Scorpion's Overpowered

scorpion is not overpowered at all. all of his specials have huge recovery times that make it easy to punish him. sektor has a decently fast teleport which you can do in the air. if he spears block it then teleport punch. same with hellfire, jump in the air then teleport. up close try a overhead punch so he cant do takedown. scorpion isnt that great of a character in this game, he can spam but is easily punished. the only reason he is picked by so many people is because hes a noob friendly character
It sounds to me like this is more of a lag issue for you than anything else. Scorpion is by far one of the easiest people to fight against after you've discovered how to do it. Seems like you're allowing yourself to be zoned and if that's the case you'll never be able to beat anyone doing that until you find a way around that. The best way to fight him is by getting in close on him. The leg takedown is easy enough to deal with as long as you block low. Both spear and teleport moves are extremely telegraphed and easy as hell to see coming. I definitely disagree that his spear is too fast, it's perfectly fine the way it is.

I can see why you're having a tough time closing the gap since a good Scorpion zoner can make it a pain in the ass to do. If you were to choose someone that also has a teleport, it's quite easy to accomplish. However, it's not necessary to do that, as he can be very easily beaten without that tactic.
The more you play against people choosing Scorpion, the better you'll get at finding his many weaknesses. Just remember that the key to fighting him is to stay in fairly close. Good luck to you and I hope that you'll be whooping those spammers in no time, lol. I just hope that they get the lag issues fixed so it is no longer a factor and online matches can be played the proper way that they were meant to be.

On a side note...............I have to agree with many other people on this board lately. Everyone, please stop with all of the nerf posts. There are no characters that are OP. This game is extremely balanced the way it is. Yes, there are several glitches that need to be addressed, but other than that it's perfect. So just keep practicing and enjoy the game.
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It sounds to me like this is more of a lag issue for you than anything else. Scorpion is by far one of the easiest people to fight against after you've discovered how to do it. Seems like you're allowing yourself to be zoned and if that's the case you'll never be able to beat anyone doing that until you find a way around that. The best way to fight him is by getting in close on him. The leg takedown is easy enough to deal with as long as you block low. Both spear and teleport moves are extremely telegraphed and easy as hell to see coming. I definitely disagree that his spear is too fast, it's perfectly fine the way it is.

I can see why you're having a tough time closing the gap since a good Scorpion zoner can make it a pain in the ass to do. If you were to choose someone that also has a teleport, it's quite easy to accomplish. However, it's not necessary to do that, as he can be very easily beaten without that tactic.
The more you play against people choosing Scorpion, the better you'll get at finding his many weaknesses. Just remember that the key to fighting him is to stay in fairly close. Good luck to you and I hope that you'll be whooping those spammers in no time, lol.

On a side note...............I have to agree with many other people on this board lately. Everyone, please stop with all of the nerf posts. There are no characters that are OP. This game is extremely balanced the way it is. Yes, there are several glitches that need to be addressed, but other than that it's perfect. So just keep practicing and enjoy the game.

Thanks. I think the issue is the lag, given the fact that when I press square, I punch 1 or 2 seconds later. I also know that the way to defeat Scorpion is to get to close range - it's just that I can't do it. :)

I'm not a very good player (nonetheless, I enjoy fighting as Sektor) but still, I do have my victories. It's just that I faced three Scorpions in a row and they all spear spammed me. I think you're right - but somehow, all the fights that I get in are very laggy.

Have fun, the case's closed. Also, + Rep to MORPHEUS.
No problem bro, glad to help. Keep at it and you'll definitely figure out how to handle it. One of my good friends that I play with all the time loves playing as Scorpion and he pulls the same crap with me, lol. After several matches I had it worked out and he was getting owned pretty hard. He's actually started picking different characters because none of his tactics wih Scorp work anymore, hehe.

I haven't really played much as Sektor, but I figure his teleport punch would be the perfect way to counter many of Scorpion's moves. Perhaps your timing is just a bit off, and of course the lag issue is not helping in that regard. Anyway, best of luck to you.
to the OP: jump more, Scorpion is not overpowered (he's very predictable with most of the ppl on PSN atm using him).. as mentioned above all of his moves have a risk/reward to them.

What I've seen alot with Scorpion is the "OMG I MASH SQUARE! RAAWR!" players /sigh
IMO SMOKE IS SOOO EASY. but scorpion, while i admit he is overpowered, the teleport is fine and spearing after hellfire isnt fast enough for you not to react. if u kept loosing, then that's either due to lag or you needing more training. i think Ermac is the most overpowered.
i played about 5 hours online today and 80% of the players i fought were scorpion or smoke... smokes teleport is way too fast would be fair if he would online hit once but not twice
I have like 50 wins and 8 looses (5 from scorpion) ...
My problem with scorpion is - when ermac(enemy) does teleport i can jump forward and punch (that hits him), i cant do that vs scorpion. I have feeling like you can only block that teleport from scorpion. Anyone can explain me what to do vs his teleport attack?
And really, some scorpion player plz explain me what is interesting in playing with him? He has 1 easy combo and thats all, reapet after reapet. spaming fire and teleport bla. Maybe i would say that for another character that beats me also, but i dont think so. I lost from Raiden and he was spaming only few attacks, but he was so clever, he was waiting for me, he was changing plans, i was angry but it was interesting. But Scorpion is booring as shit, spams without brain.
I have like 50 wins and 8 looses (5 from scorpion) ...
My problem with scorpion is - when ermac(enemy) does teleport i can jump forward and punch (that hits him), i cant do that vs scorpion. I have feeling like you can only block that teleport from scorpion. Anyone can explain me what to do vs his teleport attack?
And really, some scorpion player plz explain me what is interesting in playing with him? He has 1 easy combo and thats all, reapet after reapet. spaming fire and teleport bla. Maybe i would say that for another character that beats me also, but i dont think so. I lost from Raiden and he was spaming only few attacks, but he was so clever, he was waiting for me, he was changing plans, i was angry but it was interesting. But Scorpion is booring as shit, spams without brain.

When scorpion teleports I do a low kick. Usually hits him and stops him or I block like you
I have like 50 wins and 8 looses (5 from scorpion) ...
My problem with scorpion is - when ermac(enemy) does teleport i can jump forward and punch (that hits him), i cant do that vs scorpion. I have feeling like you can only block that teleport from scorpion. Anyone can explain me what to do vs his teleport attack?

You can duck his teleport and uppercut. Or block and retaliate. But with online lag like some say, it may be unpunishable. If that's the case, NRS needs to drop everything they're doing right now (nerfs, buffs, DLC, etc.) and fix the damn online play. I am personally waiting for an online patch because I don't want to be turned off by the horrible lag everyone's talking about.
You'd also expect threads like ''Kabal is Overpowered'' and ''Kitana is Overpowered'' and ''OMG JADE'S SO OP I LOST TO HER 3 TIMEZ'' threads from me if that was true.

This is basically the trend that I've been seeing since the game came out. I think the conclusion that we're drawing from all this is that everyone is either "broken", "cheap" or "overpowered". I think the word you're looking for is balanced, the game is balanced.
Ed boon did say scorpion is always gonna have the best moves ect ect..thats his fav char! So yea I would say he is a bit overpowered but not enough to take away from the game at all..Besides Scoprion Char Is a BEAST!!!
I fought so many scorpions and smoke and stuff 2 know exactly what they are going to do.They are pretty easy 2 beat once u get use to them.
Some who are talking about online lag are kinda wrong,i hardly get online lag out of king of the hell.The only place that lag is 100% annoying is king of the hill,even if there is lag u should be able to time things out,also staying on ur opponent will stop a lot of problems.
everyone lets stop picking on scorpion and start picking on raiden and kung lao

The only problem I find with Scorpion is that his spear gets me even if I jump! Come on! He throws it in a straight line forward and he can still hit me in the air? That's nonsense! Even though, in the worst case scenario, just dash-block-dash-block and punish.

EDIT: Also crouch block.
scorpion is far from OP and is insanely easy to read (also really slow too)

but the pointy hat crew is ridiculous, Raiden's teleport is unpublishable and superman is way to fast with insane recovery if blocked

my only Kung Lao complaint is that ****ing spin, but 90% of Lao players I've faced had no idea what they where doing