The Departing/Returning Members Thread

Ok so I'm back.

Lol that shit didn't take long XD

Sorry for the abrupt departure, I was kind of going through a bit of a depression stint and I think I'm finally over it.

Again, sorry about all that lol

I just can't stay away from old TRMK, this place is something I grew up with and I don't think I could ever leave it for very long :)
Ok so I'm back.

Lol that shit didn't take long XD

Sorry for the abrupt departure, I was kind of going through a bit of a depression stint and I think I'm finally over it.

Again, sorry about all that lol

I just can't stay away from old TRMK, this place is something I grew up with and I don't think I could ever leave it for very long :)

Glad to hear everything is okay, you're a valued and longtime member [MENTION=2722]Snow[/MENTION].
Glad to hear everything is okay, you're a valued and longtime member [MENTION=2722]Snow[/MENTION].
Thanks [MENTION=5107]Taj Gill[/MENTION]. I appreciate it :)


Holy Hell! Taj, you're a mod now??? Wtf I leave for a few days and things change!
Congrats dude!

If you witnessed what transpired today in the MKX Media thread, you would've laughed your ass off.

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If you witnessed what transpired today in the MKX Media thread, you would've laughed your ass off.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk

I'm reading through it right now... something about hentai pics and weiners?

LMAO what in the actual phuck?????
@<u><a href="" target="_blank">DCP</a></u>, awesome man, glad your back.

I was on the fence, I didn't even begin to look into MKX until recently (I know, sue me). I saw brief gameplay of Mileena awhile ago, it looked awful. Ok, but at 2:45 am laying in bed on my phone, don't ask me why I am awake. I find a in depth gameplay video covering Mileena, also learning about the new variations (the new thing). Well anyway, I started looking into MKX, its sick, I am totally pre ordering it on PS4. Mileena looks flashy and annoying to fight as ever, they nailed it, I am hype.

Update: I am only active on TYM right now, if I knew you back in the day, and you want to contact me, find me on their.
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After a long time, the Neo Geo man is back.
Man, it has been a while. Lots of things have happened in my life, but that's a story for another time.
I wonder if any of the folks I knew back then are still around. ( Chief Thunder, Midget Kong etc.)
After a long time, the Neo Geo man is back.
Man, it has been a while. Lots of things have happened in my life, but that's a story for another time.
I wonder if any of the folks I knew back then are still around. ( Chief Thunder, Midget Kong etc.)

Holy hell... [MENTION=2485]Neo Gunloc[/MENTION] rises from the grave

I haven't seen Chief or Midget in ages, but I'm still here... sort of
Yesterday, [MENTION=18905]mandead[/MENTION] left TRMK, swearing never to return until a certain Khrome fan spammer was banned. Well, an hour and 40 minutes later, some bullshit technicality preventing him from joining TYM led to him coming right back here, only for him to find out that the Khrome fan spammer was indeed banned during his VERY brief departure.

Just thought I'd post this here to document it.

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I've been pretty inactive as of late. So much change has been going on in my life. I got an email saying someone tried to log into my account though, so here I am. Reminder, keep your passwords complex people. I may stumble back in and become a frequent member once I have things settled in my life. Hope to see some of the classic members when that time comes. As it seem, there have been some changes here lol. Cheers.
I've enjoyed my time here. But I'm done, you guys. Can someone please delete this account? I got a notification that someone other than me was trying to log in. Goodbye everybody!
Oh well, it was "fun" while it lasted -- but realistically, I have nothing in common with the vast majority of the posters here.
Time to depart.
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