"kombat hd" in search
Watch Mortal Kombat HD Kollection for PS3 come up. (its still listed on that UK website still to)
call customer service about its release and maybe they'll tell you the same thing they told me. (I had to mention I was asking about the HD Kollectoin for 40$)
They might tell you like they did me the game is coming out Dec 27 2011 and I could pre-order......
Up until this day people still dont understand that John Montenegro's images are MOCK UPS....a "preview" of his talents. A test run of what his talents and his interpretation of how HD would be.
This game was neither officially canceled or confirmed. NR studios changed their minds and told Other Ocean to go with whats out now. This does NOT mean its going to come out but it also DOESNT mean it will never come out just the same. If this game is coming out.....that would explain why NRS changed their minds with Other Ocean and went to Patrick DelMastro and how his resume claimed he was still working on the game.
Then a few short months later we hear about the Kollection we have now. An why? They know the Kollection we have now will still sell. Its a good spring board for the HD Kollection and of course to make more money in the mean time.
For the HD version DelMastro worked on every thing that Montenegro worked on. Props, Environments(in other words every thing thats worked on out side the actors of the game).
Props would be the wood, steal, etc in Test Your Might. The life bars an such....and then environments = stages obviously.
Believe it or not, its still up in the air. Again, it was never officially canceled or confirmed.
I personally dont believe they couldnt finish the game with out knowing what hard ships are ahead and then just scrap the whole idea. Any thing is possible though....
Food for thought.