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Yeah I'd rather NRS make a game for MK fans, not for SF fans.
I'm glad the meter grows if your opponent blocks your attack - prevents turtling that way.
This guy is a total douche. And this is coming from a Street Fighter veteran. I love MOST 2D fighters. Mortal Kombat was always just so cinematic and fun back in the day. I wasn't even concerned with the DEEP mechanics or lack thereof. It was just awesome. To me, Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS outshined Street Fighter in terms of story (I think it's brilliant) and presentation (can we say "flawless victory in this department for MK? Yes, we can.").
Street Fighter has evolved immensely and brilliantly, I might add into the deepest fighting game ever to exist but with MK's esquisite story and presentation all they really had to do was narrow the fighting engine gap so that MK was deeper than it ever has been before. And I must say, they have succeeded handsomely. Just from the demo, this is the BEST MORTAL KOMBAT I HAVE EVER PLAYED. The mechanics are fluid, the gameplay is solid, and the fighting engine is pretty darn deep and absolutely unique. And I love that.
This douchebag in this review sounds like some spoiled, petty brat whose mad the mechanics aren't EXACTLY like Street Fighter. He wreaks of weaboo cynicism and had MK had the exact same engine as Street Fighter he would have ROASTED NetherRealm for copying SSFIV's mechanics. THIS IS NOT STREET FIGHTER. Mortal Kombat has it's own BREED of awesomeness. And trust me, it is TOTAL AWESOMENESS.
With all the modes, the INCREDIBLE graphics and attention to detail with characters, and the robust fighting engine even as SSFIV fanatic (though I'm a fighting game fanatic FIRST), I must say, Mortal Kombat has a SERIOUS chance of dethroning SSFIV as the best fighting game ever made.
Yep, it's that freakin' good.
I NEVER said it was better than SFIV. Do you read?
I said it has a chance it could be. We haven't played the full game. It has a shot to dethroning SFIV because the game is freakin' awesome. I say that because it does. I even said SSFIV was the deepest fighting game ever made. And it is.
But MK doesn't have to be as DEEP as Street Fighter IV to be a better all around game. There's a difference.
All I have to say is lol. Seriously. lol.
But then again, the reviewer needs to understand that Street Fighter isn't the whole damn Fighting Genre, sure It's successful, but It wouldn't really be fresh if all 2D Fighters just decided to use a Street Fighter styled structure.
Yeah but Street Fighter was pretty much the spawn of fighting games so of course everyone is going to compare.
Based on the demo, there are a few things I didn't like about the game (I think I mentioned it in the demo thread). The fact that it is basically the same as MK vs DCU has me worried....I hated MK vs DCU.....and I got bored quite fast of the was a bit too slow for me, which is my biggest gripe....I like games with speed...BUT, it IS a demo so not all the perks were there so I wont go as far as saying I think this game will suck. Better judgment will be when I play the full game (plus, the demo didn't have Raiden, so that sucked!)
Nor did I say you said it was better...
But I have to agree this is sounding like it's going to be a more complete game in terms of content.
I got tired of the demo too. Even on expert it's just too easy to tear through it. Which is understandable considering it's only four matches. It would have been perfect if they had some limited online play.