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[MENTION=20660]Shredder6389[/MENTION] The problem with your argument is that you're attributing too much blame to homosexuals when it's clear the hate should be towards the media shoving what you see down your throat.
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I think you might be right. Thank you, Taj. I'll keep this in mind.
That's the main problem as of right now, but knowing a practice is unclean and being told otherwise doesn't help. I digress.
You don't have to stick your dick in someone's asshole to love them. Do you also see lesbians as unclean?
Neutral... I guess I just sit on the fence and try to reason if [in same sex marriage] love can exist, without evolving into a desire to express sexual intercourse with one's mate, which I believe two people of the same sex cannot properly engage in. Still beautiful people, but it's like their desires are mixed up and they are attracted to the same sex or something.
I believe lesbianism [from what I know of it] is perverse, but this is only referring to attempted sexual intercourse.
May I take this opportunity to say: Thank you, all of you for being as tolerant as you have. It's truly a breathe of fresh air to talk to people who are mature and reasonable, and not immature, mostly intolerant people who just about pull the 'homophobe card' at any opportunity.
If I've hurt any of you with anything I've said, PM's are always available for us to talk or clear up issues, because I don't wish to make enemies.
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