My brother and his family grind my gears.
My brother, his wife and 3 kids (one is 4 or 5, the second one is 3 or 4 and the third one is I think only a year old) moved back in with me and my mom because they needed help with money because my brother lost his job.
At first I didn't think it would be too bad because they live downstairs in the basement...I was wrong.
They are upstairs constantly and the 3 little shits are loud, obnoxious and my brothers wife (the kids mom) has spoiled them to the point were they can get away with anything.
They dirty up the house in a day. I shit you not, we went through all of our cups and like half of our silverware on their first full day here. I have to do the dishes too since it's my house work.
The bathrooms are disgusting now and I actually go next door to use the bathroom if I need to. It's gotten that bad. I cannot stand them living here and I hate it. It does more than grind my gears. It royally pisses me off.
Also when they cook they DEEP FRY EVERYTHING. I HATE IT! I do not eat that much deep fried shit. They love it.
I hate this house right now. They need to leave ASAP.
I'm either in my room or out of the house somewhere now. I can't be in the front room or anything because the 3 little shits are loud and don't listen to any of us.