I still haven't beat it yet. Goro is SO CHEAP, i've only beat him once on this challenge. I've literally had matches where I could not hurt him AT ALL. Everything I came at him with he would block it, and if he wasn't in a position to block it in time he would turn on his armor so that he wouldn't get knocked back or hurt hardly at all. And then ofcourse are the randomizer match powerups and stuff, that make me weaker, while at the same time he gets a strength boost, which is totally cheap since he already has one built in.
I've seen the other videos online of people beating this thing, and their opponents aren't nearly as vicious as the ones I'm facing, it's like mine are on SUPER DUPER ULTRA HARD MODE. They NEVER let up, and their defense NEVER goes down. I'm going to get it eventuallly, I just need to practice to find those chinks in the armor, but until then I just skipped it all with 50K koins to get Mileena's costume and went right back to trying to master Reptile. Just got the 150 X-rays to complete and the grueling 24hr usage.