Without glass in the windows, it was fairly simple for Jade to crawl out and climb up onto the top of the skywalk. Staying low, she moved toward the fortress outer walls, leaping onto one of the overhanging gargoyle statues, remaining in the dark. Right on cue, Tanya was seen emerging out into the gardens…, but many were already there. Laughter, choking, and conversation was abundant down below. She adjusted her position to take a look.
There were drinks all around. Kano, Rain, Baraka, and Reiko were already there.
"Hah!" Kano choked, pounding his chest to try and find his breath. The deep guttural sounds were nearly as if he were going to vomit up a lung any moment now. "So I says to 'em, I says…" He paused, placing his hand up on Reiko's shoulder. "Shang Tsung? Well, what the bloody hell did he sing ya twit? Get it? Tsung and sung? Hah!"
"Now that…, is comedy!" Rain pointed toward Kano, holding his goblet in hand. "Why isn't this man performing at any events?"
"Because, it's as humorous as child birth." Reiko's gruff voice bellowed out. "At last Tanya arrives. This madness, it was moments away from consuming me."
"Forgive my tardiness. Madame Denise had many errands for me." She seemed timid, approaching the group of warriors with the book clutched to her body. "We all know why we are meeting here, so we must make this quick. Noob Saibot has failed to complete as planned."
"…What do you mean 'failed'?" Baraka, who had been seated on the floor came to a stand. "Another plan, failed? Woman, you tell the sorcerers that my patience is now gone."
"Baraka, at ease." Reiko held an arm out as to bar him from advancing. "We are of the elite warriors, we needn't not act like savages now. Save the energy." As Reiko was a high ranking officer of equal power to Baraka…, and even Rain…there was visibly a respect among the three. "Why did Noob Saibot fail?"
"Well," Tanya was getting nervous now. Her voice was shaking a little from seeing the ferocious gaze Baraka was giving her. "Since he did not die in the netherrealm, Quan Chi is unable to achieve total control of him. Somehow, Noob Saibot has maintained a lot of his free will and memory. Even so…, he is thrice as powerful as we originally projected."
"Now that's soundin' good to me, sweets." Kano draped his arm about Rain's shoulders, taking another chug of his drink. "So now we ain't gotta worry 'bout the Pale Horseman sendin' em on our ass, aye?"
"I suppose, however he requests that some of you retrieve Noob Saibot for him. With Skarlet tailing him, it will be hard. Find Saibot, and bring him to the place."
Rain took a sip of his drink. "…Well I suppose there's no gain without work." His eyes went toward his colleagues. "We'll go get Noob Saibot. I suppose I can take some time from fixing up that mangled creature for a bit?"
"Oi, no can't do mate." Kano released Rain, stepping away from the group, but turning to face them as he backtracked. "Forgot, got a shipment of artillery comin'. Gotta head out to the forests to meet good ol' Tsung-Song. Enjoy shadow chasin', Raviv, Reiko, and 'course Baraka!" He chugged the last of his drink, slamming the goblet down to the stone walkway as he made his exit back within the fortress.
"…I would like nothing more than to tear his heart out." Baraka grumbled, "I will not go with you, either. There has been a change of plans. We will take the king once the pawns have fallen." The Tarkatan's words seemed to be in code – and from what Jade could see, Rain and Reiko both seemed obedient to his demands.
"Very well, General. The board is still being set, so the game is delayed." Reiko bowed his head. "This meeting is dismissed on General Baraka's word."
With a simple motion of his head, the remaining meeting forces began going their own ways without another word. Jade knew something was cooking here. She had to get to the evil forests, though. Well...near them. She remembered Nido being near the Soul Chambers just outside the forest when they watched Mileena and Kuai Liang battle.
Side Event #14: The Evil Forest, Cyber Smoke avoided
Kitana remained hidden within the evil forests, waiting for Smoke. She was sure to steer clear of Shang Tsung and Kano's…weapons testing for certain. While the carnivorous trees groaned about her, and the heavy stench of death thickened with every breath, Kitana managed to stay calm. She was all focus, and such distractions would go on ignored until her task was complete.
She watched Smoke enter the thick of the forest…trailing him along the way. He had a confrontation with the Kano and the sorcerer, but Kitana did not jump in. She was confident these events went on in Smoke's favor. She needed to get closer…, and keep an eye out for any other warriors. She did remember never seeing his human form again after this time period…so something was going to happen. She moved around the parameter slowly; each step in perfect sync with her silent breathing. Her long years training as an assassin made her as light on her feet as mosquito, and it served her well.
There was a slight obstacle…, an overturned tree. She noticed a cyborg was now battling Smoke; this had to have been Sektor. Kitana had to move quickly! As she scaled over it, she noticed a noose hanging above her from another branch. It was…much too small for a neck, and sway as if it had weight. She began to pass under it as she crossed the broken tree – but ran into something solid, that she couldn't see at all. "What-?" Kitana staggered back. The light bent before her eyes, framing a translucent figure of a female. She grasped her fan quickly to defend herself if needed.
The figure seemed lifeless…, but after a moment, it started to squirm to find freedom. "…Help…me." The voice wheezed, as the figure once again ceased to move. It seemed she was tied at both of her feet.
Unsure on if she should assist or not…Kitana clutched her fan firmly in her grasp. She swung high, slicing through the rope easily.
As the figure fell, she righted herself and landed on her knees. She wore faded gray garments on her body, though her features remained hollow. It was as if Kitana were speaking to an invisible woman. "…Who are you?" She spoke, still brandishing her weapon in case this act of kindness became a fatal flaw.
There was silence for several moments. As she crouched, flesh began to form over the hollow lines of her body. She replicated Kitana's features instantly, but maintained her wild hair that rushed back behind her shoulders. "…Thank you."
"You did not answer my -…" Kitana heard a loud cry of agony from Smoke, and her eyes shot over toward him. He was surrounded by metallic beings, seeming to be getting electrocuted! As her sights returned to the woman…she was gone. Rather than dwelling on her location, Kitana sprang into action. She tossed out each of her fans, letting them cycle in opposing directions. Each fan lopped off the heads of the cyber entities, and rounded about to return to her waiting hands. Once they fell, she jumped in to make herself known. "I am a friend, do not worry." She assured him, "I am Princess Kitana."
"Princess Kitana? Daughter of Shao Kahn?" Smoke faced her, pointing an accusing finger. "Why is it I should trust the likes of you so easily? Why—"
"Shao Kahn is not my father." Kitana spoke with authority, "I am acting under my own will, and I have protected you from a grim fate. I can understand your curiosity on why, but I assure you that my intentions are pure."
"She speaks the truth." The words of the Thunder God drew their attention. He approached the two in the company of Johnny Cage, having parted ways with Briggs and Blade just moments prior.
Smoke immediately bowed before Raiden to show his repsects. "Lord Raiden." He lowered his head. "I thank you for your help, Princess Kitana. Forgive me for my ungratefulness. I am called Smoke" He started to rise, taking a step back to take in the sight of the three about him. "Why is it you come to Outworld, Lord Raiden? Why is it that you assist me, Princess Kitana?"
"How about this question, is there a 'happy' forest nearby? With smiling faces and branches that hug you?" He pointed off to the side, "Cause I see a guy's torso about twenty feet from here, and I'm not exactly digging this little camping session near it."
"Silence, Johnny Cage. We will be fine." Annoyance just barely showed its head in his tone. "We are here to participate in a tournament to save Earthrealm. Kitana has very similar aspirations, "He looked to her when mentioned, then returned his focus to Smoke. "Join us, Smoke."
"Forgive me," Smoke declined, "But if Sektor was searching for me, he is hunting Sub-Zero as well."
"…Sub-Zero?" Cage was…confused. "Call me crazy with a 'K' but…" He motioned over his shoulder with his thumb. "But didn't we see him die?"
Smoke continued, "The grandmaster intends to turn every Lin Kuei into a cyborg. My friend is in danger…"
"He will be at the tournament, this I know." Kitana assured Smoke, placing her hand on his shoulder. "The coliseum is the best bet, as all of the warriors will meet there when the tournament proceeds."
Raiden's gaze found Kitana's own. "Princess Kitana, your guardian has informed me of our shared gift. She has informed me of Liu Kang's victories and Shinnok's rise. I have every intention of assisting you, but I question if allowing this to go to a third and fourth tournament—"
"There will not be a fouth." Kitana narrowed her eyes, while a little peeved Jade told Raiden before she had a chance, she still went on. "I will see to it that all things are taken care of to prevent such. If allowed, I fear all of my efforts to prevent the end are in vain."
"Armageddon, yes…" Raiden lowered his head, "We will regroup with you at the Colliseum. Uphold your façade as long as you must. We will fetch Liu Kang and Kung Lao for this battle…"
( Side Event Over )