Mortal Kombat 9 Demo Review - From a different point of view

this was basically the entire video
"woah, not like SF, thats kind of odd"
"woah, doesnt work the same as SF, thats kind of odd"
"woah, different from SF, thats kind of odd"

what a ****ing douche bag
He set the difficulty to "Beginner???"
LOL @ him giving a review based on "Beginner" settings.
Of course Johnny Cage isn't going to turn around as quickl,y when it's set to "Beginner."

I urge him to try to do some of those same combo moves on "Hard" or "Expert," when the opponent is moving around A LOT.
Different story.

I have been basing the character combo difficulties (or ease of use), based on "Expert" game settings.
I appreciate his views on the game, both negative and supportive. He is a fighting game "veteran", a highly competitive player who knows many of the ins and outs of fighting games etc. What works, what doesn't work. So his opinion is worth something. I may not care about the tournament competitive scene, but I can respect it, and understand the importance and influence it has on the success of the game.

With that said. I can't stand listening to these types of players. Being a highly competitive player who competes in these things, and basically studies every facet about fighting games etc., means you likely have an ego attached with it. I have yet to run into a highly competitive player, who doesn't have an ego that gets in his way. You can just tell from how he presents himself and the way he talks down to MK fans, that he feels he is superior and he isn't afraid of showing in. ****iness, arrogance, and being full of yourself, is almost part of the requirements to be that into the game's mechanics and whatnot. Not that it's the case for all competitive players, but I have yet to see one who isn't, and that's not just with fighting games, it also goes for FPS and MMOs etc.

That's my only problem here. As I said, he obviously knows more than I do about what makes the game balanced, and the types of things you need in a fighting game to make them tournament successful. That's the difference though, that a lot of competitive players don't seem to understand. They think tourneament success determines the game's success, which is not the case, at least when it comes to MK. This game will succeed regardless if it's successful at tournaments. That's pretty much guranteed by the success of previous games alone.

I will not disagree that the tournament scene can boosts the game's popularity and reputation, but the game's success and sales will not depend on it. That's what bugs me most about competitive players. With their egos the way they are, a lot of times with games, they treat their approval as much more important than anyone elses. We all know the casual player makes up the majority, so it shouldn't be perceived any different. The game needs to appeal to casuals just as much as the tournament scene if not more. If you can manage both, and do it effectively, then that's what leads to the best possible game. MK has that potential. It has it's gore factor, it's story, and it's basic attacks and button commands that cater to the casual players more than a game like Street Fighter. So if it can have a deep fighting engine, balanced game and whatnot to make it tournament "worthy", then all the better.

People shouldn't think torunament players will make or break the game though, because it just isn't true. That's where I can't stand it. This guy seems like another competitive player that feels as if his opinion is superior, and will determine whether or not the game deserves to be loved or hated. It's an atiitude like that, that makes me not care if he likes it or not. Come down to reality and treat me as an equal, and then we'll discuss and debate about the game and I will value your opinion.

Like I said though, he made good points, and I am not discounting what he had to say. He's right about 90% of it. So don't take the rest of what I said as if I am just discrediting what he pointed out.
LMAO...I think he had it on beginner for the review. Seeing how he was trying to show examples and record a review.
Yeah I know what you mean.
I'll give him that, as far as demonstration goes.

It's just that he was comparing things that are easy to do on that setting.

To get a "REAL" review on the AI and combos, though, I urge him to either set the difficulty to "Expert" or fight against someone who's awesome at the game.
Guarantee that his X-Ray meter will fill up quick, as he'd be getting a royal ass kicking.

Anyone can do a 7 or 8 hit combo with Scorpion on "Beginner."
It's like playing against a corpse.
Yeah I know what you mean.
I'll give him that, as far as demonstration goes.

It's just that he was comparing things that are easy to do on that setting.

To get a "REAL" review on the AI and combos, though, I urge him to either set the difficulty to "Expert" or fight against someone who's awesome at the game.
Guarantee that his X-Ray meter will fill up quick, as he'd be getting a royal ass kicking.

Anyone can do a 7 or 8 hit combo with Scorpion on "Beginner."
It's like playing against a corpse.

Right. I'm sure he had played it on expert before making the review. At least I'd hope so.
My friend is a HUGE SF fan and even won a gamestop SF4 tournament, and he LOVES mk9, probably because we played versus mode, and playing human intelligence vs human intelligence is just so much fun and i think this guy is a piece of shit for reviewing the game while facing the AI AND HAVING IT ON BEGINNER!!! Even SF players will love this game, this guy is just a douche
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What are you guys complaining about it was a very good in depth review, Im glad to hear a competitive SF player give his view on MK.
I personally like the meter and I don't think they should get ride of the first strike additional bar. I should make you want to land that first strike first and there Combo Breakers taking 2 Bars is just fine because that is how most people are going to be playing and winning, with combo's.
Boy, he hit the nail on the head when he said he knows a lot of MK-ers are emotional. Way to prove his point guys. LMAO. I think he did an excellent job of breaking the demo down and objectively questioning the developers choices with the fighting engine. One of the things I'm NOT digging is the volley ball jump punch launcher move. Seems pretty lame when you can just give characters a launcher move that won't look so weird. But hey, Scorpion's throw is about as weird a move as any so I guess it just comes with the territory. I still think the game will best all the previous ones and definitely leaves a taste of MKII nostalgia as promised IMO.
I think the high damage combos are great. That's why they put in combo breakers. So we can have awesome combos like UMK3 but it won't be completely one-sided. If you have some meter saved up you can break out.

BTW He didn't say anything was "bad", he just said things were "odd" or "different", and he was concerned about the high damage. Which is understandable considering he is an admitted MK Newbie. Some of you guys really need to take a chill pill.
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Chill guys! Aris is a serious fighting game fan. It is important that everybody can enjoy this game adn that it can be successfull. Aris is the American Soul Calibur 2 world champion and de plays Tekken competitively and won the Tekken launch tournament. So this guy knows his fighting games, but I understand those who say That MK9's success is not based on tournament players liking it, but casuals liking it. We all can agree the best would be that both world enjoyed it. That way MK can get it's cred back for being a serious fighter!

Here is the Answer I wrote to him on his site:

I know Ed Boon has confirmed that this demo is one of the very very first builds made and many many changes including inputs commands have been changed. Also how you gain and how much you gain the supermeter. So the gameplay is going to be different in the final version and that is a good thing! Because the supermeter is very hard to fill up. I think it is three ways of filling it up:
1. Having your normals blocked
2. Taking damage
3. Specials (Whiff, hit, or block)

To me MK9 is making more sense than any other fighting game!

Poeple complain that they don’t gain any combometer when they attack an opponent and he eats the hit. The combometer only builds if the opponent blocks the hit.

Of course it should be that way! If a player is dominating and is really good and he attacks and you get hit, and if he would gain combometer by it, you know you are ****ed! Then suddenly he is doing specials, x-rays and whatnot and you are dead.

I hate those games where you can’t even breathe and people that are good get rewarded for hitting. Matches would end quick and people are getting better and better in doing long combos.

The best deal is, like in MK9, that the person getting hit builds combo so he then can perform a combobreaker or come back in the match with a special or x-ray move. It is a clever way of balancing the field. One has a chance to survive and level the playing field a bit.

A player builds combometer when opponent blocks the hit. That’s brilliant way to avoid turtling! Then you can mix up with unblockables or special or whatever. So I’ll say it again, at least to me MK9 is making more sense than any other fighting game out there! And I can’t wait for the final build and when the game is out I’m gonna play the hell out of it!!

So Aris, what don’t you get about why the combometer is the way it is?? This way of builing combometer is the only one that actually makes sense in order to create a balanced fighter!!!
I say screw that whole vid and most making comments on it, they call us emotional yet they get all butthurt anytime someone tries to defend MK and why it works the way it does since they refuse to accept that its mechanics make sense to us.
So , a more educated look at the demo means ranting the game for not being an SF game . Thanx for being the least educated video on YT .
Well, regardless, someone's gonna have to convince me to take anything this guy says in, like he expects us to convince him to buy the game. :P

I'm glad the meter grows if your opponent blocks your attack - prevents turtling that way.
Why did he keep telling mk fans what we should want...I don't like that

Yeah , it is amazing how arrogant you can be. I am not saying that MK9 is perfect ( Though I have enjoyed the demo ) and I can't say that I am a high level player , but I seriously , don't care about them trying to bash every commuinity's game for not having the elements they love in their games. I don't care about MK following what is right in SF . What I care about is a glitches - free game . What i care about is a game that every MK fan has been wanting.

Oh and sorry , but I can't stand his " If you wanted this game to be known for years to come , you should convince me it is good " or his " MK fans , stop being homos and start being productive ". Does productivity mean bashing a game that isn't released for not having what you personally want ? Does it mean to insult an entire community ? Does it mean to act like a jerk or to look at the others like nothing ?

Sorry , I don't want to be productive and it is nice to see a mixed review of the game and yet it ain't that negative .