Summary so far
Questions Ed/NRS will most likely shed some light on:
1. What is the Story? Is it going directly off of MK9?
2. Will there be any differences in current gen/next gen iterations of the game?
3. What exactly does "a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy" mean?
4. What does "Mortal Kombat X gives players the ability to choose from multiple variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style" mean?
5. Will we see new/developed iterations of the post MK3 characters like Kai, Shujinko etc or will we be seeing completely new characters in their place?
6. Will Kreate a Fighter return in MKX? (I hope he just says no.)
7. Will they bring back tag team? (50/50 on this one; it's worth a try)
8. Are we looking at 30 or 60 fps?
9. How will you guys be taking advantage of the new-gen tech?
10. Will the gameplay be more or less competitive worry than its last installment, Mortal Kombat 9?
11. Will there be running?
12. I would like them to elaborate on the fighting system, the engine being used for this game, etc. Seems much more natural and real which i'm excited about.
13. Will the MKast return? (worth a shot!)
Questions Ed/NRS will most likely not answer next week:
1. Will Shinnok be the boss?
2. How will the single player experience be like? What single player modes are there going to be? Is the story mode from last game returning, as well as the ladder mode?
3. Which Sub-Zero is in the trailer? Bi-Han or Kuai? And how is that possible for either?
4. Is the Krypt returning?
5. Did those characters from MK9 actually die?
6. How many new characters will be joining the cast?
7. Is there gonna be an online tournament mode whatsoever?
8. Is Harakiri ever making a return in the game?
9. any guest characters?
10. is the challenge TOWER returning?
11. Are bosses going to be playable?
12. Will there be animalities?
13. Will there be a demo some time before release?
14. What Editions of the game are coming?
15. Will there be an online 4-player Tag Team mode