Why are there so many Mileena haters =/


Active member
I dont get why people hate on mileena so much, its not like you see her in every ranked or player match. Its like everytime i play a player whose record is Positive i get hate mail saying

"Mileena?, Your cool" #Sarcasm

"Your mileena Spammer noob get skill B!tch" (Thats a real message in my Inbox o.o)

Some XBlL trmk Members seen my mileena, and i dont spam or use cheap tactics to win..

She has 3 Specials that are Punishiable. Roll,Neckbite,Teleport. so why do people hate her =/
I hate Mileena because I think she is overrated.

Her moves are also cheap as ****.
After her teleport is blocked she can still use her sais to recover.
The **** kind of shit is that?!

And I hate her wake-ups. They seem to have way more invincibility frames than they should.
I hate Mileena because I think she is overrated.

Her moves are also cheap as ****.
After her teleport is blocked she can still use her sais to recover.
The **** kind of shit is that?!

And I hate her wake-ups. They seem to have way more invincibility frames than they should.

He has a point, I hate the fact that you kan't punish her Teleport. But it is only one wakeup out of three that isn't punishable so. I'm on the fence with that.

I just dislike Mileena, she is just annoying for me.
I hate Mileena because I think she is overrated.

Her moves are also cheap as ****.
After her teleport is blocked she can still use her sais to recover.
The **** kind of shit is that?!

And I hate her wake-ups. They seem to have way more invincibility frames than they should.

For The teleports Just Uppercut if that fails she recovers dead in front of you just grab.

You have to be patient to beat her wake up game, she can punish you when your in the middle of a string.

Hope this helps :)
For The teleports Just Uppercut if that fails she recovers dead in front of you just grab.

You have to be patient to beat her wake up game, she can punish you when your in the middle of a string.

Hope this helps :)

No, no it doesn't help :)

I'm not saying I can't beat Mileena, I'm just saying she pisses me off.
mileena is awesome! i love playing as her, and i understand she can be frustrating to beat and may come across as cheap, but if your against her just be super ready with the block

if someone chooses mileena i usually choose kung lao and block her teleport kick and couter with a spin then a lengthy combo

she is just as easy to beat as she is to win with

I just think people hate to get caught in her mix-up game...there are alot of Mileena spammers and like rocky said just be ready to block a whole lot during the match.
I hate fighting against her. I hate her story, She's a boring character. She's overrated.

I don't hate her, I just like her the least of everyone in MK9.
I kinda hate her for no reason too

the only thing that anyone remembers about her is that she has huge gigantic ****ing tits, and her face is ugly. And thats how it's always been

pretty good fighter though
omg, im so surprised that i didn't start this thread :P
lol, yes Mileena is a b**** to fight...
that is true...
that is why people like to main her, since she is easy to use and easy to fight with :)
omg, im so surprised that i didn't start this thread :P
lol, yes Mileena is a b**** to fight...
that is true...
that is why people like to main her, since she is easy to use and easy to fight with :)

I mained her because she has Big tits and a nice ass... Eye candy :D


I hate fighting against her. I hate her story, She's a boring character. She's overrated.

I don't hate her, I just like her the least of everyone in MK9.

She overrated because of her appearance in EVO i dont like that alot of people use her just because reo did that pisses me off. The real reason imained her is because she is a Solid character, Sick Story, and imo the best Female character in the game. Kinda wish she had stood out more in MK9 story mode.
a better name for this thread should have been whyare there so many *insert overpowered character here* haters out there :/
Well, then we have Raiden,Reptile and Kung Lao and as I heard Freddy!!!

we shouldnt be complaining about freddy because he brought nrs some gold, which is good for us more money means more games and content

still he is overpowered but fun to use

his existence in the mk universe is a different story
we shouldnt be complaining about freddy because he brought nrs some gold, which is good for us more money means more games and content

still he is overpowered but fun to use

his existence in the mk universe is a different story

if he is overpowered and fun, then the other 4 (mileena reptile, kung lao and raiden) are also overpowered and fun :)
we shouldnt be complaining about freddy because he brought nrs some gold, which is good for us more money means more games and content

still he is overpowered but fun to use

his existence in the mk universe is a different story

True, But he doesnt have to be broken to bring money in for them. I would rather buy somthing balanced vs Somthing that would give me a Edge over other players.

Edit: Just my opinion :)
if he is overpowered and fun, then the other 4 (mileena reptile, kung lao and raiden) are also overpowered and fun :)

I hate to disagree with you there but having a good reptile is harder than what it looks

doing the elbow dash consecutively means doing the inputs twice and twice as fast as just once

the same can be said for raiden his op is highly punishable
not to mention using the teleport the right way takes hand speed
not to mention what you have to do afterwards

now freddy has a 50/50 mixup, high plus low projectiles and get away moves

not to mention the broken scaling

@vital I see what you arew saying but we want the newbies to keep playing the game and they wont if they loose 90% of the time

give them what they paid for