung Lao's last gasp ex-spin to even the match 1-1. The third game (1-2), Reo dominated the range battle with several down+4 attacks that kept Perfect Legend on his heels. Reo then shut the door on Perfect Legend after losing the first round by punishing his blocked spins and jump kicks, forcing a reset of another 3 games out of 5 match.

In the final set, Perfect Legend broke out his low, low/mid, ground hat combo string that was successful in the first game of the first set. In fact, it was this string that was so devastating that it caused Reo to try several different unsuccessful counters, once attempting an x-ray and another trying a ground roll, which were both punished for losses (2-1, 2-1). Down two games, not being able to figure out that ground hat combo string, Reo appeared to be desperate to find a way to combat that string and chose to switch characters to Cyrax. Aside from being able to win a round on a lucky bomb placement, Perfect Legend took the game (2-1) and the match to become the first ever EVO Mortal Kombat Grand Champion.

Congratulations to DMG/MCZ Perfect Legend, vVv Reo all of the finalists for such a great demonstration of quality Mortal Kombat 9 play. Here are the final standings for the tournament.

EVO Mortal Kombat 9 Championship Series Finals

  • 1. DMG/MCZ|Perfect Legend (Kung Lao)

  • 2. vVv Reo (Mileena)

  • 3. JOP (Johnny Cage, Raiden)

  • 4. LB|ChrisGNY (Reptile)

  • 5. Denzell Terry (Johnny Cage, Liu Kang)

  • 5. Osu 16-Bit (Kitana)

  • 7. FR|ATL Redd (Liu Kang)

  • 7. OnlineTony213 (Kabal)

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August 5th, 2011
11:06 AM CST -
After Freddy was revealed to be the fourth DLC the only thing we never learned was whose skins would be included with Freddy and in the Compatibility Pack #4. At Comic-Con they had Unmasked Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat 3 playable, but no news on the second skin. Until now that is, the second skin will be the first alternate costume for Cyber Sub-Zero. Here's a look at the render:

And here is the Gameplay video for the duo.

I am glad to see Cyber Sub-Zero finally get an alternate, even if it's similar to the previous Cyber Ninjas. It gives everyone on the main roster an Alternate costume now.

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August 8th, 2011
11:32 PM CST -
Today there was a big media blast of new Freddy Krueger DLC media in anticipation of his release tomorrow. First, we received his detailed render which you can see below. In the render you can clearly see what we already know that they went with the redesign of the Freddy from the new rebooted film series where he looks like a proper burn victim.

But you may be asking yourself, why does he have a claw on each hand now? To learn more about that check out the Freddy Story Vignette trailer below for these and more answers.

As well as the Freddy Krueger Story trailer, there is a Freddy DLC television commercial that will beginning to air tomorrow across the US. This is the first DLC for Mortal Kombat that got a commercial and likely will provide a big push for Freddy Krueger fans knowing that he's in the game now.

Also we've received word that a new Mortal Kombat patch v1.04 is propagating to PlayStation 3 users tonight. Word is that this patch weighs in over 100 MB and makes the compatibility packs mandatory for a better online experience. Included with this is the final fourth compatibility pack which also includes The Sub-Zero and Cyber Sub-Zero "Ice Pack" Free Skins. Once we get more word on the patch and if it's making it's way to the Xbox 360 or not we'll update the story here.

As a reminder, in the United States Freddy should be available around 3-4am Central time on Xbox Live Arcade and around 3-5pm Central for the PlayStation Network. Be ready because... 1, 2, Freddy's Coming For You...

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August 9th, 2011
10:46 AM CST -
To coincide with today's Freddy Kreuger DLC release, NetherRealm Studios have posted the Freddy Krueger MKast to YouTube. Get an in-depth look look at Freddy from the folks behind the game like Senior Artist John Vogel telling you about his story and Senior Sound Designer Michael Caisley discussing his glove sounds. Then, Senior Animator Freddy Palma discussing how they brought his personality into the character animation.

Here's a great quote from the MKast:

"In the movies you get to see Freddy kill people, in Mortal Kombat you get to be Freddy killing people." - NetherRealm's John Vogel

Xbox 360 owners can download Freddy Kreuger right now and PlayStation 3 owners will be able to later this afternoon. Be sure to check our Freddy Kreuger Moves List which is already complete and ready for you players out there!

Big thanks to our friend Mike Riazy for help with the Freddy Moves List!

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1:29 PM CST -
Tonight at 8pm ET, G4TV is featuring Mortal Kombat as their real-life reenactment of the most iconic moments in film, tv and video games. Jessica Chobot and the late Ryan Dunn of Jackass take Mortal Kombat's unique qualities and bring them to life.

Check it out tonight on G4TV's Proving Ground at 8pm ET. Thanks boringdays.

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August 11th, 2011
7:30 PM CST -
We're doing another PlayStation Network code contest for the recent Freddy Krueger DLC release. This time we're giving away free codes for Freddy and also the new PS3 DLC Pack. We know there are many of you out there who just can't afford to buy the all the DLC and we want to cater to you fans for this contest.

In order to enter this contest you must email us a photo of the Mortal Kombat PlayStation Store page showing that you haven't purchased Freddy or any of the other DLC yet. Here's an example photo so you'll see what we want to see showing no red PSN icons on the DLC:

Because of the current PSN downtime, all entries must be received by 11:59pm Friday August 12th giving you more than a day after PSN comes back up to get your picture sent in. On Saturday morning we will select random winners send the winner the code to redeem their prize.

Contest is over. Thanks for entering! Winners have been notified.

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August 23rd, 2011
10:37 AM CST -
The highly anticipated Mortal Kombat Arcade Collection finally has a release date. It will be available next week first on North American Playstation Network on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011, then the next day - August 31st, 2011 - for 800 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace, $9.99 for PC on Steam and globally on Playstation Network.

In addition, GameStop is offering the Mortal Kombat Klassic Fight Stick by PDP for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for $129.99. The stick is identical to the build of the Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition Fightstick released earlier with Mortal Kombat (2011), with the exception of a killer classic color scheme and panel graphics reminiscent of the original Mortal Kombat 1 Arcade cabinet.

UPDATE 8/25: PDP has confirmed that the new klassic sticks will contain upgraded Cherry microswitches.

Since the full Achievements and Trophy list leaked earlier in the summer and looks pretty easy, how quick do you think you can get all of them?

Here is the official press release, which confirms that the PC version will be available as well on downloadable services like Steam as well on the 31st.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announces the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection will officially be available for download in the United States on August 30, 2011. Launching on PlayStation®Network for $9.99, this will mark the first time the original Mortal Kombat arcade trilogy - Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - have been brought together in a single collection. On the next day, August 31, 2011, the game will also be available globally for PSN, for Xbox Live (800 MS Points) and PC ($9.99).

Developed by Other Ocean in conjunction with NetherRealm studios, the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection will feature online play, leader boards, achievements and trophies, as well as offering fans the chance to play through the games in their original arcade state.

Update: Updated story with earlier release date (August 30th, 2011) on North American Playstation Network.

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August 26th, 2011
10:19 AM CST -
Today marks the release of a new MKast that is covering the upcoming Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection. In what we feel is the best episode yet, the Mortal Kombat team discusses the genesis behind the Mortal Kombat franchise as well as lots of behind the scenes stories. Along with the stories you'll see a bunch of footage of the upcoming game re-releases which arrive next week on August 30th in the US.

Thanks to all involved at NetherRealm for this episode, hopefully we get to see a director's cut of this episode sometime.

Update: It appears that this was released early and isn't completed, so is currently unwatchable

Update 6:30pm CST: Finalized MK Arcade Kollection MKast is now online, post above is updated. Also be sure to check out PlayStation.com's awesome behind the scenes look at the series by NetherRealm Studio's Director of Art, Steve Beran.

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August 28th, 2011
2:29 PM CST -
According to a unconfirmed leaked photo posted over on I'm Portable the upcoming PS Vita version of Mortal Kombat is going to be called Mortal Kombat Vitality and be released in Q1 of 2012. Personally the image looks questionable to me as it's using the old font from Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero and could have been created by anyone pretty easily. Take a look at it below:

Image Courtesy of I'm Portable

The game was said to be in the works back during E3 2011 in June, but nothing more have been said since then. I would expect closer to the North American release of the PS Vita in January 2012 we will hear more about this upcoming title.

Thanks to Jason Shearer from MK Bible for the tip.

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August 30th, 2011
10:39 AM CST -
Update 2:30pm CT: The game is now available on the PlayStation Network for most North American users. Search for KOMBAT.

Later tonight the long awaited Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection finally hits the PlayStation Network in the United States. It will be followed by a global PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace launch tomorrow, August 31st. The bad news is that the PC version's release date has been updated to be later in September. So those of you waiting on Steam for it to become available tomorrow needs to wait just a little while longer.

Below is the debut trailer from the Kollection.

The Full Press Release Below:

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announces the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection is now available for download on PSN in North America. In honor of this new collection, which offers players a chance to go back to the beginning and check out the first three games in the legendary franchise, the team is releasing an all-new trailer featuring a glimpse into the downloadable title's classic Mortal Kombat gameplay. The Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection will be available tomorrow on Xbox Live and on PSN globally. The PC version will be coming out next month.

For $9.99 on PSN, and XBLA and PC for 800 Microsoft Points, the Mortal Kobmat Arcade Kollection offers fans the first three games in the series – the original Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 – and online play, leader boards, achievements and trophies, as well as the chance to play through the games in their original arcade state. Developed by Other Ocean in conjunction with NetherRealm Studios, this collection marks the first time all three games have been brought together in one package.

Also yesterday NetherRealm Studios's Creative Director Ed Boon wrote a guest article for the PlayStation blog detailing some additional history behind the series. Here's an except from the article:

About 20 years ago, Midway was at the cutting edge of arcade game development using a unique method of creating very realistic images. By digitizing live actors, shot in front of a green screen, a number of games were developed that had a photorealistic look not found in any other games. Games like Narc, Smash TV, NBA Jam and Terminator 2: Arcade all used this technology. This approach was applied to a number of game categories including sports, gun games, and shooters. One genre, however, had not yet been attempted – the fighting game. In 1991, a small team of four decided to try making a fighting game using digitized graphics. The goal was to make something bold, shocking, and as realistic looking as possible. The game would eventually become Mortal Kombat, the first in a series that have sold over 30 million games.

Also GameStop last night started to ship their exclusive Mortal Kombat Klassic Fight Stick by PDP for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The sticks also come with a free code to download the Arcade Kollection so don't buy the game online before the sticks are set to arrive tomorrow. Expect a full rundown and comparison between the Klassic Fightstick and the Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition Fightstick that was released with Mortal Kombat (2011).

To those looking to to relearn how to play these "Klassic" games be sure to check out our comprehensive move guides for those games available via these links: Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.
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