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I don't play online much, but I'll go online just to perform step 3. Freddy does NOT belong in Mortal Kombat.

I don't play online much, but I'll go online just to perform step 3. Freddy does NOT belong in Mortal Kombat.
Non availability of memory hardrives for the Xbox console :laugh:Every single comp. should be mandatory. Period. If Call of Duty can require an update for every map pack they put out, what's stopping NRS?
Non availability of memory hardrives for the Xbox console :laugh:
LOL WUT? You think you will lose your integrity if you download Freddy?? Come on now :laugh:
Oh for crying out ****ING LOUD! What the hell is wrong with you people?! You refuse to download the compatibility packs AS WELL?! What the hell?!
You know what that is? Greed. Pure, Raw, Greed. You want Freddy out of MK so bad that you are willing to either:
Stop others from using him by not getting the pack (which is a real dick move) And you are practically depraving people of their spent cash whether they got the Season pass or got Freddy individually.
OR you will give the player the win by rage quitting when someone wants to go a Freddy, stopping them from getting better at the character online.
That is just pathetic. I get that you people don't think he belongs, well you know what? Neither does Kratos, but they still added him in, why? Because it was a cool idea, or they thought it was anyway, so to all you guys saying he doesn't belong, tough sh*t, there is noting you can do to completely get rid of Freddy in MK9, he's in now, that's it. Stop complaining.
In short,and download the compatibility pack.
Non availability of memory hardrives for the Xbox console :laugh:
What if it wasnt "Freddy Krueger" but some weird looking person with wolverine looking claws and a stupid hat on? Would it be any different?
Anyone who is purposefully not dling the comp. Packs is a scumbag.
No, he would still look stupid.
Lol Im just saying that is their excuse for not being able to make combatiblity packs mandatory.So how is Infinity Ward and Treyarch able to do it?
d00d i hav lik 6 grls in me bed rite nao nooob!
lol thanks dude.Oh my Jesus I love you
This reminded me of the movie Scream... which was directed by Wes Craven... the creator of Freddy Krueger.shaking in their boots.
Oh for crying out ****ING LOUD! What the hell is wrong with you people?! You refuse to download the compatibility packs AS WELL?! What the hell?!
You know what that is? Greed. Pure, Raw, Greed. You want Freddy out of MK so bad that you are willing to either:
Stop others from using him by not getting the pack (which is a real dick move) And you are practically depraving people of their spent cash whether they got the Season pass or got Freddy individually.
OR you will give the player the win by rage quitting when someone wants to go a Freddy, stopping them from getting better at the character online.
That is just pathetic. I get that you people don't think he belongs, well you know what? Neither does Kratos, but they still added him in, why? Because it was a cool idea, or they thought it was anyway, so to all you guys saying he doesn't belong, tough sh*t, there is noting you can do to completely get rid of Freddy in MK9, he's in now, that's it. Stop complaining.
In short,and download the compatibility pack.
Congrats. You've won this thread!