Mortal Kombat 9 Demo Review - From a different point of view

This guy is a total douche. And this is coming from a Street Fighter veteran. I love MOST 2D fighters. Mortal Kombat was always just so cinematic and fun back in the day. I wasn't even concerned with the DEEP mechanics or lack thereof. It was just awesome. To me, Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS outshined Street Fighter in terms of story (I think it's brilliant) and presentation (can we say "flawless victory in this department for MK? Yes, we can.").

Street Fighter has evolved immensely and brilliantly, I might add into the deepest fighting game ever to exist but with MK's esquisite story and presentation all they really had to do was narrow the fighting engine gap so that MK was deeper than it ever has been before. And I must say, they have succeeded handsomely. Just from the demo, this is the BEST MORTAL KOMBAT I HAVE EVER PLAYED. The mechanics are fluid, the gameplay is solid, and the fighting engine is pretty darn deep and absolutely unique. And I love that.

This douchebag in this review sounds like some spoiled, petty brat whose mad the mechanics aren't EXACTLY like Street Fighter. He wreaks of weaboo cynicism and had MK had the exact same engine as Street Fighter he would have ROASTED NetherRealm for copying SSFIV's mechanics. THIS IS NOT STREET FIGHTER. Mortal Kombat has it's own BREED of awesomeness. And trust me, it is TOTAL AWESOMENESS.

With all the modes, the INCREDIBLE graphics and attention to detail with characters, and the robust fighting engine even as SSFIV fanatic (though I'm a fighting game fanatic FIRST), I must say, Mortal Kombat has a SERIOUS chance of dethroning SSFIV as the best fighting game ever made.

Yep, it's that freakin' good.
This guy is a total douche. And this is coming from a Street Fighter veteran. I love MOST 2D fighters. Mortal Kombat was always just so cinematic and fun back in the day. I wasn't even concerned with the DEEP mechanics or lack thereof. It was just awesome. To me, Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS outshined Street Fighter in terms of story (I think it's brilliant) and presentation (can we say "flawless victory in this department for MK? Yes, we can.").

Street Fighter has evolved immensely and brilliantly, I might add into the deepest fighting game ever to exist but with MK's esquisite story and presentation all they really had to do was narrow the fighting engine gap so that MK was deeper than it ever has been before. And I must say, they have succeeded handsomely. Just from the demo, this is the BEST MORTAL KOMBAT I HAVE EVER PLAYED. The mechanics are fluid, the gameplay is solid, and the fighting engine is pretty darn deep and absolutely unique. And I love that.

This douchebag in this review sounds like some spoiled, petty brat whose mad the mechanics aren't EXACTLY like Street Fighter. He wreaks of weaboo cynicism and had MK had the exact same engine as Street Fighter he would have ROASTED NetherRealm for copying SSFIV's mechanics. THIS IS NOT STREET FIGHTER. Mortal Kombat has it's own BREED of awesomeness. And trust me, it is TOTAL AWESOMENESS.

With all the modes, the INCREDIBLE graphics and attention to detail with characters, and the robust fighting engine even as SSFIV fanatic (though I'm a fighting game fanatic FIRST), I must say, Mortal Kombat has a SERIOUS chance of dethroning SSFIV as the best fighting game ever made.

Yep, it's that freakin' good.

I don't know if it will be better, but it seems already funnier that SSFIV in which Guile has the same moves from 20 years ago...
other than the 60 percent combos, that guys arguments were stupid and full of shit. He's just a stupid little **** whos full of himself. I just completely disregarded everything he said.
Sorry I had to just chime in on this thread when I saw how much backlash this guy was getting from some of the community here.

Let me preface this by saying I don't know who this guy is and I could care less about Street Fighter (gave it a rent) and am very pumped for MK.

Now people are jumping on him, perceiving him to be arrogant and talking down to MK players as a group. This is understandable, given some of his tactlessness, but I believe you are missing the gist of what he is trying to say.

At 2:00 he begins a disclaimer of sorts and basically says do not become upset about what I'm about to say. Unwisely, he uses the term "You Mortal Kombat fans". This is common way to get a group of people upset by separating yourself from said group (a white person referring to a minority group as "you people" is a classic example). This probably automatically raises your eyebrows and you have now become sensitive to the inevitable criticism your favorite game is about to receive (by an outsider no less). To further reinforce my point he is then quoted as saying "you're very sensitive about your series and you don't like some guy who's not a MK player coming in here and comparing it to SF". Judging some of the reactions on the comment section of youtube and this board he pretty much called it exactly like how it was going to happen and you played right into his stereotype. He even say's right after some SF talk "don't get too emotional".

Now at this point you're probably in hate mode because you perceive him as trashing your game and that he's about to talk crap about MK and its game play; nitpicking at every little thing.

This is not the case.

Throughout this entire video I did not hear him say one unjustifiably bad thing about the game play (he actually praised the art direction, presentation and said the game play is promising). He used terms such as interesting, peculiar, unique, and different. This is because he is putting what he is seeing in context relative to his previous experiences (in this case Street Fighter and Tekken) like all humans do when providing critical analysis on a subject. Every time a new movie comes out, it is compared to the previous standard. Every time a new scientific study or theory is presented, it is compared to the previous iteration. That is how things improve. It is called reference. He clearly states a good argument for why he is using his Street Fighter experience for reference at 2:14 in the video. If SF is known to have balanced game play in the tournament scene and MK aspires to reach this level of balance and competitiveness, it is only natural to compare the mechanics of the new MK with the proven mechanics of SF (he explains this at 10:52).

Really he explains the gist of what I'm trying to explain here with the quote at 11:10, "everyone needs to relax, I'm trying to be objective about game. If you wanna be emotional you can go **** yourself, Im trying to say I like Mortal Kombat and I'm trying to learn how the ****ing game works (he even asked if someone with an MK background could explain things to him at 5:50)."

I can list a couple instances of him praising the game and its potential.

2:28 - wants to be a fan

7:10-7:35 - expressing concerns with regards to 60% combos, but remains optimistic of its potential. Mentions QA testing and optimistic of balance because of quality "reputable" testers. Even says problems can be worked out (patches etc.). This indicates he is not bashing the game and not eager too. Even if he were to see a problem (60% combos) he has faith it will be fixed by NRS. I mean I cannot see how this discussion can not be any more praiseworthy or supportive with regards of this being a successful game (at least from a non-MK fan).

9:00 - "Reinventing 2d fighting system." This statement proves that he does not expect this to be a Street Fighter nor does he want it to be. He spells this out for us @ 10:23 saying " It's very unique and different and they're really trying to tell SF 'you know we have our own style, we're not gonna completely copy you'." He's comparing to SF but not wishing it was like SF. This nullifies the complaints that he is unfairly comparing to SF.

Then he goes on a rant here (10:35) that pretty much pissed everyone off but if you look at what hes saying he speaking the truth.

At 10:40 he says you (again he uses the alienating term of "you MK players") should "be in the business of persuading players like myself to liking the game." What is implied here is that MK should want the game to be liked by tournament level players. In other words balanced and competitive. He just says it in a 1st person way which some people took as arrogance.

Admittedly, he does come of as untactful at times but he is, from what I hear, an expert or world class player, talking to "regular MK fans" that are prone to being defensive about the game. This isn't a very well developed profession yet. There are no press agents or publicity people to stop people in the spotlight (professionals, critics) from saying rude or stupid stuff. In the gaming world this is kind of expected (I actually find it funny most times).

Again I don't know who this person is and I have no vested interested in him or his opinions. I just thought it would be interesting to break down what was actually said and implied that others may have missed.

Miscommunication and misunderstandings are the main reason for fights, wars etc. and its important for people listening to someone speak to really understand their motives and intentions even if they might come off as brash.

And to those saying you ignored everything he said, that is unfortunate because he got into some very interesting technical analysis that may provide valuable insight to us "normal" fans. Even if he hated the game (which I just went at lengths to explain this is not the case) the information and feedback is very insightful.
@MS3 Exactly my thoughts! Good post. We should learn to deal and learn from criticism. It can be a great way to get a different perspective on something that perhaps we would not have thought of.
The problem with criticism is that most people interpret it as a personal attack...
I have no problem with this guy offering criticism, but when he says stuff like, "Thankfully they are not completely retarded in that avenue of developing a fighting game," and, "You Mortal Kombat fans should be in the business of convincing me it's a good fighting game. So, you know, stop being a bunch of homos out there and start being productive," thats where I'm just like -_- smh.
If he is going to just insult NRS's intelligence and the whole MK community, he should also expect some sort of backlash from the fans. He is definitely full of himself and needs to learn respect.
Please...I'm calling this guy a douche because of 1) His condescending tone. "That's pretty cool, I GUESS" ... "What the **** am I supposed to do is this game? How am I suppose to play it? What's the point of this game?"'s a fighting game prick. What do you mean what's the point? Beat the other guy's ass. Sure, he'll counter that and go into I was meaning "strategy wise" but my next point to him would be: Well, you just said you were NEW to Mortal Kombat. You're not supposed to know the POINT yet. So why is your tone like, "I'm supposed to be able to pop this game in and jump right in if it's a deep fighter like Street Fighter". BULL-SHIT. It's an entirely different game. I LOVED that team at Netherrealm Studios has blended MK2 with TEKKEN (which is CLEARLY the biggest influence in terms of fighting mechanics), and what SFIV did in terms of going back to 2D and old school gameplay with a new gen twist. It's actually brilliant.

2) He said the game feels CLUNKY. That's absolute rubbish as well. Any fighting game you HAVENT played before should feel DIFFERENT (aka CLUNKY) because the mechanics and gamespeed should NOT feel like the fighting game you DO play. Because they are NOT the same. There should be differences, there should be a learning curve. There should be some getting used to. And this DOUCHEBAG knows this. He talks bad about the METER but ANY STREET FIGHTER PLAYER KNOWS (the Ultra meter in Street Fighter works EXACTLY the same as it does in MK). Capcom didn't add two separate meters for Ultras and Supers UNTIL Super Street Fighter IV (Vanilla had 1 and it worked almost identical to MK's which he calls stupid). The fact that they give you meter for the opponent blocking isn't because they wanna punish you for hitting and reward you for NOT hitting. It's to PENALIZE people for blocking too much....AKA TURTLING. You don't wanna be a turtler when you give your opponent full meter from blocking do you? Nooooo, so get your punk ass up and fight.

3) I frequent the boards ALOT so I KNOW the type of people this guy represent. Fighting game elitists that thinks EVERYTHING in a game should be curved to his/her liking. AND, if it's not made by Capcom, then it gets put through this biased ass grading scale where everything is compared to Street Fighter and touted as inferior. They are weaboo, Japanese fanatics who think only the Japanese can make a REAL fighting game. The fact that this is MORTAL KOMBAT (Street Fighter's BIGGEST 2D rival) and AMERICAN MADE frightens this crowd. Because everything they believe can be shattered if Mortal Kombat is better received than Capcom's latest two fighters (SFIV and MVC3). Btw, it has MVC3 in the bag. MK will be better than that. Hell, even this demo is better than MvC3.

I know exactly who this guy is. And he IS a douche. Sure he makes a couple valid points. But the vast majority of his 20 minute tirade was Weaboo Capcom junkie *****fest. This version of MK we're playing is a demo build that isn't tweeked in terms of combo damage. And his complaints about everyone's jump kicks comes from his MK ignorance. Cause he'd know that was put in the game PURPOSEFULLY to pay homage to the fans' favorite normal attack from the MK2 days.

But I digress.
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I agree this will probably be better than MVC3. But you are insane if you think gameplay wise this will be better than SFIV. I would love for this to be better but I just don't see it.
I NEVER said it was better than SFIV. Do you read?

I said it has a chance it could be. We haven't played the full game. It has a shot to dethroning SFIV because the game is freakin' awesome. I say that because it does. I even said SSFIV was the deepest fighting game ever made. And it is.

But MK doesn't have to be as DEEP as Street Fighter IV to be a better all around game. There's a difference.
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I NEVER said it was better than SFIV. Do you read?

I said it has a chance it could be. We haven't played the full game. It has a shot to dethroning SFIV because the game is freakin' awesome. I say that because it does. I even said SSFIV was the deepest fighting game ever made. And it is.
But MK doesn't have to be as DEEP as Street Fighter IV to be a better all around game. There's a difference.

Nor did I say you said it was better...

But I have to agree this is sounding like it's going to be a more complete game in terms of content.
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But then again, the reviewer needs to understand that Street Fighter isn't the whole damn Fighting Genre, sure It's successful, but It wouldn't really be fresh if all 2D Fighters just decided to use a Street Fighter styled structure.

Yeah but Street Fighter was pretty much the spawn of fighting games so of course everyone is going to compare.

Based on the demo, there are a few things I didn't like about the game (I think I mentioned it in the demo thread). The fact that it is basically the same as MK vs DCU has me worried....I hated MK vs DCU.....and I got bored quite fast of the was a bit too slow for me, which is my biggest gripe....I like games with speed...BUT, it IS a demo so not all the perks were there so I wont go as far as saying I think this game will suck. Better judgment will be when I play the full game (plus, the demo didn't have Raiden, so that sucked!)
Yeah but Street Fighter was pretty much the spawn of fighting games so of course everyone is going to compare.

Based on the demo, there are a few things I didn't like about the game (I think I mentioned it in the demo thread). The fact that it is basically the same as MK vs DCU has me worried....I hated MK vs DCU.....and I got bored quite fast of the was a bit too slow for me, which is my biggest gripe....I like games with speed...BUT, it IS a demo so not all the perks were there so I wont go as far as saying I think this game will suck. Better judgment will be when I play the full game (plus, the demo didn't have Raiden, so that sucked!)

I got tired of the demo too. Even on expert it's just too easy to tear through it. Which is understandable considering it's only four matches. It would have been perfect if they had some limited online play.
Nor did I say you said it was better...

But I have to agree this is sounding like it's going to be a more complete game in terms of content.

Then we agree completely then. Because MK's story mode is probably what I'm most hyped for. Like as equally hype for Story as I am kicking ass online. Now that's saying something.

I got tired of the demo too. Even on expert it's just too easy to tear through it. Which is understandable considering it's only four matches. It would have been perfect if they had some limited online play.

That was CLEARLY done on purpose. Expert being so easy. MK games are notoriously hard. They put no effort into the AI on this demo. Rest assured. You'll be pissed at how hard the game is on Expert in NO

They wanted everyone to see the trailer at the end. They wanted it to be easily beatable on every level so you can see the trailer at the end of the ladder.
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