Shredder, in all honesty, I don't give two shits about your belief. You can believe whatever you want, I don't care. As long you don't treat other people badly for being different.
I don't mean to. It's difficult when one is convinced a practice is unclean and people try telling you otherwise. I'm like "But turd is involved"!
That's cool, if you don't care about my belief's.
And that's what you did above.
Which part?
You claimed that it is because of criminal organizations using controversy through media that people started accepting homosexuality. You basically said that accepting homosexuality is a bad thing. So don't you start that crap with me about intolerance and disrespect.
Again, I can believe it is a bad thing. That's my prerogative. If you feel depressed or upset, please ignore this message. I don't want you to feel sad.
That said, do you remember when the MSM suddenly started broadcasting same sex marriage on the news a couple of years ago? Gay Pride, etc? They are responsible for influencing the past few generations (ours included) to believe homosexuality is entirely natural.
You have every right to believe I'm a moron, and I will happily accept that you might be right.
because you are head of the line on that department.
I am in my personal life, because we don't have to tolerate this practice in our own lives.
Oh, and I can do this too: Maybe you got assaulted by gay men because of YOUR intolerance towards them.
Initially, that was part of the reason. After some scolding I learnt my lesson, but despite learning from my mistake I still got treated like garbage. You are a cut above them in both tolerance and maturity.
When I got assaulted, I was 14. I was a scared and shy little kid. And a group of people came at me and beat the crap out of me JUST because they have heard from other people that I might be gay. I hadn't even come out of the closet to ANYONE at that point. I was just being different, and people used that as an excuse to put me in the hospital.
That's awful and beyond intolerant. It's barbaric when people are so injured they end up in hospital. Again, same as last time I am sorry to hear that.
So no, they didn't attack me for being "disrespectful and intolerant". If I seem like that now, it is BECAUSE of these things having happened to me in the past, because I have felt first hand how cruel people can be.
Lot's of people have, but they don't morph into dicks. lol
I'm sorry, Shredder. I apologize for seeming like a douchebag towards you.
That's cool, and no problem. If you are sorry then you won't have a problem accepting me.
But I'm not sorry for being who I am. I am not sorry for being gay. And I am not sorry for not accepting your belief in what I am being unnatural and wrong. Believe what you want, but as long you can't accept me, then I have no reason to accept you either.
I accept you, just not the practice of homosexuality in my personal life. You as a homosexual are fine as it is your life, despite my belief. This is the meaning of true tolerance. Tolerating them despite their shortcomings or differences.
All I know is I wasn't born with this unclean [that is a fact, whether you agree or not] urge to go in people's rear. It's our dirty place.