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Re: Mileena's Mk2 costume
New characters aren't a prerequisite for making costumes. It's true that in order to promote the characters they released classic costume but making costumes doesn't require as much work as making an whole character with a complete new skeletal model and animation, whereas a costume is just a skin.
Even if NRS won't release any new characters, which is highly unlikely they will release costume packs because it's easier for them to make this way
Well that's all I need to hear. We don't know if they'll do any Klassic Costumes after this one, unless they do more DLC chars.
New characters aren't a prerequisite for making costumes. It's true that in order to promote the characters they released classic costume but making costumes doesn't require as much work as making an whole character with a complete new skeletal model and animation, whereas a costume is just a skin.
Even if NRS won't release any new characters, which is highly unlikely they will release costume packs because it's easier for them to make this way