khrome Mar 11, 2014 hi plz check out this wishlist and let me know your suggestions
hi plz check out this wishlist and let me know your suggestions
Kzaoo Sep 3, 2012 Oh yeah, forgot to say, you can just put a bunch of f-words in your posts and they'll count towards post count but wont show up.
Oh yeah, forgot to say, you can just put a bunch of f-words in your posts and they'll count towards post count but wont show up.
Shirayuki Mizore Sep 1, 2012
iViTal Aug 19, 2012 So DBman create 5 threads in one day.. 4 cross over threads and 1 "Return Thread" Stating why he shouldn't have been banned, and he came into the chatroom that same day and we trolled him until the mods finally perma banned him :rofl:
So DBman create 5 threads in one day.. 4 cross over threads and 1 "Return Thread" Stating why he shouldn't have been banned, and he came into the chatroom that same day and we trolled him until the mods finally perma banned him :rofl: