I know I've been talking about Warcraft a lot lately, it's been like this since Legion's release. But I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about who I have to interact with. My guild has this douchebag of an officer that decided to cry like a little b!tch over some elementary thing someone did to the guild bank. Some guy decided to make a swastika out of the items, and honestly, not a single person even noticed it until douchebag McGee stormed in. (No, I did not make it, but I think I know who did).
He decided that screaming in our ears on Discord (a better app than Ventrillo) saying that he'll banned the ass of whoever did that and just... Oye. No one likes this guy, I have absolutely no fvcking clue why he's still with us, what's keeping him there. He spent almost an hour talking to my brother, who's the guild leader, and several other officers. About what, I dunno. But now I'm getting more people coming to me saying that they understand why I hate the fvcker. Which is interesting since one of those people is an officer of the guild. I'm just a member, I have no power even if some might think I do because of my brother. Nope, nata.
The guy and I had some beef with each other before, and I couldn't take it anymore after he told me that something I did four years ago bothered him. He was invited to my brother's wedding and I was running around getting ready to head out and I saw this guy on our couch just sitting there. I was told he was from our guild, first time meeting the dude, I said "hello, nice to meet you. Sorry I can't chat, I have to go where the bride is." During the reception, we were giving out hugs and such to everyone that was walking in and according to the douche, I guess I
never hugged him. Took that as an offense, and decided to bring that up years later to me when the two of us butted heads. I never met this person before, I don't "hug" people I meet for the first time. Not to mention, I was also extremely busy with other guests. One measly little hug that you didn't get from me is something that needed to brought up over something that has nothing to do with that?
The fvkc?!?
Instead of solving our issues, I decided to ignore it. Bringing up something that happened four years ago, during a time that I didn't even know who the person was, is a waste of my time.
I swear, this guy is nothing more but a joke, and I really hope that after this little blow up he had over something literally no one got offended over, he's gone. Or at least gets demoted.
For haven's sake, a guy in the guild said, "I would have been more impressed had it been the Isis flag instead of the swastika." I don't think anyone found what that person did was
that offensive. People on at the time basically shrugged it off after chuckling for a second or two and just said "Eh, let's not see that again folks. For the sake of the new members." And that was it.
If you're offended by what gets said or whatever in Warcraft, this game is obviously not for you.

R - Fvck this guild member because he's a douche.