My Mortal Kombat 10 Story.

Those are pretty awesome stipulations VFD, Ill add them to the previous post now. Also Ermac, Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi, Ashrah and Cyrax are the ones fighting the undead warriors and scorpion during the final battle. During Mid battle, Scorpion changes sides (since he gets to know about Quan Chi's deception) and helps them beat the undead and free their souls and also the netherealm Oni.

Also the sequence in which each of the undead is freed starts with Sindel, Kitana then Nightwolf. The rest can be in any order.
Pretty good so far. I thought of some stipulations for both Johnny Cage and Kenshi:

For the Johnny Cage vs Red Dragon Members, his specials and combo ender does a 150% damage boost, but the player loses control of him for 3 seconds.

As for Kenshi vs Ermac, none of Kenshi's telekinetic attacks will do any damage against Ermac.

As for Ashrah, whenever she uses the Kriss against the denizens of the Netherrealm, she does double damage, but she's limited to 5 attempts with the weapon.

I forgot to add this on the Fujin segment:
Fujin vs 20 Brotherhood of the Shadow and 10 Tarkatans -Stipulation: He fights with only 40% of his health when it begins.

On the Sheeva vs the centaurs, her stomping specials (Jump Stomp, Ground Stomp) won't work against them.

FJ. Who's gonna fight against the possessed, yet revived Earthrealm allies (Sub-Zero, Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, Sindel, etc.)?

Fujin also fights Drahmin and Moloch in the temple of the four gods.
Although Armon's addition of Moloch and Drahmin in his revision is a nice addition to the roster, Im not really sure if they should be present in this timeline mainly because in MKDA, Quan Chi randomly met up in the 5th plain of the Netherealm, a plain from which no being could get out or escape from unless some advanced sorcery is used. Thus going by this Moloch and Drahmin would not be able to escape the netherealm in the MK4 timeline. Im not really sure though, what do you guys think?
@Yung - Yea they were to appear in MK 11 but I didn't reach that far in the story yet. Ill hopefully be able to resume writing it sometime soon.

Also I think we can stick with Moloch and Drahmin at only Ashrahs chapter for the time being. Ill try getting some more match ups soon.
Update: I wrote up the remaining match ups upto the point just before the final battle. But I didn't add any numbers or stipulations though since I think VFD or anyone else can do it better. Also this is not the final list so we can still change up match ups if need be.

I thought that we can include a chapter for Tanya when Shinnok enters Edenia and captures it, just before the chapter on Goro.

Chapter - Tanya
Vs Edenidan soldiers
Vs Outworld warriors
Vs shokans
Vs Sheeva

The remaining chapter after that.

Chapter 14 - Sonya Kenshi tag team
Vs Lin kuei assasins
Vs Cyborgs
Vs Cyborg demons
Vs Human Dragon hybrids
Vs Sektor and Cyrax

Chapter 15 - Kai and Shujinko
Vs brotherhood of the shadow
Vs brotherhood cultists
Vs Cyborg Demons
Vs human dragon hybrids
Vs Reiko and Scorpion
Fujin Vs Raiden

Chapter 16 - Cyrax
Vs Red dragon warriors
Vs Elite red dragon warriors
Vs Human dragon hybrids
Vs Hsu Hao
Vs Mavado

Chapter 17 - Johnny Cage

Vs Elite Seidan guardsmen
Vs Bo Rai Cho
Vs Black dragon members
Vs Netherealm Oni
Vs Brotherhood of the shadow
Vs Brotherhood Cultists
Vs hellbeasts
Vs Spectre Liu Kang

Chapter 18 - Outworld Battle
Goro Vs Motaro
Kintaro Vs Reptile
Noob Vs Goro
Rain Vs Li Mei
Mileena Vs Tanya
Baraka Vs Mileena

Vs Baraka
Vs tarkatans
Vs corrupt outworld warriors
Vs Netherealm Oni
Vs Edenian traitors
Vs brotherhood of the shadow
Vs centaurs

Also I was thinking, instead of naming the chapters after the characters, we could come up with suitable headings similar to the sub headings in the story. What do you guys think?
The final chapter update. This can be modified based on any ideas you guys got. Also I have added stipulations for the last 2 fights only, ideas for stipulations for other battles would be appreciated.:)

Chapter 20 - The final battle

Ermac Vs Sindel and Kitana

Johnny Cage Vs resurrected undead zombies (by Quan Chi)
Johnny Cage Vs Quan Chi

Bo Rai Cho Vs Sub Zero and Nightwolf
Kenshi Vs Smoke and Stryker
Cyrax Vs Jade and Kabal
Ashrah Vs Kung Lao, Jax and Scorpion

Scorpion Vs Netherealm Oni
Scorpion Vs Gargoyles
Scorpion Vs Hellbeasts
Scorpion Vs Brotherhood

Kai Vs Spectre Liu Kang

Fujin Vs Possesed Raiden
Spectre Liu Kang vs Possesed Raiden

Scorpion Vs Quan Chi

Shujinko Vs Hellbeasts
Shujinko Vs Hellbeast Lord

Shujinko Vs Shinnok (normal)
Shujinko Vs Shinnok (form 1)
Shujinko Vs Shinnok (form 2)
(all the above 3 using only 1 health bar)

Spectre Liu Kang Vs Shinnok (form 2)
Spectre Liu Kang Vs Shinnok (form 3)
Spectre Liu Kang Vs Shinnok (nomal)
(all the above 2 using only 75% of one health bar)
I notticed some of you were talking about Drahmin and I had to put this in. Ed Boon said Charlmeoln and Drahmin would never be in another mk game, along with the mongolian guy.
Oh man dem match ups.
You sir, just made MK10. I do believe Mr.Boon is one tweet away ;)
Thanks man but I came to know through Arkynyd that NRS won't use fan fiction due to legal issues but it would still help throw out some ideas. :)

Also I highly doubt NRS would go through this route for the story mode as it is quite risky and involves tons and tons of work and a lot of stuff to be created exclusively for the story mode. But I am guessing majority of the fan base would appreciate it, since it would be different and fresh. Same for all the new characters who were introduced into the story. I just hope people don't request a near exact roster as MK9 for MK10 citing nostalgia and all that shenanigans. MK9 was a trip down the memory lane and now NRS should focus on moving forward. I would like certain iconic character who died to return too but at the same time would like new characters to dominate the story. Thats what I think. :)

I notticed some of you were talking about Drahmin and I had to put this in. Ed Boon said Charlmeoln and Drahmin would never be in another mk game, along with the mongolian guy.
They need not be playable in the game, they can however have appearances in the story mode and maybe be unplayable characters exclusively for the story mode. I see no reason in excluding them completely since they are still part of the MK universe and helps enrich the it. :)
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because every fighting game needs a punching bag ;) ammi right?

PS do you have anything else planned in the future
Lol yea , true dat :p

Also I had started a Mk 11 story which is a continuation of this story. Its only halfway finished though, I used a different style for presenting it by first etching out various characters and then move on into the crux of the story. I shall get back to it when I get time. Here is the link.

I had also been writing a series with MKDaz and Toxic called Fire and Ice based on Scorpion and Sub zero along with a few fan made characters between MK4 and MKDA timeline. This is my favorite work I written so far and I highly recommend it to MK enthusiasts and readers in general, especially towards the last few chapters when Toxic had joined it. This too isn't completed and I had too pull out from it for a while due to time constraints. However I am eager to get back to it when time is in my favour and work out this wonderful fanfic with MKDaz and Toxic. Here is the link. :)

Also I have been following your MK Vs SF story and liked it so far. However I have yet to read the latest update but ill get back to you with feedback. Keep up the awesome work. :top:
Not much :(, I have considered starting an adventure series on Shujinko, but its still only an idea now. I also thought of sequels to Mk 11 going upto MK 14, thats about it. I also thought my writing style was getting stale, part of the reason I took a break. Hopefully will be able to continue soon. :)
Lol yea , true dat :p

Also I had started a Mk 11 story which is a continuation of this story. Its only halfway finished though, I used a different style for presenting it by first etching out various characters and then move on into the crux of the story. I shall get back to it when I get time. Here is the link.

I had also been writing a series with MKDaz and Toxic called Fire and Ice based on Scorpion and Sub zero along with a few fan made characters between MK4 and MKDA timeline. This is my favorite work I written so far and I highly recommend it to MK enthusiasts and readers in general, especially towards the last few chapters when Toxic had joined it. This too isn't completed and I had too pull out from it for a while due to time constraints. However I am eager to get back to it when time is in my favour and work out this wonderful fanfic with MKDaz and Toxic. Here is the link. :)

Also I have been following your MK Vs SF story and liked it so far. However I have yet to read the latest update but ill get back to you with feedback. Keep up the awesome work. :top:

im actualy considering writing my own version of mk 10 but I only have a rough idea and im only half way through mk vs sf

but i do have two intriguing comedy stories planned
a parody of my current story and another one involving the entire fighting game universe