Kabals that are really good at Nomad dash Canceling and can mix up it really well with EX and normal dash.
So hard to get out of it, and they build so much meter while doing it <_<
His mix ups are ridiculous.
A really good offline Kabal player I met that knocked me out in tournament recently his name is John helped me learn the match up more.
Basically Kabal has the most advantage off his F3,2. But the catch with using this string is. If someone lets go of block after F3, they can get out of the pressure because kabal MUST commit to the spin cancel. Kabal does have the option to just let his spin ride on through. But that's risky if the opponent kept holding block.
another mix up Kabal can do is after his F3,2 or B1,1(maybe 2?) it's the hook string. The B1, doesn't have as good as an advantage as F3,2 but on hit confirm you can combo. Also instead of cancelling after the second hit. You can finish the string if you want hard punish a poke.
Kabal also has enough advantage after F3,2 he can D3 you before you can poke, if you decided to go for the poke on his nomad dash cancel.
It's a frustrating situation to be in.