TRMK, short for The Realm of Mortal Kombat, came into existence with the first ever posting back on December 5th, 1996. It began during a time of hiatus in the Mortal Kombat franchise, where nothing was happening and Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, and Mortal Kombat Annihilation were out of the scope.
TRMK was not the first HTML project done by site creator, Jeff Greeson. In fact, back in June of 1995, Jeff began to develop the ultimate directory of Mortal Kombat sites based on the idea brought to him by Eric Giblock. The site was named The MK WWW Site Access. Back then Mortal Kombat 3 was out in the arcades, living up its success. MKWSA expanded to become one of the Premier MK Directory sites on the internet which finally tapped out at over 90 MK related links with full descriptions in 8 categories. MKWSA pioneered into publishing its own content with the HTML MK3/UMK3 Moves List, which is also featured on TRMK. Soon after Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3's success in the arcade, Mortal Kombat Trilogy hit home consoles and MKWSA continued with creating its own content with the HTML Moves List for PlayStation and Nintendo64.
On August 15th, 1996, MKWSA transitioned to include periodical news updates on the main page which soon evolved into Information Pages. With the addition of frequent Mortal Kombat information updates, the MKWSA moniker no longer applied to the site. A new name for the site was chosen; and The Realm of Mortal Kombat was born.
The Realm of Mortal Kombat was first graciously housed on the Hotweird Network webserver. As the success of The Realm of Mortal Kombat gained momentum, the need to branch off of the Hotweird website grew and moved to its own server at Initially, was an Intel 486/66 with 8 megs of ram. It was a great machine for the trickle of traffic that was coming to the site. Suddenly, word broke loose that the first beta of Mortal Kombat 4 hit Chicago-area arcades and soon the poor 486 could no longer handle the sheer amount of traffic it was getting. was upgraded to a Cyrix P200+ with 32MB EDO and 1GB of HD space. After this essential upgrade and Mortal Kombat 4's popularity, The Realm of Mortal Kombat nearly tripled their traffic in the month of September 1997 from 55,000 page requests in August, to 131,000. Then almost doubled again in October with over 230,000 page requests in that month. Since then, The Realm of Mortal Kombat has broken all traffic records throughout 1997 to 2002.
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