C'mon now
I'm really not buying this act you're putting on or whatever that what you've just said is just SO obvious for everyone besides you and Araknyd and maybe a few others to "pick up on". Maybe you've found a way to convince yourself of what you've said, but I don't think I'll be doing the same, sorry
So what exactly is Cyber Suz supposed to do, in your opinion? Cyber Subz can't have his moments of badassery (i.e. defeating Goro and Kintaro)? He can't perform good deeds? Is there a limit on how many good things he can do to you or something?
Understand that I'm not saying this to bash you or anything of that sort; either your logic is extremely flawed, or the bias in this is so thinly veiled and easy to see through it's almost embarrassing. This just seriously sounds like you simply not being to able fully accept the reality that a character you dislike so much actually did something useful and good in the story, so you're just trying to justify those statements to us in a way that doesn't come off as biased. Well, to be blunt... it's not working so try something else
Go on over to MK online and look up any cyber subz argument. Look up on testyourmight, and there are people there that say the same thing. Hell even some casual sites like gamespot have people saying it. This is not just something thought up. I bet if you look back far enough you can find them on trmk too. It has been said by others, I'm not going to look up every single in post just to look for it though.
Cyber Subz could have still been good without being overly good. It's the little details. Hell, the lines they gave him were awesome enough to make you fall in love with him as it is.
"My soul was corrupted, now it is cleansed"
"You're right we are not brothers etc..."
That would not have been overly good guy and still could have just been making cyber subz a good character. That was plain good character development
Awaking and wanting to change his ways. Good character development. It's reasonable that he would want to become a little better if he almost died or suffered severe trama.
Hell, the whole portion with Noob made him look waaaay cool.
Those portions alone made him a good character. NRS didn't stop there though.
Having him beat the two main sub-bosses in one round. Red Flag
Saving the armed forces. Red Flag.
Why couldn't he have just came upon Kano, Kintaro, and Goro and forced intel out of them? The soldiers just seemed out of place, but Oh Cyber subz to the rescue to save them. He's an american hero. Come on guys? I realize that some of my stuff is bias. I hate the bastard, but for you guys to ignore those little details like that is just going in blind.
He definitely could have came across as a good guy without being overly good, and them trying to make him overly bada** like they did. I remember all kinds of people saying whoa he beat Kintaro and Goro he must be a bad motherer.
Like I said again look up on other boards, this stuff ain't made up.
That's rational stuff up there I'm not just making it up, here's what you guys really want apparently though. I hate the bastard I admit. Is that what you guys want? He could have the best story since sliced bread and I would hate his a** because he's came into a storyline that I grew up with, and I don't think he's welcome. I also felt that they could have changed MANY other things, but because Cyber subz was so obvious they went with it. It seemed lazy, uninspired, forced shock value, and it wasn't really wanted in the first place by anyone. So what I may think of the story. You guys are so right, every one of you. Since that seems to be what you want to hear. So, so, so right. However, regardless of story. I hate him. That's what you said you wanted Critical. I hate the bastard, HAAAAAAATTTTTEEEEE Him. Not wanted. Leave. That's how I feel about him. Also to throw this out. If you throw my ideas out so easily ya know. Why argue them anyway? I mean it's crazy to argue like this as long as you have, and I still call bullcrap. To argue as hard as you have and for sooo many pages, I still say one or two of you like Cyber subz better and are fans. Otherwise you would have just said whatever a long time ago.
Also, since he's dead it does seem more likely he will come back human. I'm not going to budge on that. He died along with other characters and it seems more likley that ALL of them will be back human. Where you guys get him coming back as a cyborg seems the more likely option just dumbfounds me because it doesn't seem more likely. He died for a reason, Just sayin.
I'm done arguing this it's tiring. You're not going to tell me that the bastard is better, storywise, appearance wise, personality wise, or any other way. So let's drop it. You guys got your opinions I got mine. I'm not arguing with 3-4 people anymore it's tiring as hell, and by the time I get one thing posted i've got 2 more to answer too. It ain't worth it. You guys are right, right, right. So darn right.