Why are there so many Mileena haters =/


i have a quick question
u know Jade's shadow kick, I can do 2, 1 then 1 RIGHT after it,,, is tat a glitch? like one then i do one after it but instant!
@vital I see what you arew saying but we want the newbies to keep playing the game and they wont if they loose 90% of the time

give them what they paid for

Meh, If you learn the hard way you feel more accomplished than winning by buying a victory. I play alot of F2P Games on the PC the companies make money by Puting OP gear,Weapons,Armor Etc.. for real cash. Just so a new player can compete with Veterans in the game, But it fails because some Experienced players take advantage of the options they have and ruin the game.

Edit: I Understand that they need money to make more games and produce more conntent, But why cant it all be balanced and fair.

i have a quick question
u know Jade's shadow kick, I can do 2, 1 then 1 RIGHT after it,,, is tat a glitch? like one then i do one after it but instant!

nope thats on purpose for people who can pull it off ;)

@vital now that you said that not only is fight night champion ridiculously unbalanced

you can also buy xp packs for your boxer giving them more power and speed which is terrible if you plan on prize fighting

not to mention a 12 round match can take 40 minutes on average

makes matchmaking with a newbie like having a hot chick hit on you
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Somebody call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHmbulance already. God kid, ive been maining Sindel since day 1, do you have any idea how much hatemail I get playing her?

EDIT: Also Mileena is really easy to beat and punish. Just expect her to throw sais after her teleport kick and react accordingly. Remember her roll hits high, and NEVER duck her either, if she low pokes backdash.
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mileena is like raiden in a sense, she's godlike online, but once u remove lag from the equation, she's mediocre. i'm not saying someone can't make her a great character, it's just for the most part, players use cheesy gimmicks to win. there's nothing more frustrating then getting hit with a random roll you know you blocked or not being able to react to teleport kicks when you try and set up things after you planned on blocking it.

she's one of the chars i always sigh when someone picks her, it also seems like every player who uses her has a shoddy connection too. her d4 is soooooooo frustrating in delay, when i first picked up the game i literally got trapped in a routine. this guy just kept doing her overhead kick, d4, d3, dash, repeat. i couldn't move, it was the cheesiest tactic i've ever seen and the loss was definitely the most frustrating thing i've experienced.
mileena is like raiden in a sense, she's godlike online, but once u remove lag from the equation, she's mediocre. i'm not saying someone can't make her a great character, it's just for the most part, players use cheesy gimmicks to win. there's nothing more frustrating then getting hit with a random roll you know you blocked or not being able to react to teleport kicks when you try and set up things after you planned on blocking it.

she's one of the chars i always sigh when someone picks her, it also seems like every player who uses her has a shoddy connection too. her d4 is soooooooo frustrating in delay, when i first picked up the game i literally got trapped in a routine. this guy just kept doing her overhead kick, d4, d3, dash, repeat. i couldn't move, it was the cheesiest tactic i've ever seen and the loss was definitely the most frustrating thing i've experienced.

You should'nt Generalize players, Because im a Mileena player and i dont use cheesy Gimmicks to win. I give a fair fight and its your fault if you get caught in a combo and if a player repeats the same thing you should adapt and find ways around it. And the frustration part is what us SKILLED(emphasis on SKILLED) Mily player do :)
You should'nt Generalize players, Because im a Mileena player and i dont use cheesy Gimmicks to win. I give a fair fight and its your fault if you get caught in a combo and if a player repeats the same thing you should adapt and find ways around it. And the frustration part is what us SKILLED(emphasis on SKILLED) Mily player do :)

i agree it was my fault and i wasn't trying to generalize my comment cuz i also said "i'm not saying someone can't make her great". it's just, she's a nightmare online. she has soooooooooo many frame advantages and some of her moves can't be punished and the moves you can punish are 50/50 online. i just feel like 99% of the people that use her would get destroyed offline or even in a decent connection.

there's this tactic a lot of mileena players use, they'll do a roll from across the screen, just to close in the distance and then do the overhead kick move, lol. i was in a king of the hill lobby and this dude was smashing on all these players using that routine, it was hilarious.

he or she ended up rage quitting on my stryker tho :)

however, nothing beats someone who uses KL and Cage frame traps... that is the most cheesiest bs i've ever seen in my entire life, you can't do anything about it. so pathetic to see people stoop those standards just to win, i read on here that you won't be able to cancel one of Cage's strings.. so hopefully that eliminates losers taking advantage of it.
Her tele-kick is punish-able....

You can always block low, Fuzzy block it high so your still low, Sai's go over your head, Then punish....

Just don't worry about the hate Ivital.

If it's not mileena or kung lao or Raiden or kitana or reptile....

They'll find someone new to complain about.
Her tele-kick is punish-able....

You can always block low, Fuzzy block it high so your still low, Sai's go over your head, Then punish....

Just don't worry about the hate Ivital.

If it's not mileena or kung lao or Raiden or kitana or reptile....

They'll find someone new to complain about.

lol... bro, any intelligent person will tell you the stuff that happens online is cheesy as hell. i mean c'mon, every single raiden players use him wrong. when you teleport, that should be punishable because he's just standing there, but online it doesn't matter because you have no time to react to that. it's the same thing with KL, mileena, scorpion, and ermac, i'm not saying they're bad characters but people use online to their advantage.

the only character out of that group that can win consistently in tournaments is KL because he's so well rounded. the other chars get used in gimmicky ways, all those tactics would get punished offline.. simple as that.

don't tell me you're going to sit there and keep using the teleport, lol... are you kidding me? they'd get eliminated before the first hour of the event.
fuzzy block or zoning blocks or 4, 4, to 44 blocks.. it doesn't matter what you want to call the block, you don't have enough time to react to certain tactics online, simple as that.
Her tele-kick is punish-able....

You can always block low, Fuzzy block it high so your still low, Sai's go over your head, Then punish....

Just don't worry about the hate Vital.

If it's not mileena or kung lao or Raiden or kitana or reptile....

They'll find someone new to complain about.

Is the 2,4 into ground hat a Infinite? The only way i can break out of it is with a Breaker.. =/
lol... bro, any intelligent person will tell you the stuff that happens online is cheesy as hell. i mean c'mon, every single raiden players use him wrong. when you teleport, that should be punishable because he's just standing there, but online it doesn't matter because you have no time to react to that. it's the same thing with KL, mileena, scorpion, and ermac, i'm not saying they're bad characters but people use online to their advantage.

the only character out of that group that can win consistently in tournaments is KL because he's so well rounded. the other chars get used in gimmicky ways, all those tactics would get punished offline.. simple as that.

don't tell me you're going to sit there and keep using the teleport, lol... are you kidding me? they'd get eliminated before the first hour of the event.

lol I was trolling with that man. If you couldn't tell that i'm offended lol. Although what I said works but that's highly unlikely to happen lol. Not worth the risk lol.

I have no problem with raiden online. I stuff his teleport on reaction online as well, Just kind of hard. But I know your point. i've played matches laggy enough where reaction will not work. So I have to guess.

I just played against AMES32 online today earlier. he randomly got Raiden, and he stopped teleporting completely lol because of how many times I punished it.

If you're talking about me telling Ivital to not worry?
Sorry, but Online is online. If you can't accept lag will affect the game. Then don't play it. simple as that. Don't take away from Ivital playing his/her character just because you have problems stopping something. I'm just telling Ivital to stop worrying about people crying, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS CRY.

Starcraft is extremely balanced, people STILL cry. So it's whatever.

Is the 2,4 into ground hat a Infinite? The only way i can break out of it is with a Breaker.. =/

lol no. I was talking about your tele-kicks into sai's to protect yourself. You can get out of that low hat loop w/o a breaker. It's not a infinite it's a pressure loop. The only way out of it is to block the medium, or eat the medium. Block the low hat low, use a extremely low frame move, like Jade's Down3.
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I usually just Dash cancel into U+4 To punish raiden Teleport or either wait like a Second before i react to it.