Webster Jan 26, 2012 dude that's the first mega-ran song i ever discovered, i love it. i bought an autographed copy of megaran 9.
dude that's the first mega-ran song i ever discovered, i love it. i bought an autographed copy of megaran 9.
Jade Jan 17, 2012 Sorry about having to close your thread, dude, people just can't seem to handle it :/
A A AlexDC22 Jan 17, 2012 hey scrub, thought id forget huh? wrong...here ya go scrub http://youtu.be/AUsIPEP225o thats what happens when you talk shit and cant back it up.
hey scrub, thought id forget huh? wrong...here ya go scrub http://youtu.be/AUsIPEP225o thats what happens when you talk shit and cant back it up.
AMES32 Dec 11, 2011 nigga lets party in dis ***** wooooooooooooooo toga Hahahaha... happy birthday bro.
Goddess Aug 28, 2011 well i was thinking of one where a flower grows on someone's head & they run around giving you a free hit! & good boss battles would be the troll, ceberus, spider, womping willow & maybe even Moaning Mertyl lol
well i was thinking of one where a flower grows on someone's head & they run around giving you a free hit! & good boss battles would be the troll, ceberus, spider, womping willow & maybe even Moaning Mertyl lol
Goddess Aug 28, 2011 well, i had some spell designs in my head & i figured i'd discuss them with you!
Goddess Aug 28, 2011 its alright, i know exactly how your feeling. i'm good, i just broke a nail so i'm in slight pain
Shirayuki Mizore Aug 20, 2011 Finally got the Pit Master achievement in MK9! Who did I get it with? Johnny Cage! Man I love using this guy! Thanks again for all the advice!
Finally got the Pit Master achievement in MK9! Who did I get it with? Johnny Cage! Man I love using this guy! Thanks again for all the advice!