Time for another update! It's a shorter one but it's also the end of the chapter, so... yeah. Enjoy.
Chapter Two End:
* * *
Picking himself up off the floor, Ermac grimaced. The mental tug-of-war over Scorpions sword had taken a toll on him. His head was screaming, the torrent of pain reminding him of the dangers of over-exerting his powers. Still dazed, Ermac stumbled over to Scorpions limp form, trying to decide on exactly what to do with his now unconscious assailant.
He attacked me first, Ermac told himself.
That gives me plenty of reason to kill him. Killing one of his best warriors probably isn't the best way to gain the trust of Quan-Chi. Add to that my overused powers and killing him really doesn't seem like that good of an option. Reaching his decision, Ermac left Quan-Chi's servant where he had fallen, alive but unconscious, as he set off again for the gates of Nekros.
Another stab of pain, though weak and quick to pass, reminded him of the deadly atmosphere of the realm he now walked. His steady walk quickly turned into a run as he desperately tried to escape from the place sapping his life-force. Thankfully there were no more oni to impede his progress, a sure sign that the city was near. It was the only place the denizens of the Netherrealm dared not venture.
Just a little bit further, Ermac told himself as he ran forward.
I will not die here, he repeated to himself, despite the fact that he wasn't actually in any danger of dieing soon. It would actually take at least another hour before the life draining effects of the hellish realm really took hold, but that knowledge did little to soothe the mind when ones body could feel it's life being sucked out from within.
As he ran forwards, Ermac noticed a gradual change in his surroundings. They seemed like they had been worked more, less natural. Almost there, he told himself as he crossed a bridge that was definitely not a natural construction. Then, as if appearing out of nowhere, the city was there. Twisted spires impaled the air above them, their imposing figures leering down at the outsider, daring him to come closer. A massive gate, equally imposing with the many spikes jutting out of its stone walls, blocked the entrance to the city.
The flaming corpses impaled upon them are certainly a nice touch, Ermac thought to himself, both intimidated and disgusted by the horrifying display.
The bridge across was no less intimidating. Spanning over a wide river of lava, it was constructed of both stone and what looked to be... corpses? Sure enough there were even more bodies smashed between the rocks.
Do they build anything without dead bodies? Ermac asked himself, disturbed by the site in front of him.
Just ignore the 'decorations,' he told himself.
Get across the bridge, get through the city, find Quan-Chi, and mount a suicidal rescue mission. The faster you get all that done, the faster you can leave this place. Putting on a facade of confidence, though whether it was for himself or anyone watching him he wasn't quite sure, Ermac took his first steps across the demented construction before him.
Suddenly, Ermac stopped. He could here a low rumbling noise and it seemed to emanating from the bridge.
Last thing I need is for that hellish thing to drop me in a pit of fire, but how else can I get across? His headache had died out, but that didn't mean his powers would be safe to use yet.
If the bridge starts crumbling then I'll have them ready, but I don't know what I'm going to find in the city. Quan-Chi could very well challenge me to a duel. If that happens I need to be ready to fight. Ermac took one last look at the demonic platform beneath his feet and sighed. It was going to be a very long mission. A very long, dangerous, uncomfortable journey through what was quite literally hell.
But I was chosen, Ermac thought to himself with pride.
Chosen by the thunder god himself because I'm the only person who can pull this mission off. The gods are with me, earthrealm is behind me, and Jerrod is guiding me.
I will pull this off.
* * *
So that's the end of chapter two. It was pretty awesome right? If it was you should leave a comment tell me how much you like it and what you liked. If it wasn't then PLEASE take the time to tell me what I could do better. I know I'm not the best writer out there so I like to take every opportunity possible to get better.
Oh, and I've been posting this story on fanfiction.net as well. However, the copy that goes up there as been edited after hearing your guy's responses so it's of a slightly higher quality level then the one that gets posted here. I'd edit the one here but it's annoying as hell to format in italics and the like. For that reason I will leave you with the link to the more... complete version both here and in the main post.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
Link to fanfic.net version