New member
I'm going to be turning this into a mega-epic. You just inspired a new series.
Nice, didn't you write something like that before? I remember because I was supposed to get my face melted off by some sort of plasma gun.
I'm going to be turning this into a mega-epic. You just inspired a new series.
Nice, didn't you write something like that before? I remember because I was supposed to get my face melted off by some sort of plasma gun.
Yeah but this one is actually about TRMK. The other one didn't get started back up again because most of the characters kinda left the site.
Ok cool, I wanna see how it will turn out.
Hey am I in there?
I think every active member of TRMK will show up in some form or another.
Here comes a new challenge(r)!
Write a horror story involving a child wandering into a broken down horror house in the middle of a populated carnival.
The door disappears around him, he can hear the sound of a distant clown laughing, sees a feint light far off in the distance and can feel something staring at him.
Take it from there Johnnys![]()
I got one.
In a completely serious and suspenseful tone, write about one man's horrific discorvery that he is out of butter. Then write about his epic yet realistic quest to the corner store to get some before his toast pops out of the toaster.
The Flash vs Kabal
Part 1
"Kabal, where are you?" Stryker shouted into his communicator. "We're under heavy tarkatan attack!" Kabal was just donning his black coat as his radio received the message. He attached the earpiece to his helmet.
"Kabal to Stryker. I read you, I will be there shortly." He said in his raspy, respirator assisted voice.
"Shortly won't be fast enough!" There's to man-" Stryker's voice stopped.
"Strkyer? Stryker!" Kabal ran out his door and into the street. He set the new GPS device on his wrist to Stryker's location. He took another breath, then sprinted towards the coordinates. He easily ran past every speeding vehicle in the street. He even jumped over cars that were slower than him. The sun was high in the sky with no clouds to be seen. Kabal's vision was flawless as he ran onto the highway. As he crossed over to the mainland of New York, he looked to the edge of the coastline where all the patrol cars were. He was puzzled though, no tarkatan. He ran into the other side of traffic and jumped off the bridge. His momentum carried him all the way to the street. He stopped, looking around at the scene. All of the tarkatan were stacked on top of each other, unconscious. The lesser S.F. officers were all crowded around someone. Stryker was leaning on his car with his arms crossed.
"Took you long enough to get here." He said, gesturing to the pile. Kabal just realized each one had handcuffs on.
"What's that supposed to mean? My shift wasn't supposed to start for another 30 minutes." Stryker pointed to the group of officers. They parted as a man in red and yellow tights walked towards them. There was a yellow lightning bolt on his chest and he wore a red mask.
"It means, we found someone faster than you." The super hero laughed.
"More like, I found you. The name's Flash." He held his hand out to Kabal. He pushed it away.
"I'm not going to thank some nut-job in a red suit." Stryker pushed Kabal over to the side.
"He just saved all of us. You're not going to push him away like that."
"Uh, hello? I'm still here." Flash said. Kabal shook his head. Then he walked over to The Flash.
"You think you're faster than me?" He asked. Flash shrugged his shoulders.
"I DID get here before you."
"You could have been closer than me." Flash smiled at him.
"How about a race?" Kabal looked at Stryker. "If I win, you have to admit I'm faster than you."
"WHEN I win, you have to leave town." Flash laughed, holding out his hand. Kabal fiercely took it.
"It's a deal."
I got one.
In a completely serious and suspenseful tone, write about one man's horrific discovery that he is out of butter. Then write about his epic yet realistic quest to the corner store to get some before his toast pops out of the toaster.
Ill give you two to make sure!I got you homeboy. Might take a day