I dunno. The point always seemed moot to me. Seems like all the nuts who go out and shoot people got their guns illegally, and if they didn't, then they would have anyway if it was illegal to own them. The freedom argument is ridiculous 'cause there's tons of harmless stuff we don't have the freedom to do. Owning projectile weapons isn't really higher on my freedoms list than drug legalization, gay marriage, and Hell, why not, polygamy.
A gun might be a very different thing in Louisiana or Kentucky than it is here in CA (though I know we have somebody repping Anaheim on this thread.) But my neighborhood had one of the biggest gang busts in LA history 'cause a dude shot at a cop with an AK47. Meanwhile, back in my hometown, I witnessed a guy get shot at the mall a few years ago the day after Christmas. News said it was over a girl, but it caused this insane scary human stampede. And at the pawn shop I used to work at, I sold a rifle to a guy who, no lie, after the money was exchanged went outside, got messed with by some guy in front of the store, and yelled out "Just wait till my waiting period is up, and you're gonna get it." Obviously, we refunded the guy his money, and didn't sell him a gun, but he certainly could have gotten one from any other store. And this was all in small-town America.
I'm not saying people shouldn't have the right to own guns. I honestly don't know what my position is on it. I've been out shooting clay pigeons with my dad before. It was hilarious, everybody out shooting and talking smack on liberals. Being a liberal myself, it's hard to stick up for your values when you're surrounded by strangers with loaded shotguns.
These days, my pro-corporate libertarian friend Jason constantly offers to take me shooting. I always engage him in these futile, long-winded debates on why he wants to be able to carry his handgun around with him outside. He also can't believe why I wouldn't want to go shooting with him. Maybe one day I will. It honestly doesn't get me excited. It all just seems kinda pointless.