Well, holy shit. I ended up writing a lot more then I expected. Anyway, sorry for the delay. Personally, I don't like this. It's kinda long, sure, but it doesn't honestly add much to the story. But I can't come up with anything else, and It'd be rather douchey of me to make you guys wait so long, only for me to skip my turn. That's not going to happen. What I will do, however, is say this: I might be taking a break from this. all this school year, I've been feeling like I'm in a runt, just doing the same thing over and over and over. I've recently been on edge all the time, and I honestly can't put my finger on why I feel so bored. I don't know if it's the repetition I'm talking about, or if is just something else (Puberty, romance, tons of factors) But anyway, enough about that. Here's my heavily delayed turn on MKHS.
MKHS: Wednesday
By Bishop Oldfield
It was a start of a new week for the kids of MKHS. It was snowing, lightly for the first time this week, as they had missed the last two days of school due to weather. Jax and Johnny met up at their lockers.
"Hey Johnny." Jax said, greeting his friend "How was your extended weekend at your new house?"
"Great, thanks for asking." Johnny said, meeting his friend for their secret handshake.
"I spent most of my time hangin' in our new hot tub. Their conversation continued for several minutes, until they heard grunts coming from the entrance of the school. It was Liu Kang, dragging his friend and roommate, Kung Lao, through the door. Jax rushed over to him, and helped Liu prop Kung Lao up next to his locker.
"What's up with him?" Johnny asked, obviously referring to Kung Lao. “He’s been obsessed with Mass Effect, some type of video game” Liu Kang said, exhausted by dragging Kung Lao through the snow. “When I woke up this morning, the credits were rolling and he was weeping.”
Johnny Cage whistled. “Damn,” he thought, “I thought I was addicted to chicks.” Then he realized that maybe he wasn’t girl-crazy. At least, he wasn’t as much as he was a few months ago, before he met Skarlet. When he first met Skarlet, he felt something, like a spark. He knew that something was different about her….well, besides the fact that she was made of pure blood.
Suddenly, as if the Elder Gods were spiting him, Skarlet came walking up to the boys.
“Hi Johnny. How’s the new house?”
“Uh, Go-good, good.“ Johnny stuttered, very unlike him.
“Oh. Well, good to hear.” As she said that, the bell rang, and they each split off to go to their separate classes.
Science: 9: 50 A.M.
Kung Lao stumbled into Mr. Fujin’s class. As much as he wanted to sleep, he sat in the front row of this class. He decided to try and stay awake this period. He barely made it on time, the late bell ringing as soon as he sat down.
“Good morning class.” Mr. Fujin greeted. “Today, we will be learning about weather. Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or day, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. Most weather phenomena occurs in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather refers, generally, to …..” Was all Kung Lao heard, before his eyes began to close. As much as he tried to fight it off, he began to sleep. Mr. Fujin quickly noticed, and summoned a rain cloud over Kung Lao’s head.
“Sleeping will not be tolerated in my class, Mr. Lao.” Mr. Fujin said sternly. “Detention today after school.” After this, the class continued as normal, with Fujin using his unique abilities to make the class a bit more interesting.
Math: 10:50 A.M.
Mr. Chi started his class off as usual, with a message and some problems on the board. After a few minutes, he and the class went over the problems, and he began that day’s lesson. Today, they were starting to review inequalities.
“In algebraic terms, is a is greater then b, and c is greater then 0, then which would be of greater value: a plus c or b plus c? How about you answer this, Kurtis.” Quan Chi said, pointing to Stryker.
“That would mean that a and c is terrific, right sir?” Stryker answered. As much as he didn’t want to, he still had to do the 30 day challenge, even in front of the teachers.
“Ummm, yes.” Quan Chi said, stumped by why Stryker had worded the question that way. As the class continued, Johnny couldn’t help but notice his eyes kept trailing back to Skarlet. He knew this was getting out of hand, and he needed to confront her, quick.
English: 1:50 P.M.
We skip forward to the kids’ last class of the day. Mr. Tsung started off into his lesson immediately.
“Good afternoon, class. Today, we will be learning of Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poem, “The Raven”. Before we start, has anybody read this before?” Shang Tsung asked. Dead silence.
“Well then, I guess we’d better get to reading.” He said, passing out a paper to each of the students that had the poem on it. While although some of the class were actually following along with the story, most of the kids in the back of the room were having their own conversations.
“Pssst, hey, Kitana.” Liu Kang said, trying to get Kitana’s attention. When she looked up, they started having some small talk. Their lives out of school, sports, favorite things. This followed for a while, and just after they discussed favorite bands, the bell rang, and the school day was over. As he was walking home, Liu Kang realized that although he gave up trying with Kitana and tried with Li Mei, there might actually be something there.
Detention: 2:50 P.M.
Kung Lao walked to the detention room. Inside, there was only two people in there besides him, Kano, carving something into his desk, and Mr. Baraka, sitting at his desk, completely oblivious to Kano defacing his property.
“Ah, Kung Lao.” Mr. Baraka said, reading his detention slip. “It seems you’re in here for falling asleep in class. Why don’t you sit in the front of my class?” He pointed to the front desk, put there probably for people who fell asleep, as it was perfectly in Mr. Baraka’s sight, so he could see whether they were staying awake or not. As Kung Lao sat down, he could feel himself getting tired again. Just as in science class, he tried to fight it off. After a few minutes, he successfully fought it off, and started on his homework for that day. As he was finishing his math homework, he heard a sound, as if some gun was going off. When he looked up, he saw the walls melting away, becoming similar to outer space.
As Kung Lao was floating in space, he realized he was dreaming. Just as he was about to wake himself up, he saw a ship way out away from him. He could just barely make out that the side of the spaceship said “Normandy”. He decided to stay asleep and drifted towards the “Normandy”. When he reached it, he was greeted by his favorite character, Tali.
“Kung Lao, come quick!” Tali said, obviously worried. Her clothes were slightly torn, as if she had been in a fight.
“The Geth are attacking!” she said, handing him a weapon. They both reached the deck of the ship, and saw dead Quarian and Geth everywhere. Kung Lao and Tali assisted the Quarians that were still alive, and before long, only the Quarians were left standing.
“Thank you Kung Lao. Without your help, I’m not sure we would’ve won.” Tali said, grateful for his help.
“It was my pleasure.” Kung Lao said. “You know, I wonder what you look like under your mask.” he said, trying to get her to take off the helmet.
“Well, alright. But only for a second.” Tali said. When the mask was off, Kung Lao was horrified at what he saw. Her face was beastly. The eyes were a deep yellow. The skin was all wrinkly. The teeth were razor sharp, and the ears were elf-like. Kung Lao recognized the face could only belong to one being……. Mr. Baraka.
Kung Lao opened his eyes, and was staring into the face of his detention teacher. As he tried to pull away, he realized he was hanging off the ground, Baraka’s blade stabbing through his shirt. As he struggled to get onto the ground, Baraka’s blade retracted, and Kung Lao fell to the ground.
“You know Kung Lao, the point of detention is to learn from your mistakes, but clearly you haven’t learned anything.” Mr. Baraka said. Although he seemed he was about to lay it on Kung Lao, he did something that surprised both of them.
“Just go home and rest. Don’t let me catch you falling asleep in school ever again.” Mr. Baraka said. And with that, Kung Lao was let off scot-free. He went home and went to bed almost immediately, thankful that Mr. Baraka had actually been kind to him.