*It was the 20th annual anniversary of TRMK being founded on 1996. There was a celebration being held at a party room in a Chuck E. Cheese's in Ohio and everyone on TRMK was invited*
Metal Overlord [Shorten to Metal]
Shirayuki Mizore
Sky Valley
Flying Jinko
Liu Kang234
*Everyone arrived at the party when the Chuck E. Cheese mascot arrived with the 4 pizzas and set it on the table. Jade opened the box, having to supervise all the members like the annoying ass kids they were and she had to do it all alone because none of the other mods could make it.*
Jade: Okay. Everyone gets at least two slices so don't be greedy, trying to grab another when people haven't had their second.
*All of the members nodded and started to chow down until only one slice was left. The members started to chat and ignore it when Yung decided to make a move*
Yung: Two slices? **** that. I didn't come all the way out here to only get two slices of pizza! *Reaches for it*
Bruzzrad: Woah! Hold up! Don't you touch that!
Yung: Bruzzy shut up! This one's mine!
*All the TRMK member's heads started to turn, hearing the commotion*
BBBLP: Yo Yung what the hell are you doing?!
Wraith: I bet you've always been that douche who takes a third slice and tries to get away with it!
FJ: Guy c'mon now. We can settle this peacefully.
Metal: Peacefully?! *****! That asswipe is about to get away with ma pizza!
Shirayuki: You mean my pizza. I helped pay for it. AND I gave you all my tokens to lose at ski ball over and over again.
Metal: That shit was rigged

Sky Valley: Ski ball? Wait! That's an awesome idea! Let's all play for it!
iVital: Wow I'm sure to win this. I already kicked all your butts at MK so I'm pretty sure I can at Ski Ball.
Toxic: Spamming with Mileena doesn't count as a win.
iVital: I wasn't spamming!
Jade: Hush! All of you, to the ski ball lanes. Highest score gets this slice so I can get home and stop babysitting you.
*All of the members gathered around the lanes, playing 4 at a time. The sound of the ski balls hitting the lanes echoed throughout the room as members tried to discourage each other. At the end, BBBLP became victorious.*
BBBLP: My slice.
NS922: You cheated you dick.
BBBLP: Cheated? ***** it's ski ball!
NS922: You're not getting that slice as long as I'm here.
BBBLP: I won that shit fair and square. Go home NS.
*NS922 became angry, punching BBBLP across the face, knocking him to the floor*
NS922: **** YOU!
Metal: Woah NS calm the hell down son!
NS922: You want some too?
*Metal clenched his fist and reached into his pocket, pulling out a knife*
Metal: Come and get me.
NS922: Knives? Fight like a man.
LiuKang234: Guys you're making a HUGE deal out of this!
*Metal ran at NS, stabbing him in the arm as NS struggled. Wraith ran for the batting cages and grabbed the strongest baseball bat, swinging it and smacking Metal upside the head*
Wraith: That's how you do it, Skyrim style.
Shirayuki: Oh hell no. This guy DID NOT just bring up Gheyrim!
*Shirayuki grabbed a ski ball, throwing it hard at Wraith but Wraith swung at it with the baseball bat. The ball flew in the air and blew right through NS922's face, killing him instantly*
Jade: Stop this! Stop this right now!
Shirayuki: He said Resident Evil sucks.
Jade: Oh....okay. Carry on then.

BBBLP: *rubbing his head* Give me that bat Wraith!
Wraith: Nope.
*BBBLP grabbed the bat and fought with Wraith for it. He snatched it and kicked Wraith into arcade machine. BBBLP swung at Shirayuki but he dodged it*
BBBLP: Shut the hell up about Resident Evil!
Shirayuki: Umad bro?
*iVital then jumped on BBBLP's jack, punching him in the neck*
iVital: Don't talk shit about RE! I love Jill!
Toxic: Tali is better. Nuff said.
*BBBLP grabbed Vital and threw him onto the ski ball ramp and turned around, getting socked in the face by Yung, knocking him out cold*
Yung: *Rubs his knuckles* Shit! That hurt!
Sky Valley: Serves you right, knocking him out like that.
*Sky Valley was holding a slice of pizza*
Yung: What?! When did you get that?!
Sky Valley: When you idiots weren't looking *Sky Valley threw it into the bottomless ball pit*
Yung: NO!!!!!!
*Yung, Metal, and LiuKang234, jumped after it, falling for eternity*
Shirayuki: I see what you did there. That was a fake rubber pizza that you earned with MY tickets! You know how much damn basketball I played for those?!
Sky Valley: It was worth it.
*Then suddenly a battle axe, skimmed Sky's face, drawing blood*
Bruzzrad: I earned this prize too. Figured I'd keep it to ensure I get the last slice.
Shirayuki: It's Chuck E. Cheese's pizza! It's not even good!
Bruzzrad: **** you Chuck E. Cheese's is awesome!
Shirayuki: Whatever you say... *leaves with Wraith and iVital*
Wraith: Have fun tearing each other to pieces over shit tasting pizza.
iVital: Jill wouldn't do that...
*Flying Jinko left home, hating to see his friends fight while Jade sat down with a bucket of popcorn*
Jade: If only this was Chris and Wesker fighting...
*Bruzzrad swung at Sky again, missing since the weight of the battle axe made it travel slow. Sky did a backflip, landing on the table being them. He jumped at Bruzzrad, kicking him in the chest. Bruzzrad stumbled back, absorbing the blow with his strength. He swung at Sky again, taking off some of his hair. Sky responded with another kick that kicked the battle axe out of Bruzzrad's hand. Bruzzrad tackled Sky to the ground, both their heads hitting the nearest arcade machine, making them groggy. Both of them looked up in horror as the battle axe fell back down quickly, decapitating both of them.*
*There was a knock on the door, a military jeep being outside. The person walked in....*
TaBB3rnackle: Hey Jade! Sorry I'm late, the Navy just dropped me off from basic training.
Jade: It's okay. I saved a slice of pizza for you.
The End