Sup bishes?! So the story is coming to a end sadly


Maybe one two more updates and I'm closing the story to start a new one. So with that being said hope you enjoy this short update I had... in MS word... for like a month... or 2... :|
The twosome prep for their mission an escort vehicle will be transferring them to the Berlin wall, upon arrival to the Berlin wall Christine gives Rebecca an Analysis of what they will be facing in east Berlin.
"You may see some familiar faces in East berlin, but i'm not going to spoil anything though." Said Christine
"By faces you mean B.O.Ws, right?" Rebecca chuckles
They finally reach the Berlin wall. It's a huge wall made of steel to ensure that nothing succeeds in a attempt the escape east Berlin and is heavily guarded by FBC personnel. As they pull up to the entrance of the wall, they stop at a booth with a FBC agent inside. Christine shows the FBC agent her BSAA card and Rebecca does the same. The agent informs them of the dangers beyond the Berlin wall. He pulls a lever with in the booth opening the wall big enough for people and transportation can exit and enter the infected city. They drive through a tunnel for a quarter mile that finally leads into East Berlin.
The twosome arrive in East Berlin. Most of the city is in ruins with few building in tact. You could smell the rotten flesh of fallen survivors mutilated by the infected or B.O.Ws that roamed the inner city. As they ventured deeper into the fallen capital of Germany A man is set up with a M-200 sniper on a nearby rooftop, he aims at the rear right tire. Pulling the trigger, the bullet connects with the back tire and our protagonist's vehicle swirls out of control and crashes into a transport truck carrying a tanker full of gasoline. The transport truck begins to leak gasoline.
"Shit! get out if the car!" Exclaimed Christine
They jump out the car, Just before they could run away from the truck the sniper shoots the gasoline truck, the shock wave from the explosion. Knocked Rebecca and Christine unconscious.
15 Minutes later...
Rebecca wakes up in a mysterious room, her hands tied together by rope.
"Whe---, where am I?" She questioned her self... "Christine?" but no response from her partner.
She tries to break free but the rope is tied to tight.
"Maybe I could cut through this rope with my knife" She thought to herself.
Rebecca struggles to reach her knife located on her left leg, she's succesfull and begins to cut the rope. Moments later the rope is weakened and Rebecca breaks free. She pulls out her PDA and attempts to contact BSAA HQ, but the signal is jammed.
Surprisingly her captives didn't take her weapons, Rebecca exits the room and proceeds down a dark hallway outside the room she was held captive inside, she stops.. Rebecca has two options, to either turn left or right down two sub hallways. She turns right.. to see two Granados carrying a unconscious Christine aboard a elevator.
"You have to be shitting me..." She thought to herself in frustration.
Rebecca sprints to the elevator, pulls out her hand gun and fires a series of bullets. The bullets connected with one of the Granados, he falls dead to the ground. The other carries Christine on her back smashing the up button on the elevator, the elevator door shuts.. it's too late....
Cya next update =D