New member
"It was karma, really, when Shao Kahn invaded Edenia. I admit my participation in these events…" She paused, looking back at Jade. "I influenced him to take interest. To punish Sindel for the horrible crime she and her husband committed. By the time he did so, she'd just given birth to your 'friend', Kitana. You were named slave to the family throne long before you could even walk, which is why you remained at Kitana's side your entire life…but with my influence, you were allowed to live."
The story just got…very twisted to her now. Her mother influenced Shao Kahn to invade Edenia as revenge? Now she wanted to use her in the same way to destroy the timeline she currently resided in? It…did not seem right.
"My influence still lingers in Shao Kahn today. When he was defeated…I was weakened. Thus your connection to me resulted in you being here…in limbo." She motioned to the gateway leading to the post-Armageddon world. "You have the freedom to travel through time, as long as our link remains, my child."
"If you influence Shao Kahn…" She spoke softly, "How can I trust you? I cannot allow him to exist in any timeline. Allow me to destroy him this final time…, allow me to mend the timeline and destroy the former so that we can exist in a better world. Please."
Edenia thought for a moment. This…could work. "Defeat Shao Kahn and absorb my essence into yourself. Prevent the rise of Onaga, and the power to prevent Armageddon at Kahn's ambition will be yours. Are you…certain this is what you want?"
Something still felt strange about all of this. Was Kahn's ambition not her's as well? She couldn't connect the dots immediately. Perhaps if she defeated Shao Kahn, it would all be clear…maybe she could find out the truth about Sindel. She could not truly hate the Queen, even with this news, until proven true. Even so…she did not know if this was truly what she wanted…
( End Side-Event )
Returning to the tournament grounds, Kuai Liang watched as the sun began to set. The temperature was cooling down, but the tournament was still heating up as they entered round two. "Ladies and gentlemen! Our first match of the second round is about to begin! But first! I will announce all those who have advanced!" He stood from his seat to project his voice further. "The participants in round two are as follows. "Kai, Fukushu, Xue Fang, Mileena, Nido, Kia, Jataaka, and Nimbus Terrafaux!"
The crowd applauded for all those advancing as they lined up side-by-side. Tomas took over from here, announcing the first bout in the second round. "The first fight will be held between Fukushu and the Kickboxing champion Nimbus Terrafaux!"
Nimbus was a very promising up and coming star in film, replacing the likes of Johnny Cage on television, but was most known for his stellar Kickboxing career. The dark skinned male was clad in all black gi, with a thick handlebar mustache and low-cut hair. His taped feet were stained in blood from when he literately kicked the teeth out of his opponent last round. He climbed into the ring, doing a bit of fancy foot work as he prepared to fight. "At least you got all your bandages ready, lady!"
Fukushu said not a word as she climbed into the ring. She was perfectly calm. She bowed respectfully to Nimbus instead.
"…Fight!" Tomas called for the match to begin!
Nimbus started things off with a quick swing of his foot down low to Fukushu's side. However, she burst into a mist of red and appeared in front of him. She sent a punch directly above his groin to double him over. She yanked her fist back while he began to stand again and punched him hard right in his jaw. A coupled of shattered teeth left the man's mouth, staining his mustache in some stray, flailing blood. As he hit the ground, she lifted her heel up and sent it right down at the dead center of his chest, possibly cracking some ribs from how loudly he called out in pain.
Fukushu lifted her foot again and stood by for Nimbus to stand…which he could not do.
"…Fukushu wins! Flawless victory!" Impressed by the display of ability, even Kuai Liang had to applaud the woman's strength.
She bowed to the Lin Kuei grandmaster, and made her way back beside the ring while Nimbus was carried off to be tended to.
"The next bout is about to begin!" Tomas announced once the ring was clear. "Nido will face off against Kai!"
Nido took a deep breath as he entered the ring again. He was one step closer to winning this thing, but he saw how impressive Kai was in his first round match. This would be a tough one to crack. "…Alright. Let's get to it, man…"
Side Event #18:The Deadliest Alliance
"So, you are telling me he is finally ready to strike?" Denise spoke as she stood over her crystal ball, peering into it deeply.
"Yes…" The deep voice of Quan Chi was heard right across from her. He had only one arm now…due to his run-in with Scorpion months ago. His power took a great hit at the loss of his limb, so much that he required the assistance of Denise to replenish his lost energy. "Shao Kahn has been waiting for the right moment. It seems a higher power or voice directed him to do so…" The sorcerer was curious at times with Kahn's specific timing, but he pushed it out of his thoughts immediately. "Earthrealm will be invaded once Sindel's ward is broken. Can you assist me?"
"It depends," Denise looked up from her ball. "Are Reiko, Rain, and the others broken enough to go through with our plans?"
The pale man laughed softly. "Without Kano involved, we found a suitable replacement, Sheeva. Once the invasion is complete, they will attack and weaken Kahn so that we may strike finally. The Brotherhood will be in power after this is done…"
Denise wasn't entirely sold on the plot of killing Kahn yet. "Sindel is a valuable asset. Kahn may kill my husband if it means making her better." She knew all too well how Kahn thought. "My assistant gave up those men to aid us, so you owe me a favor." Her assistant was Tanya, who clearly sold out Reiko and Rain's plans to possibly save her own skin. "The favor I desire should be a simple task once I enhance you."
"Name it." Quan Chi was desperate for power, but he was also a man of some form of honor. He would repay his debt to Denise for fully joining the Brotherhood's efforts with her husband.
"I want a clone made of my husband. Discard the Mileena replication and assist my husband in making one for himself. One Shao Kahn can kill in his place…" She floated her hands along the top of the crystal ball a bit more. "I will hold you to your word if you agree. If anything happens to my husband, you will be seeing Scorpion again…in the blackest pits of hell. Do you understand me?" The growing aggression in her tone signified that she was quite serious about her husband's well-being. It was almost scary to hear, but despite her bickering, there was love there.
"…Yes. Of course." He knew Denise could do it if she so desired. He did not want to see any part of Scorpion…but he still had Noob Saibot as a failsafe if his connection with Shang Tsung and Denise went sour.
"Good." She smiled and placed her hands down on her desk. "I will loan you the energy of five hundred souls. This should suffice for your loss for a few years." She motioned her hand to her right, drawing forth green energy into the palm of her hand. There was a loud, ghostly howl following the collection of power from her personal soul well. She held it in her palm and examined it. "Tell Shao Kahn of my Soulnado innovation. Once the invasion begins, see to it that one is created. It will assist in the merging of realms one thousand times greater than anything he has." She moved her hand forward, throwing the ball of green into Quan Chi's chest. The energy surged over him for several seconds, electrocuting him as his energy restored, and even surpassed his prior prime state.
Now he had the strength needed to revive Sindel. Now the invasion could begin. "…I will begin assisting with the doppelganger as soon as I return, Madame." He stood up and bowed in respect to her great power. "Good day…"
"That is not all." Denise stood as well. "Tanya?" She called, and immediately, her assistant rushed into the room, hugging a large book to her chest.
"Yes?" She stood at attention and awaited the orders from her master.
"You will accompany Quan Chi to revive Sindel." Denise glanced to her, then back to Quan Chi. "Make sure everything goes correctly. Am I understood?"
"Yes, master."
( End Side Event )
The story just got…very twisted to her now. Her mother influenced Shao Kahn to invade Edenia as revenge? Now she wanted to use her in the same way to destroy the timeline she currently resided in? It…did not seem right.
"My influence still lingers in Shao Kahn today. When he was defeated…I was weakened. Thus your connection to me resulted in you being here…in limbo." She motioned to the gateway leading to the post-Armageddon world. "You have the freedom to travel through time, as long as our link remains, my child."
"If you influence Shao Kahn…" She spoke softly, "How can I trust you? I cannot allow him to exist in any timeline. Allow me to destroy him this final time…, allow me to mend the timeline and destroy the former so that we can exist in a better world. Please."
Edenia thought for a moment. This…could work. "Defeat Shao Kahn and absorb my essence into yourself. Prevent the rise of Onaga, and the power to prevent Armageddon at Kahn's ambition will be yours. Are you…certain this is what you want?"
Something still felt strange about all of this. Was Kahn's ambition not her's as well? She couldn't connect the dots immediately. Perhaps if she defeated Shao Kahn, it would all be clear…maybe she could find out the truth about Sindel. She could not truly hate the Queen, even with this news, until proven true. Even so…she did not know if this was truly what she wanted…
( End Side-Event )
Returning to the tournament grounds, Kuai Liang watched as the sun began to set. The temperature was cooling down, but the tournament was still heating up as they entered round two. "Ladies and gentlemen! Our first match of the second round is about to begin! But first! I will announce all those who have advanced!" He stood from his seat to project his voice further. "The participants in round two are as follows. "Kai, Fukushu, Xue Fang, Mileena, Nido, Kia, Jataaka, and Nimbus Terrafaux!"
The crowd applauded for all those advancing as they lined up side-by-side. Tomas took over from here, announcing the first bout in the second round. "The first fight will be held between Fukushu and the Kickboxing champion Nimbus Terrafaux!"
Nimbus was a very promising up and coming star in film, replacing the likes of Johnny Cage on television, but was most known for his stellar Kickboxing career. The dark skinned male was clad in all black gi, with a thick handlebar mustache and low-cut hair. His taped feet were stained in blood from when he literately kicked the teeth out of his opponent last round. He climbed into the ring, doing a bit of fancy foot work as he prepared to fight. "At least you got all your bandages ready, lady!"
Fukushu said not a word as she climbed into the ring. She was perfectly calm. She bowed respectfully to Nimbus instead.
"…Fight!" Tomas called for the match to begin!
Nimbus started things off with a quick swing of his foot down low to Fukushu's side. However, she burst into a mist of red and appeared in front of him. She sent a punch directly above his groin to double him over. She yanked her fist back while he began to stand again and punched him hard right in his jaw. A coupled of shattered teeth left the man's mouth, staining his mustache in some stray, flailing blood. As he hit the ground, she lifted her heel up and sent it right down at the dead center of his chest, possibly cracking some ribs from how loudly he called out in pain.
Fukushu lifted her foot again and stood by for Nimbus to stand…which he could not do.
"…Fukushu wins! Flawless victory!" Impressed by the display of ability, even Kuai Liang had to applaud the woman's strength.
She bowed to the Lin Kuei grandmaster, and made her way back beside the ring while Nimbus was carried off to be tended to.
"The next bout is about to begin!" Tomas announced once the ring was clear. "Nido will face off against Kai!"
Nido took a deep breath as he entered the ring again. He was one step closer to winning this thing, but he saw how impressive Kai was in his first round match. This would be a tough one to crack. "…Alright. Let's get to it, man…"
Side Event #18:The Deadliest Alliance
"So, you are telling me he is finally ready to strike?" Denise spoke as she stood over her crystal ball, peering into it deeply.
"Yes…" The deep voice of Quan Chi was heard right across from her. He had only one arm now…due to his run-in with Scorpion months ago. His power took a great hit at the loss of his limb, so much that he required the assistance of Denise to replenish his lost energy. "Shao Kahn has been waiting for the right moment. It seems a higher power or voice directed him to do so…" The sorcerer was curious at times with Kahn's specific timing, but he pushed it out of his thoughts immediately. "Earthrealm will be invaded once Sindel's ward is broken. Can you assist me?"
"It depends," Denise looked up from her ball. "Are Reiko, Rain, and the others broken enough to go through with our plans?"
The pale man laughed softly. "Without Kano involved, we found a suitable replacement, Sheeva. Once the invasion is complete, they will attack and weaken Kahn so that we may strike finally. The Brotherhood will be in power after this is done…"
Denise wasn't entirely sold on the plot of killing Kahn yet. "Sindel is a valuable asset. Kahn may kill my husband if it means making her better." She knew all too well how Kahn thought. "My assistant gave up those men to aid us, so you owe me a favor." Her assistant was Tanya, who clearly sold out Reiko and Rain's plans to possibly save her own skin. "The favor I desire should be a simple task once I enhance you."
"Name it." Quan Chi was desperate for power, but he was also a man of some form of honor. He would repay his debt to Denise for fully joining the Brotherhood's efforts with her husband.
"I want a clone made of my husband. Discard the Mileena replication and assist my husband in making one for himself. One Shao Kahn can kill in his place…" She floated her hands along the top of the crystal ball a bit more. "I will hold you to your word if you agree. If anything happens to my husband, you will be seeing Scorpion again…in the blackest pits of hell. Do you understand me?" The growing aggression in her tone signified that she was quite serious about her husband's well-being. It was almost scary to hear, but despite her bickering, there was love there.
"…Yes. Of course." He knew Denise could do it if she so desired. He did not want to see any part of Scorpion…but he still had Noob Saibot as a failsafe if his connection with Shang Tsung and Denise went sour.
"Good." She smiled and placed her hands down on her desk. "I will loan you the energy of five hundred souls. This should suffice for your loss for a few years." She motioned her hand to her right, drawing forth green energy into the palm of her hand. There was a loud, ghostly howl following the collection of power from her personal soul well. She held it in her palm and examined it. "Tell Shao Kahn of my Soulnado innovation. Once the invasion begins, see to it that one is created. It will assist in the merging of realms one thousand times greater than anything he has." She moved her hand forward, throwing the ball of green into Quan Chi's chest. The energy surged over him for several seconds, electrocuting him as his energy restored, and even surpassed his prior prime state.
Now he had the strength needed to revive Sindel. Now the invasion could begin. "…I will begin assisting with the doppelganger as soon as I return, Madame." He stood up and bowed in respect to her great power. "Good day…"
"That is not all." Denise stood as well. "Tanya?" She called, and immediately, her assistant rushed into the room, hugging a large book to her chest.
"Yes?" She stood at attention and awaited the orders from her master.
"You will accompany Quan Chi to revive Sindel." Denise glanced to her, then back to Quan Chi. "Make sure everything goes correctly. Am I understood?"
"Yes, master."
( End Side Event )