mileena is like raiden in a sense, she's godlike online, but once u remove lag from the equation, she's mediocre. i'm not saying someone can't make her a great character, it's just for the most part, players use cheesy gimmicks to win. there's nothing more frustrating then getting hit with a random roll you know you blocked or not being able to react to teleport kicks when you try and set up things after you planned on blocking it.
she's one of the chars i always sigh when someone picks her, it also seems like every player who uses her has a shoddy connection too. her d4 is soooooooo frustrating in delay, when i first picked up the game i literally got trapped in a routine. this guy just kept doing her overhead kick, d4, d3, dash, repeat. i couldn't move, it was the cheesiest tactic i've ever seen and the loss was definitely the most frustrating thing i've experienced.