*Back at the train station near the sea size, Moe still had the locket in his hand opening and reopening it before the Intercom Voice returned*
Intercom Voice: Attention all passengers, the train is now arriving, please stay clear from the edges until the train has made a complete stop. Thank you.
*All of the waiting passengers stood as the train slowed to a complete stop. As the doors opened to the new set of passengers boarding the train, Moe slowly rose to his full height while gazing at the opened locket*
Moe: *While walking, Moe seemed to be the only one in slow motion while the other passengers rapidly move around him* [I’ve been so uneasy lately. Feels like every step I make is in the wrong direction, like walking closer to the end of the road as I move up with the Imperials. Meeting those three today made it even worse to raise my anxious state tenfold. What they said…in my heart I know it’s the right thing to quit the Imperials, but I’m already too deep in it. Being the boss’s right hand and quitting on a gang like that would be suicide. If I left they would hunt me down for sure. But, if I stay…] *Kilik’s voice* [Then you won’t be pushing dope or taking over territories anymore. You’ll be taking lives.]
*Moe stops near one of the doors with a seemly dim white light flowing out of the entrance while he was still in thought as the world continues to pass him by*
Moe: [What am I supposed to do? Why does my decision have to be now?] *Brings the family picture to his eye level as he gives a seldom gaze at it*[Mom…]
*Before he realized it, Moe was his seven year old self again crying over his mother’s bedside unable to handle the news of his mother dying within the next month. As the doctor and his father left the room, the young Moe continued to cry while his mother gently touched the top of his head to soothe her son while a streak of light covered her eyes*
Moe: I don’t want you to leave mom! The doctor said that you’ll die and I don’t want you that at all! I want mom and dad and me to stay together forever! I-hic, waaaaaaaaaaaaah!*continues to heavily cry as he buries his head against his mother’s thigh*
Moe’s Mother: Moe, *Continues to rub her son’s short spiky mom of hair* I’m not going anywhere from you or Papa.
Moe: *Steadily calms down with his sobbing and looks at his mom* Huh? B-but the doctor…
Mother: Yes I heard im’. The doctor says I’m physically dying, but *Pokes Moe in the chest and smiles* I’m always beside you in here. And when I’m gone, I’ll still be looking army big strong Moe as he continues to grow.
Moe: *Silently stares at his mother amazed by her own words. He sniffs up some mucus building up in his before he continues talking* I…… you’re never been wrong Mom, so I believe you.
Mother: That’s good to hear.
Moe: But what am I supposed to do when I grow up without you, Mom? I… I don’t want to be something to that’ll make you unhappy Mom.
Mother: Hmmm. *She takes a moment while thinking of an answer before she pops up with an idea*Moe, you know what would make Mommy very happy to see?
Moe: *Moe’s facial expression brightens up in anticipation to her answer* What’s that?
Mother: *The woman leans forward to reveal a surprisingly young woman in her early 30’s with her long brown hair resting on her shoulder while smiling with a kind expression at her only son* A great man. When I’m gone, I want to see my big Moe become the greatest man ever! You think you can do that for Mommy?
Moe: *Continues to stare in amazement before smiling with a huge grin with one tooth missing from his smile* If Mom wants to see a great man, then that’s what I’ll be! Just you wait; I’ll make you the happiest mom in heaven when I grow up!
Mother: *Rests her hands on her lap and continues to proudly smile with a tear down her cheek as the flash back begins to fade with her final words* I’m sure of it.
*Suddenly, Moe’s eyes enlarge in a great realization causing the world to spin rapidly around himself. Resuming back to the present, Moe realized that he had his answer*
Business Man: *Staring at Moe from the packed inside of the train confused on the boy’s motive* Um you might wanna get on the train man. The next one doesn’t- *Moe performs a quick turn and dashes off to run up the stairs* Hey!
Moe: *Now outside striding alongside the sea, Moe wipes the building tears from his eyes thankful for finding his answer* [Mom, I’ve been a big fool all this time. I completely forgot about your words and my promise.] *The big man completely wipes his tears and looks forward with new determination in his eyes* [I’m going to set things straight! My road to becoming a great man starts here!]
*Back at the warehouse, Kilik was still engaged in a close quarter knife fight with the Imperial boss. As the blades clashed and clanged with each fighter parrying and attacking, Claw was beginning to slow down due to the accumulated damage built up during the fight*
Kilik:*Uses a two handed horizontal block to stop another vertical slash while smiling manically* Hey you slowed down there Mr. Slim. Don’t tell me a little guy like me actually hurt you, that might inflate my ego!
Claw: *Profusely sweating and gasping for air*Shut… Shut your mouth!
*The Imperial boss raised his arm in another vertical chop in hopes to inflict some injury to his opponent. However, his chopping attack only met the ground due to the young reaper expertly executing a spin to his exposed left side. Continuing with his momentum, Kilik swung the back side of Scythe’s blade to smash the living weapon into the bridge of his enemy’s nose. The force of the blow sent Claw careening into a box before crash landing into another pile of boxes. The boss’s nose was broken and bloody as he shakenly attempts to press another sequence of buttons*
Kilik: *Takes notice of this and places Scythe on his back* Normal. You know as one sided as this is, *Gets into a squatting position and leaps to one of the top corners of the warehouse away from the Imperial* it’s time to finish things off!