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MKHS: First Day
*In a dark classroom*
Liu Kang: W-Where am I?
Kung Lao: Buddy how’s it going? Whoa why are you in your underwear?
Liu Kang: What? *Looks down to reveal his red boxer briefs* Ahh!
Kitana: Really embarrassing. And to think you were going to ask me out. I rather have Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: Mhm that’s a great choice. Now kiss me slut *They tongue each other fiercely*
Liu Kang: Kung Lao what the hell!? You know I was going to ask her out, sometime.
Kung Lao: B*tch please! You don’t have the balls to ask her out. Besides you’re not good enough for her. She deserves better.
Liu Kang: But-
Kitana: Face it loser, I don’t like you Liu… Liu… Liu…
*Kung Lao shaking Liu*
Kung Lao: Liu wake your ass up!
Liu Kang: *Wakes up* What!? What happened!?
Kung Lao: What do you mean what happened? We have school you ass. I’m not being late on the first day of school cause you wanna have a wet dream. *Walks out the room and into the bathroom*
Liu Kang: *Looks down at his hand* Ha, hahaha! It was just a nightmare.
Kung Lao: *From the bathroom* A wet nightmare? Your sick Liu.
Liu Kang: Shut up and take a shower already.
*After the morning routine*
Kung Lao: Ready to go?
Liu Kang: You bet! Can’t wait to see everyone again.
*On the walk to school*
Johnny Cage: Guys!!
Kung Lao: Well if it isn’t future porn star Johnny Cage.
Johnny Cage: Sex Time John at your service.
Liu Kan: Hahaha. How was your summer?
Johnny Cage: Oh I didn’t do anything big. Just lost my V card and saw a couple of movies.
Liu Kang: What!?
Kung Lao: Whoa seriously?
Johnny Cage: *Takes out phone* I have photo evidence.
Kung Lao: Damn she’s cute. Nice body too.
Liu Kang: How did you pull this off?
Kung Lao: Probably paid her.
Johnny Cage: Please don’t insult me. I told her she looked cute in her outfit and we got to talking. A week later I’m in her house losing my V-Card.
Kung Lao: Wow. I wanna be like you when I grow up.
Johnny Cage: Sorry I don’t really permit other people to copyright on my style.
Liu Kang: Whatever, we got to get to school.
Kung Lao: Oh so you can confess your emotions to Kitana?
Liu Kang: No! So I can get a helpful education.
Johnny Cage: Yeah Kung Lao. He’s gonna get “helpful” education in Health so he can teach it to Kitana.
Liu Kang: Shut the hell up! *Puts Cage in a headlock*
Jax: Will you guys keep it down. It’s 7:25 am in the got damn morning. Too early to be hearing this.
Liu Kang: Sorry just putting Johnny in his place.
Jax: More like on a leash hahaha.
Kung Lao: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, and whoa. Jax, last time I saw you, you were not this huge. The hell you been doing eating people and moving planets?
Jax: Hahaha no. I workout out every day of the summer. Non-stop.
Johnny Cage: Jax quit bull shitting and confess, nobody workouts on the weekend.
Jax: I did.
Johnny Cage: What? You f*cking monster.
Jax: What can I say I was motivated. By last year…
*The four friends fell silent as they remembered THAT incident*
Liu Kang: Come on it’s the first day of school. You know the rule: No fighting on the first week of school.
Jax: I don’t think I can follow that rule.
Kung Lao: Well let’s quit talking, *Checks phone* It’s 7:35 and I sure as hell don’t want detention.
Johnny Cage: Good point.
Jax: Anybody feel like racing?
Liu Kang: Your on.
*After a short run the four friends arrived at the school*
Johnny Cage: *Out of breath* Why… are… you… so fast?
Jax: Like I said, *Points to bicep* Every day of the week.
Liu Kang: Show off.
They entered the building. It felt new even though they’ve been there for a couple of years. Must be the summer break feeling. There classes were posted in the Main Hall. They saw their names and headed for their homeroom. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny, and Jax all had First Block with Mr. Tsung. They walked to First Block to find Sonya, Kabal, Stryker, Smoke, and Ermac in the classroom.
Sonya: Hey boys.
The Four Boys: Hey
Jax: How was your summer?
Sonya: *Sighs* f*cking pitiful.
Johnny Cage: Hey! Watch your f*cking mouth, there’s kids in here.
Sonya: Hahaha. No it was pitiful cause of Kano.
Jax: What did he do!?
Sonya: We broke up. Cause he’s not loyal.
Jax: Wow.
Sonya: Yeah. Doesn’t matter though. It’s all in the past.
Johnny Cage: Who did he cheat on you with?
Sonya: I’m not sure. He just said I was boring and was glad that he cheated on me.
Jax: That mother—Do you know anything about this, Kabal.
Kabal: *An un-scarred Kabal with hands behind his head and feet on his desk* I’m not his f*cking daddy. If I was, I beat his ass at least twice a day. *Puts feet down* What he does on off time is a mystery to me.
Jax: You weren’t with him during the summer?
Kabal: Naw. Went to Arizona.
Johnny Cage: Was it hot?
Kabal: Hot is a f*cking understatement.
*Suddenly, beings of ice and fire walkthrough the door*
Sub-Zero: I’m just saying you need to learn how to swim.
Scorpion: Well you shouldn’t have pushed me in the f*cking pool with my clothes on! Plus you freezed the damn water before I could get out!
Sub-Zero: You shouldn’t have f*cked with my Facebook. Payback’s a b*tch ain’t it.
Scorpion: Still mad about that?
Sub-Zero: Hell yeah!
*Shang Tsung walks in along with the rest of the students*
Mr. Tsung: Ok take your seats and will begin the first day of school.
*Bell rings*
Mr Tsung: Here is a seating order for you guys:
First Row: Stryker, Sonya, Mileena, Nightwolf
Second Row: Kung Lao, Jax, Kabal, Johnny Cage
Third Row: *Cyrax, Reptile, Scorpion, Noob
Fourth Row: *Sektor, Ermac, Sub-Zero, Smoke
Fifth Row: Jade, Skarlet, Kitana, Rain
Sixth Row: Kenshi, *Hydro, *Kano, Liu Kang
(*= Cyrax, Sektor, and Hydro are human. Hydro has longer hair than Sub-Zero. Also Kano is absent today.)
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