Chapter 4: Bittersweet
Mileena long since journeyed to the higher regions of Kahn's fortress. The dark and bleak wasteland may have been depressing to some, but the tranquility from above was similar to an oasis in an endless desert. All she wanted was some time to blow off some steam. Some time to try and refocus her energy and maintain patience. Regrets knotted in her stomach and combined with stubbornness to prevent her from going back and apologizing to her sister.
As far back as Mileena could remember, Shao Kahn always favored Kitana. He always held her in high regard, and Mileena always came second. Even in education, Kitana was given the best and brightest tutors Kahn could intimidate. Mileena was always kept away from the books and kept in the dojo to train. Learning how to kill this, maim that.., and due to her eagerness to please father, she did it all without question. In her mind, Kitana could be the scholar, but she herself would become the superior warrior to gain father's favor.
It didn't work out that way, though.
Kitana got everything, Kitana was always correct, Kitana was next in line for the throne, and now, somehow Kitana as the leader of the trio they formed? As much as she had grown to love her sister, the old hatred of being the least favorite drove her. Maybe once she calmed down, she would have a better grip on the situation at hand.
It would have been nice.
Her destination was currently occupied. She heard the voices as she climbed the steps to the top of the fortress.
"You only do as you are told as means of survival?" She heard a familiar voice speak. It sounded like Reptile, but she couldn't truly tell until she got a bit closer.
"Yes," A woman's voice was heard, this one oddly familiar as well. "When my father died, I had little choice. Denise told me to see it as a game. If you make the right choices, you will make it very far in the game. If you act foolishly, then you will surely lose." She paused for a moment, taking a breath. "I want to win…, no matter what it takes. Don't you, Reptile?"
Mileena slowed down, staying put to listen in.
"I do…," The Saurian shook his head, leaning against the stone railing. "But the game I am in has a loss at every turn. It is a cruel maze of choices which all lead to an ultimate defeat. To be the last… means I am dependent on others. But maybe those others are untrue. I can suffer without bodily injury on my own, Tanya."
The name stunned Mileena. She quickly scaled the stairs, emerging onto the stone flooring. "Tanya?" Mileena never did like her! She was manipulative, arrogant, and above all else, not even trusted among backstabbers! When Mileena's eyes met the image of Tanya, however…she was shocked. She looked softer in the face. A look of innocence, as a frightened child not yet exposed to war. All she had with her was a book, no weapons in sight.
"Princess Mileena?" She looked fearful. She stepped away from the railing and took a bow. "Forgive me, princess! I have gone over my allotted time to rest! It will not happen again, your highness!" Even before Mileena could get a word in, Tanya was long gone. She rushed down the stairs to return to work about the fortress.
There was a moment of silence between Reptile and Mileena, but it was broken as Mileena approached the railings. "Mileena didn't know you were friends with Tanya, Reptile."
"…I'm not." He faced forward, letting his forearms rest against the stone. "I was just curious. Your words helped me start…looking abroad. As nice as the conversation was, I don't feel it is meant to be."
"Why do you say that?"
"…She laughed and asked me if I was serious when I offered dinner." He paused, "She then went on to say that I am not her type."
Mileena grunted, just when she was going to give innocent Tanya a pass, she went on and turned Reptile down. "You should not speak to her anyway." She began to mumble,"She will betray Edenia and even Shao Kahn…"
Reptile caught her words. "How is it you know these things?"
Once again, her big mouth got her into trouble. Even so…, Reptile was her friend, a true one at that. He wouldn't mouth off, right? Even so…, it was complicated. "…Mileena can just see, sometimes."
"…I have a question, then." He paused for several seconds, looking down into his palms. Palms that bled and ached to fulfill the will of his masters. "What does my future hold if I remain here, Mileena? Do I ever get to see my people again?"
She had a near exact memory of what happened to Reptile. She knew through conversations of others, and observations herself. She knew of Onaga's infestation, and then separation…, and then the events of Armageddon. Nowhere in the previous timeline did she see a rebirth of Reptile's people. She took Reptile's wrists, turning him to face her. She examined his scaled palms, as if reading them over. "… … Hm." She thought of a way to tell him all of this…, but should she? "…No, Reptile. Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and even Shao Kahn never live up to what they say. Mileena has seen this…"
Reptile's jaw clinched a moment. If what she saw in the future was real, it launched the next phase of his plans. "…Then it's decided." Reptile said, letting his arms drop to his side. "I am no longer going to be a slave to these madmen, Mileena. I am going to run away…, rediscover myself and a new life." He glanced out to the vast wastelands. "If I die, I die. It will be much better than suffering another day here."
Mileena felt bad, her friend was leaving her? How would they keep in touch? Then it hit her! The map! Yes, she could give Reptile the map, and meet him at the Lin Kuei temple when she met Kuai Liang! … No, wait, she left it back at Kitana's room! "Mileena doesn't want to lose contact with you, Reptile." She placed her hand at his shoulder. "Run to Earthrealm. To a place called…" She thought for a moment…"…It is spelled…H…o..n…g, K…o…n…g. Er…it's Hon..gee…Kon gee."
"Hong Kong." Reptile corrected her, "I'm familiar with it. I guarded Quan Chi during his journey to the Lin Kuei temple."
Reptile knew the area? Maybe she could run with him? – No. She did want to do this the safest way possible. What good was it if she went to Earthrealm and Kuai Liang was coming to Outworld? Plus, she didn't exactly want to leave Jade and Kitana behind. "Mileena plans on going to the Lin Kuei temple. She will find you in Earthrealm when she goes."
"Very well. I will miss you until then, my friend." He stepped in, putting his arms around Mileena. The two held fast in a tight embrace for several moments until releasing one another. "Take care of yourself, and Baraka. Even though you two fight…, I have heard he is trying to find a means to apologize to you for his behavior."
"Well…" Reptile trailed off with his words, searching for a means to place the rumors in some sort of order. "Ever since you struck him, there has been whispers among the Tarkatans that he has been seeking the assistance of Rain and others. He seeks their assistance for means of courting a woman outside of the alpha male Tarkatan way."
Even if disgusted, Mileena could not help but be amazed that Baraka would even go such lengths. Was it to apologize to her? Perhaps he wanted to court someone else, which would be his best bet. "Mileena's feelings for Baraka are no more, Reptile. That is that."
"After all of those years?"
She paused, locking eyes with him. He had an awful lot of nerve. "The same can be said about you and your fleeing from this place."
There was silence between the two for several moments. She was correct. Her not wanting to be part of the relationship any further was somewhat similar to his desire to no longer be an underling lied to time and time again. "You are right. Let us not part ways on foul terms. We will speak again…, hopefully."
Relaxing her temper, Mileena brought her fist over her heart. "Yes. Be as stealthful as the night, Reptile." She took a slight bow, as in the Lin Kuei tradition.
"Be well, Mileena." He copied her motion, taking a bow. However once he dipped forward, his body vanished into nothingness. He could escape the temple undetected anytime he desired…, but simply never had the nerve until now.
This left Mileena alone, finally. She watched the cloudy skies, constantly threatening to pour rain down over Outworld. The constant chaos in the skies reminded her much of her own feelings. Could she live under the strict plan of Kitana to 'follow the rules' of time? Could she simply go after what she wanted? She was impatient…, and she had no choice, if Sindel were to return. The limited time Mileena had with her 'mother' wasn't something to brag about, exactly. Even so, Mileena never felt the urge to bring her any harm. All she wanted to do was be near her.