New member
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Mortal Kombat or it's characters in any way. (Duh~!)
This story begins years after Mortal Kombat 4!
Chapter ?:Before the End Began
EDENIA ; After FirstSlumber
The sounds of heeled footsteps brought the golden eyes of Mileena to a sudden opening. Her nose twitched,picking up the scent of...spaghetti? Shehad been leaning against the stone wall along the back of her cell, right next to the provided bed and a stone's throw away from the provided toilet. It was a much larger cell than she had last year. Her said 'good behavior' had granted her such a privilege. No longer in the cramped war traitor prison, but a secret cell just a few floors above ground.
The moonlight had poured through the barred stone archway window locateddiagonally from her cell, illuminating her ragged form. She wore a brown cloththat remained draped around her entire body like a dress, with her own personalblack veil worn about her lower face. She searched the darker region of thecell, seeing a candle light just a ways down the hall. The guards watching herbegan to step away from their posts as it became visible who the visitor was.Her 'sister' Kitana.
The azure clad princess held a smile, regal night garment only enhancing herbeauty further in the eyes of the guards. Mileena knew this to be true – Kitana was seen as the most beautiful woman in all of Edenia. The hood of Kitana's sleeping robes had concealed the upper portion of her face, but Mileena could still feel her eyes on her. She searched Kitana as she came to a stop and immediately noticed the large tray she held in her hands. The tray held a candle within its holder, a book, as well as a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.
"Are you awake, Mileena?" Kitana's sweet voice came forward, noticing her 'sister' begin to stir once she got closer to the cell. Kitana kept her distance however, starting to lower down to her knees a few feet from the cell— out of arm's reach. "I brought your favorite."
Mileena started to lean away from the wall, crawling toward the bars of her cell. There was an opening just a few inches off the ground along her cell's lower region, just enough to slip meals through. Mileena was excited, though her recovery from slumber was keeping that from being so apparent. She placed her hands on the bars, still sniffing through her mask, wanting to get to that food.
"Let me see, first." Kitana said, starting to move the tray aside.She scooted closer to the cell – at least close enough to make the guards stand a bit closer to protect their princess of Mileena chose to strike.
"...Does Mileena have to?" The feral woman grumbled lowly as Kitana grew closer.
"Yes, you do, Mileena. Let me see your progress." The elder twinadded in, though keeping a near motherly soft tone about herself. "I amsure it is complete by now."
Mileena leaned away from the bars..., reaching up to the corners of her veil to start to pull it down her face. Kitana watched in delight, holding her candle up so she could get a bit more light on her twin's face. As the veil came down,Mileena's cheeks were not as high as they were before. Her nose had curvednaturally, and not as thick in the front. Her lips were a little dry – nothing a little cosmetics wouldn't fix – and her mouth was much smaller than everbefore. Mileena's mouth was normal.
Kitana smiled softly, reaching back toward her tray. Cracking open the book,she pulled a hand held mirror from the pages it was kept between. She placed itface up on the stone floor...and slid it beneath the opening of Mileena's cell."What I say won't matter. You have to see this for yourself." She kept her smile alive, reaching back to close that book up once again.
Mileena's golden eyes went to the mirror, and reached over for it. It had become something of a routine these past few weeks. She hated seeing flesh forming over gaps of her mouth – she looked even worse than before! Though when she lifted the mirror this time...she was very surprised. Her eyes widened as she would gasp – bringing her left hand over her lips. She touched her cheekbones, her jawline – all of it was completely...normal. She had no words– only tears that dropped from the corners of her eyes.
Kitana was happy to assist her. "The mages can truly do a great job when given a task. I am glad I was able to assist you, sister,"Sister being a name she had only been recently regaining with her now frequent visits from Kitana. Since her imprisonment after the defeat of Shinnok, it wasn't believed Mileena could ever reform. She was 'evil',though the Edenian side of her soul could throw that out of balance if shown proper affection, it seemed. "You have grown a great deal these past years. I hope you do not think me a harsh and cruel elder for leaving you locked away for so long."
Mileena's emotions were getting the best of her. Through her entire life she was made to believe she was worthless. Kitana got all the favor, resentment grew, enhanced by her rowdy Tarkatan blood. She did everything for her 'father' Shao Kahn, and still gained no respect. She tried to fit in with the Tarkatans and Baraka..., and still no respect. She spent her entire life trying to get out of the shadows of others, and finally...finally...she found some respect and affection in that of a woman she grew up hating.
"N-no...," She began, "Mileena understands. You did what you had to do to help Mileena. You could have killed her, but you kept Mileena alive." She wiped her eyes, lower lip wobbling as she looked at herreflection a bit longer. Though her sniffles were really just making her stomach growl. She wanted that damn spaghetti!
Kitana bowed her head slightly. This was her least favorite part of the check-up. Also the most dangerous. "I know this part makes you uncomfortable, but let me see your teeth." She dared lean closer to the cell...her guards remaining on standby.
"...Nngh!" Mileena backed away from Kitana, holding the mirror far from her. She turned her shoulder to her sister, frowning deeply.
"Mileena – "
"Nngh!" She pouted deeply like a spoiled child.
"Mileena, show me your teeth or you're not going to get your supper."She took a firm tone, keeping her eyes locked on her.
The feral woman had to make a choice. Either go without food...or go through a process of devolution. Spaghetti outweighed everything. She started to shift back toward the front of the cell, putting the mirror down. She placed her hands on the bars, and opened her mouth up for Kitana to inspect.
Her teeth were all there, all dulled and normal in appearance. Kitana reached in bravely, touching Mileena's chin. She would turn and move her head around to inspect her inner mouth and teeth.
"Alright, they're all there. Now show me your other teeth." She said,bringing her hand back to the outside of the cell. This part was too dangerous.
Mileena grunted as those dagger-like jagged teeth of her's ripped downward over and in between her dull teeth. Her mouth stretched like that of a snake's, tearing that smooth flesh away to recreate that Tarkatan maw of her's. This made the guards cringe. Mileena turned her head about so Kitana could see all of her teeth...then began to let the teeth collapse back into her gums. As she shut her mouth, it began to shrink back to its'normal' size.
"Very good. Your skin seems to regenerate once stretched..." She noted to herself, reaching up to pull back the hood over her head to expose her face fully. She watched as Mileena continued to dry her eyes off for a brief time. Soon the book and candle holder were taken off of the tray, and the food was slid beneath the opening at the bottom of the cell. There was a dull fork placed beside the dish for Mileena to use to eat with. Right away, she dug in with a feverish hunger.
A midst the gobbling, Kitana sat back and watched. "Your sentence will be over soon, Mileena. You have earned your right. If your good behavior keeps up,many good things will be in your future, sister." Though she got no audible response – Mileena was busy chowing down and slurping the spaghetti right up.
It didn't take too long for Mileena to finish. Once she did, she practically licked the plate clean before returning it to the tray along with the fork. She slid it back out to Kitana, now feeling quite full and satisfied! "Mileena can't wait to walk around again freely..." She leaned her head to the bars, once again holding them. "Can Mileena oversee the kitchen duties and prepare spaghetti?"
This story begins years after Mortal Kombat 4!
Chapter ?:Before the End Began
EDENIA ; After FirstSlumber
The sounds of heeled footsteps brought the golden eyes of Mileena to a sudden opening. Her nose twitched,picking up the scent of...spaghetti? Shehad been leaning against the stone wall along the back of her cell, right next to the provided bed and a stone's throw away from the provided toilet. It was a much larger cell than she had last year. Her said 'good behavior' had granted her such a privilege. No longer in the cramped war traitor prison, but a secret cell just a few floors above ground.
The moonlight had poured through the barred stone archway window locateddiagonally from her cell, illuminating her ragged form. She wore a brown cloththat remained draped around her entire body like a dress, with her own personalblack veil worn about her lower face. She searched the darker region of thecell, seeing a candle light just a ways down the hall. The guards watching herbegan to step away from their posts as it became visible who the visitor was.Her 'sister' Kitana.
The azure clad princess held a smile, regal night garment only enhancing herbeauty further in the eyes of the guards. Mileena knew this to be true – Kitana was seen as the most beautiful woman in all of Edenia. The hood of Kitana's sleeping robes had concealed the upper portion of her face, but Mileena could still feel her eyes on her. She searched Kitana as she came to a stop and immediately noticed the large tray she held in her hands. The tray held a candle within its holder, a book, as well as a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.
"Are you awake, Mileena?" Kitana's sweet voice came forward, noticing her 'sister' begin to stir once she got closer to the cell. Kitana kept her distance however, starting to lower down to her knees a few feet from the cell— out of arm's reach. "I brought your favorite."
Mileena started to lean away from the wall, crawling toward the bars of her cell. There was an opening just a few inches off the ground along her cell's lower region, just enough to slip meals through. Mileena was excited, though her recovery from slumber was keeping that from being so apparent. She placed her hands on the bars, still sniffing through her mask, wanting to get to that food.
"Let me see, first." Kitana said, starting to move the tray aside.She scooted closer to the cell – at least close enough to make the guards stand a bit closer to protect their princess of Mileena chose to strike.
"...Does Mileena have to?" The feral woman grumbled lowly as Kitana grew closer.
"Yes, you do, Mileena. Let me see your progress." The elder twinadded in, though keeping a near motherly soft tone about herself. "I amsure it is complete by now."
Mileena leaned away from the bars..., reaching up to the corners of her veil to start to pull it down her face. Kitana watched in delight, holding her candle up so she could get a bit more light on her twin's face. As the veil came down,Mileena's cheeks were not as high as they were before. Her nose had curvednaturally, and not as thick in the front. Her lips were a little dry – nothing a little cosmetics wouldn't fix – and her mouth was much smaller than everbefore. Mileena's mouth was normal.
Kitana smiled softly, reaching back toward her tray. Cracking open the book,she pulled a hand held mirror from the pages it was kept between. She placed itface up on the stone floor...and slid it beneath the opening of Mileena's cell."What I say won't matter. You have to see this for yourself." She kept her smile alive, reaching back to close that book up once again.
Mileena's golden eyes went to the mirror, and reached over for it. It had become something of a routine these past few weeks. She hated seeing flesh forming over gaps of her mouth – she looked even worse than before! Though when she lifted the mirror this time...she was very surprised. Her eyes widened as she would gasp – bringing her left hand over her lips. She touched her cheekbones, her jawline – all of it was completely...normal. She had no words– only tears that dropped from the corners of her eyes.
Kitana was happy to assist her. "The mages can truly do a great job when given a task. I am glad I was able to assist you, sister,"Sister being a name she had only been recently regaining with her now frequent visits from Kitana. Since her imprisonment after the defeat of Shinnok, it wasn't believed Mileena could ever reform. She was 'evil',though the Edenian side of her soul could throw that out of balance if shown proper affection, it seemed. "You have grown a great deal these past years. I hope you do not think me a harsh and cruel elder for leaving you locked away for so long."
Mileena's emotions were getting the best of her. Through her entire life she was made to believe she was worthless. Kitana got all the favor, resentment grew, enhanced by her rowdy Tarkatan blood. She did everything for her 'father' Shao Kahn, and still gained no respect. She tried to fit in with the Tarkatans and Baraka..., and still no respect. She spent her entire life trying to get out of the shadows of others, and finally...finally...she found some respect and affection in that of a woman she grew up hating.
"N-no...," She began, "Mileena understands. You did what you had to do to help Mileena. You could have killed her, but you kept Mileena alive." She wiped her eyes, lower lip wobbling as she looked at herreflection a bit longer. Though her sniffles were really just making her stomach growl. She wanted that damn spaghetti!
Kitana bowed her head slightly. This was her least favorite part of the check-up. Also the most dangerous. "I know this part makes you uncomfortable, but let me see your teeth." She dared lean closer to the cell...her guards remaining on standby.
"...Nngh!" Mileena backed away from Kitana, holding the mirror far from her. She turned her shoulder to her sister, frowning deeply.
"Mileena – "
"Nngh!" She pouted deeply like a spoiled child.
"Mileena, show me your teeth or you're not going to get your supper."She took a firm tone, keeping her eyes locked on her.
The feral woman had to make a choice. Either go without food...or go through a process of devolution. Spaghetti outweighed everything. She started to shift back toward the front of the cell, putting the mirror down. She placed her hands on the bars, and opened her mouth up for Kitana to inspect.
Her teeth were all there, all dulled and normal in appearance. Kitana reached in bravely, touching Mileena's chin. She would turn and move her head around to inspect her inner mouth and teeth.
"Alright, they're all there. Now show me your other teeth." She said,bringing her hand back to the outside of the cell. This part was too dangerous.
Mileena grunted as those dagger-like jagged teeth of her's ripped downward over and in between her dull teeth. Her mouth stretched like that of a snake's, tearing that smooth flesh away to recreate that Tarkatan maw of her's. This made the guards cringe. Mileena turned her head about so Kitana could see all of her teeth...then began to let the teeth collapse back into her gums. As she shut her mouth, it began to shrink back to its'normal' size.
"Very good. Your skin seems to regenerate once stretched..." She noted to herself, reaching up to pull back the hood over her head to expose her face fully. She watched as Mileena continued to dry her eyes off for a brief time. Soon the book and candle holder were taken off of the tray, and the food was slid beneath the opening at the bottom of the cell. There was a dull fork placed beside the dish for Mileena to use to eat with. Right away, she dug in with a feverish hunger.
A midst the gobbling, Kitana sat back and watched. "Your sentence will be over soon, Mileena. You have earned your right. If your good behavior keeps up,many good things will be in your future, sister." Though she got no audible response – Mileena was busy chowing down and slurping the spaghetti right up.
It didn't take too long for Mileena to finish. Once she did, she practically licked the plate clean before returning it to the tray along with the fork. She slid it back out to Kitana, now feeling quite full and satisfied! "Mileena can't wait to walk around again freely..." She leaned her head to the bars, once again holding them. "Can Mileena oversee the kitchen duties and prepare spaghetti?"
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