- Will the game have exclusive features for the current gen versions (XboxOne & PS4) or will the game be exactly the same across all five platforms?
- For how many languages will the game be translated to? Is it possible to confirm any? (Rooting for Brazilian Portuguese, of course

- Can we expect a demo/beta version of the game to be released shortly before the game's release?
- Is it possible to confirm a "Kollector's Edition" of the game? If so, can we expect some sort of exclusive Arcade Stick like we had for MK and Injustice? (Yeah, I know, this one is a bit too soon to ask, but I'm just throwing ideas out here)
- Will in-game projectiles affect the environment in any way? Like Sub-Zero's Ice Ball [when missed] freezing parts of trees (or anything) or Scorpion's Hellfire move burning stuff [when missed].
- As of now (June 6th) the announce trailer has 6 million views, while the last MK's reveal trailer barely hit 200k views. Was this reaction expected in any way (due to Wiz Khalifa contributing with an original song) or was this a total suprise to all involved?
- Will we FINALLY see hit-trades making their debut in the MK universe with this installment? (This is a SERIOUSLY important one, preventing P1 advantage is a priority)
- What about the training mode? What improvements can we expect in this one (when considering Injustice's)?
- Who will be presenting the game overseas this time, since Hector is working with Sony Santa Monica now? (This is some sort of LOL question actually haha)
Anyways, that's all for now. :-D