I know you said that you're done arguing, but I want to make a few seperate points before addressing a particular part of your post and then I should be done:
If Cyber Sub Zero comes back human, then you should bring back Jax with regular arms and unscarred Kabal, as well
Either that, or you'll have come up with some convoluted explanation as to why Cyber Sub Zero can come back "normal" again but Jax and Kabal can come back the same way that they were before
Because "BUT HE WAS HUMAN AT FIRST AND HE DIED SO HE'S GONNA REVERT BACK TO HIS ORIGINAL FORM" ain't gonna cut it as an argument, and I'll tell you a few reasons why
When they showed Sub-Zero's soul in the Netherrealm, what version of him did you see? You saw his cyborg version. Not his human version. So it's pretty safe to assume that's how he's going to come back in the story as a cyborg. Cyber Sub-Zero is Sub-Zero now; why would he not come back as what he is currently? Now that Smoke's dead, should he also come back as a straight up human this time instead of just being an enenra? Because he was originally a human, too, you know
Lastly, I continued to argue simply because I found it interesting. However, I was more focused on countering your own arguments rather than defend the character in question. I was trying to argue from an objective point of view; I try not to involve my personal feelings and opinions into arguments like these unless necessary