The funniest thing so far about this thread is that every single person who took my post and attacked me with it is feeding into exactly what I made an example of.
Of course an XBox controller is not designed to be a weapon. You shouldn't be afraid of it. I am not comparing the two. I even said, after all examples were given, that they were ridiculous statements. By feeding into them and using my own words to attack me, you prove exactly how ignorant you are. Someone here said that "by my rationale, we should allow people to have bombs." Guess what. There is nothing in the constitution that gives us the right to own or possess bombs. Bombs are not, should not and never will be allowed into the hands of the general public. This is why many states outlaw fireworks...they are seen as a makeshift explosive.
Bombs are designed for specific uses.
In the civilian sector, bombs are used in general demolitions work...demolishing buildings, clearing mines, etc. They have TREMENDOUS risks associated with them. This is why, in the civilian sector, demolitions experts go through rigorous, extensive training. It is one of the most difficult professions in existance because one simple mistake can end your life, and possibly countless others.
In the military sector, they are used as weapons of destruction and chaos. They are designed to inflict terrible damage on the enemy and cause extensive collateral losses, not necessarily in human life, but in property. A bomb is used to destroy tactical facilities and strategic points. It is also a terrible effective anti-personnel weapon.
Bombs are NOT legal to own. CERTAIN TYPES OF GUNS ARE. The police have specific squads that are trained to deal with explosives. These explosives experts are highly trained, many have military backgrounds, and they are the leading practitioners in their field. The reason they have these squads is because there are insane, dangerous people who seek to inflict terrible harm on innocent people. But wait...bombs are vicious, evil entities with minds of their own, right?
Did you know that right now, there are enough components in your home to make probably over 100 types of bombs?
By your idiotic rationale, which you seek to challenge my actual knowledge about the subject with, we should outlaw countless numbers of household cleaning products, electronics, alcohol, and food products. They can be used to make bombs. They're too dangerous, so we must outlaw them, right?
When a gun acts upon free will and takes a life, then you can call me out. Until then, don't even dare attack me with your accusations. The responses I've seen to my post have reminded me yet again why I outgrew message boards almost 8 years ago. All you ignorant kids, hiding behind your tough guy internet facade have no clue what the real world is like. You think your opinion, as uninformed and blind as it is, is the only one that is correct. You are influenced by other like-minded, ignorant people who are always first to blame the device, and never the person.
I knew that posting my response to this thread would prompt these attacks. I'm not the least bit ashamed of what I wrote, because it's the truth. You are within your right to hate guns. You are certainly within your right to fear them. You can even stand up and say that the Constitutional Amendment decalring the right of American citizens to bear arms should be challenged. Good luck, you've got 200+ years of that amendment's longevity to contend with.
And you loudmouth idiots who used the shooting in arizona against me? Guess what. Have you actually researched ANYTHING about that shooting? Have you seen that mutant-looking freak? Are you the least bit aware of what kind of nutjob he was? Are you going to sit there and tell me that the manufacturer of the gun he used commanded him to brutally murder those people? He was a freak. He should burn for what he did. How dare any of you A-holes think I defend that shooting.
But then here I am getting angry at idiots on a message board. It's really not even worth my time. It has nothing to do with MK, which is what this site represents. People have different opinions, always. Guns are like have your belief, and the opposing side is going to attack you like a slavering, mindless moron because your belief conflicts with theirs. That's life.
And as a closing statement, as I have no intention of returning to this thread to feed into your moronic attacks, know this:
When I was living on Long Island, which has in the past 10 years become a haven for dangerous Latin gangs, my best buddy, my wife and I were held up at gun point as 3 MS-13 members broke into his apartment at 11pm at night for a home invasion. We weren't harmed, but I was more afraid of the maniac wielding the gun than I was of the actual gun because, like I pointed out in my first post on this thread, this same maniac could have used ANY OTHER object in a threatening manner that would have the same effect. A gun would kill me just as easily as a sledgehammer blow to my head. While I don't necessarily feel "safer" to now own my own gun, I am happy to know that it is my constitutional right to own this gun, which I have obtained legally and properly, and can use it to defend my home at any time from events like that.
Just so you know, your stance is the same stance that morons like Hillary Clinton uses to say that video games should be outlawed and banned from the United States. She has a whole anti-game advocacy group. Sucks to know you're no better than those people who aim to take away your Kombat, eh?