New member
Beetle Lair
( Near the Deadline )
Mileena had been growing impatient. The moon was large outside tonight. It's bright glow beaming through the windows of the Beetle Lair gave Mileena a sense of security. Had it been too dark, she would have possibly been a bundle of nerves. Here, nothing would be concealed. She knew Sub-Zero would probably begin to worry had she not reported back in time…she was considering her options of abandoning this negotiation.
This was put to rest when footsteps were heard entering the Lair. Baraka had finally arrived.
Turning to face him, Mileena began to approach. "Mileena has limited time. Let us discuss what needs to happen. Mileena desires Kuai Liang's life be spared should we agree on the ambush – " Though her words were cut short when 'Baraka' sent a kick right to the center of her chest, forcing her to stumble backward.
"So, this is what it has come to? You will die…" Angered, Mileena sent her fist right into the plated armor with enough force to crack his sternum. As he stumbled back and roared at her, she narrowed her eyes. "Baraka…"
With the great space between them, the two charged in head first. Mileena knew she had the tactical advantage over the blade swinging Baraka, though she could never be too careful. She saw his kick coming, and stepped aside of it with ease. She tried to follow up with an overhead strike, though it was blocked by the beefy arm of the warrior. Before she knew it, everything went red in her sight as the force of a raging bull struck her jaw. Blood flew from her mouth –even through her veil from the impact. She was shocked Baraka had gotten so strong!
Regaining her senses, she kept her footing best she could. Though her former mate had taunted her with laughter. This was starting to work on her emotions fairly quickly. Baraka was not above her! Coming in, she caught him with a strong kick to the chest. While he was off balance, her plan was to hit him high or low had he managed to avoid either. In her case, he managed to avoid contact with her high arcing roundhouse, and even her sweep!
'Baraka' jumped over her gracefully landing in a kneel some feet away from her. She watched him, preparing herself for the next phase of battle. Though things changed when he drew both of his blades. Her heart skipped a beat – she had to be extra careful here. When he rushed her, the first thing she became worried about was her neck. It was only natural she was able to duck under his attempt to end her swiftly. Though the next cut wasn't so easy to avoid. She got a deep slice running up her abdomen, sending a spray of blood across the ground. Immediately, she saw a flash of Kuai Liang run through her mind. She couldn't die here! "Aaah..!"
'Baraka' didn't allow her to get any momentum and attempted a backhand blow with that sharp weapon, though Mileena now met his forearm with her own, holding him back with all the power she could muster. He had officially pissed her off. She summoned her strength to grasp him and toss him head first through one of the Beetle Lair glass prayer mirrors. As he lay on his back, she grit her teeth together. She timed him…watching his movements as she ran in at full speed. She met Baraka with a trio of flying kicks, giving him everything she had to send him flying through one of the stone walls inside the lair.
As he soared through, she hoped it would be the end. She glanced through the hole he had created, seeing that the flesh eating beetles had yet to arrive. Damn it. She had to finish him herself! She sprung through the opening, taking her stance once more. Though where Baraka lay…had made her slightly worried. His blades collapsed back into his arms…and there was a rather large weapon…something like an Axe sitting up next to him. That wasn't good. As he grasped it and kipped back to his feet, she had little choice but to make this an equal fight. With a flick of her wrists, each Sai was drawn.
She raced him as he charged her at full speed. This would be the end of everything. This was the day she had to become Mileena. Not Baraka's object, not Shang Tsung's creation, not Kahn's daughter, and not Kitana's impersonator. She would free herself once she killed Baraka once and for all! She ducked the sluggish weapon and unleashed with a flurry of deep stabs into the armored gut of her enemy. The Sai tore through armor and tissue like a they were paper, creating several deep puncture sounds which blood dolloped out of. As he dropped the weapon and doubled over, Mileena sent a powerful knee into the side of his face, shattering his teeth and sending fissures through his cheekbone and skull.
He staggered back into a stand…and Mileena sent a final powerful thrust of her leg into his chest, sending him crashing against one of the walls inside the room. As his blood pooled along the ground…the beetles began to appear. It was time for her to go. "At one time…, Mileena loved you, Baraka…" She was nearly choked with anger and emotion. "Though now Mileena knows that love was misplaced. She understands that…, you…like Kahn, like Shang Tsung…only saw Mileena as a tool… a weapon!" She stepped back… " But now Mileena knows that is not what she is. Kitana sees it, Kuai Liang sees it, even if he does not yet know who Mileena is. Though…, that will change…"
"Finish it." 'Baraka' demanded, laying helplessly while the approaching flesh eaters closed in.
"…You deserve to die slow, Baraka…" She turned, leaping back up through the way that she came.
Finally, free from her past. She was able to move forward, as she had desired for so long. She still had enemies left to eradicate…, though their time, like Baraka's, had ended. As she emerged from the temple, she held her hand over the wound over her stomach. It was healing, though slower than she had expected it. She would live, at least.
( Near the Deadline )
Mileena had been growing impatient. The moon was large outside tonight. It's bright glow beaming through the windows of the Beetle Lair gave Mileena a sense of security. Had it been too dark, she would have possibly been a bundle of nerves. Here, nothing would be concealed. She knew Sub-Zero would probably begin to worry had she not reported back in time…she was considering her options of abandoning this negotiation.
This was put to rest when footsteps were heard entering the Lair. Baraka had finally arrived.
Turning to face him, Mileena began to approach. "Mileena has limited time. Let us discuss what needs to happen. Mileena desires Kuai Liang's life be spared should we agree on the ambush – " Though her words were cut short when 'Baraka' sent a kick right to the center of her chest, forcing her to stumble backward.
With the great space between them, the two charged in head first. Mileena knew she had the tactical advantage over the blade swinging Baraka, though she could never be too careful. She saw his kick coming, and stepped aside of it with ease. She tried to follow up with an overhead strike, though it was blocked by the beefy arm of the warrior. Before she knew it, everything went red in her sight as the force of a raging bull struck her jaw. Blood flew from her mouth –even through her veil from the impact. She was shocked Baraka had gotten so strong!
Regaining her senses, she kept her footing best she could. Though her former mate had taunted her with laughter. This was starting to work on her emotions fairly quickly. Baraka was not above her! Coming in, she caught him with a strong kick to the chest. While he was off balance, her plan was to hit him high or low had he managed to avoid either. In her case, he managed to avoid contact with her high arcing roundhouse, and even her sweep!
'Baraka' jumped over her gracefully landing in a kneel some feet away from her. She watched him, preparing herself for the next phase of battle. Though things changed when he drew both of his blades. Her heart skipped a beat – she had to be extra careful here. When he rushed her, the first thing she became worried about was her neck. It was only natural she was able to duck under his attempt to end her swiftly. Though the next cut wasn't so easy to avoid. She got a deep slice running up her abdomen, sending a spray of blood across the ground. Immediately, she saw a flash of Kuai Liang run through her mind. She couldn't die here! "Aaah..!"
'Baraka' didn't allow her to get any momentum and attempted a backhand blow with that sharp weapon, though Mileena now met his forearm with her own, holding him back with all the power she could muster. He had officially pissed her off. She summoned her strength to grasp him and toss him head first through one of the Beetle Lair glass prayer mirrors. As he lay on his back, she grit her teeth together. She timed him…watching his movements as she ran in at full speed. She met Baraka with a trio of flying kicks, giving him everything she had to send him flying through one of the stone walls inside the lair.
As he soared through, she hoped it would be the end. She glanced through the hole he had created, seeing that the flesh eating beetles had yet to arrive. Damn it. She had to finish him herself! She sprung through the opening, taking her stance once more. Though where Baraka lay…had made her slightly worried. His blades collapsed back into his arms…and there was a rather large weapon…something like an Axe sitting up next to him. That wasn't good. As he grasped it and kipped back to his feet, she had little choice but to make this an equal fight. With a flick of her wrists, each Sai was drawn.
She raced him as he charged her at full speed. This would be the end of everything. This was the day she had to become Mileena. Not Baraka's object, not Shang Tsung's creation, not Kahn's daughter, and not Kitana's impersonator. She would free herself once she killed Baraka once and for all! She ducked the sluggish weapon and unleashed with a flurry of deep stabs into the armored gut of her enemy. The Sai tore through armor and tissue like a they were paper, creating several deep puncture sounds which blood dolloped out of. As he dropped the weapon and doubled over, Mileena sent a powerful knee into the side of his face, shattering his teeth and sending fissures through his cheekbone and skull.
He staggered back into a stand…and Mileena sent a final powerful thrust of her leg into his chest, sending him crashing against one of the walls inside the room. As his blood pooled along the ground…the beetles began to appear. It was time for her to go. "At one time…, Mileena loved you, Baraka…" She was nearly choked with anger and emotion. "Though now Mileena knows that love was misplaced. She understands that…, you…like Kahn, like Shang Tsung…only saw Mileena as a tool… a weapon!" She stepped back… " But now Mileena knows that is not what she is. Kitana sees it, Kuai Liang sees it, even if he does not yet know who Mileena is. Though…, that will change…"
"Finish it." 'Baraka' demanded, laying helplessly while the approaching flesh eaters closed in.
"…You deserve to die slow, Baraka…" She turned, leaping back up through the way that she came.
Finally, free from her past. She was able to move forward, as she had desired for so long. She still had enemies left to eradicate…, though their time, like Baraka's, had ended. As she emerged from the temple, she held her hand over the wound over her stomach. It was healing, though slower than she had expected it. She would live, at least.
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